China to Sell U.S. Assets
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
中方高級軍事人員已建議,他們的國家 ...可能出售一些美國債券以懲罰華盛頓,為她最新一輪向台灣出售武器。
美元計價的風險資產,包括資產支持的證券和企業,都不再為國家外匯管理局(SAFE)所要,也不為中國的大型商業銀行。中國政府已下令儲備經理, 去賣完它本身的較具風險證券,和只持有有隱含或明確政府擔保的財政部和美國機構的債。這已經已經通知美國證券經紀,根據有直接理解事件的市場參與者。
不清楚中國的動機是否簡單的轉移風險,覺察到在過去兩個星期,公司和抵押的價差急促擴大,抑或亦有一政治層面。預期美國聯儲局將在下個月終止它的特殊機制,購買抵押支持的證券,一些資產支持的價差已經被取消,和中資機構可能只是簞純地企圖擺脫一擴大。有一些猜測,中國的行動是與最近向台灣出售武器和其它問題,因而惡化的中美關係有關。這是一個不尋常中國會採取的行動 - 北京不會混淆投資和策略性政策 - 和將會在任何情況下很難證明。
然而中國仍然需要以美國的債務,去幫助抵銷其巨額外匯儲備 - 這它繼續建設。我們懷疑它尚未找到一個比美國市場更好的地方,去循環它的貨幣流程。直到有淨銷售國庫券的確鑿證據,威脅要出售美國債券,仍然在美國財政上是單單的耀武揚威。
但是它確切地說出中美關係的擴闊( 脆弱)。
美元計價的風險資產,包括資產支持的證券和企業,都不再為國家外匯管理局(SAFE)所要,也不為中國的大型商業銀行。中國政府已下令儲備經理, 去賣完它本身的較具風險證券,和只持有有隱含或明確政府擔保的財政部和美國機構的債。這已經已經通知美國證券經紀,根據有直接理解事件的市場參與者。與此同時,中國軍方已催促政府出售美國債券,為台灣的武器交易而擴大國防開支。因此,我們集中地觀察美國的價差,當經濟復甦仍處風險,價差擴大將不會對股市無畏向好。直到今年1月,它是美國流動資產餵養的金融市場,因此風險胃口的下降,提議遣返流程回至美元。
Something big is happening in China which could have a huge effect on the American economy.
On Tuesday, Reuters reported:
Senior Chinese military officers have proposed that their country ... possibly sell some U.S. bonds to punish Washington for its latest round of arms sales to Taiwan.
Now, Asia Times is reporting:
Dollar-denominated risk assets, including asset-backed securities and corporates, are no longer wanted at the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), nor at China’s large commercial banks. The Chinese government has ordered its reserve managers to divest itself of riskier securities and hold only Treasuries and US agency debt with an implicit or explicit government guarantee. This already has been communicated to American securities dealers, according to market participants with direct knowledge of the events.
It is not clear whether China’s motive is simple risk aversion in the wake of a sharp widening of corporate and mortgage spreads during the past two weeks, or whether there also is a political dimension. With the expected termination of the Federal Reserve’s special facility to purchase mortgage-backed securities next month, some asset-backed spreads already have blown out, and the Chinese institutions may simply be trying to get out of the way of a widening. There is some speculation that China’s action has to do with the recent deterioration of US-Chinese relations over arm sales to Taiwan and other issues. That would be an unusual action for the Chinese to take–Beijing does not mix investment and strategic policy–and would be hard to substantiate in any event.
As Alphaville's Tracy Alloway writes:
In terms of overall holdings of US securities, Standard Chartered estimates the country had about $1.44 trillion at the end of August ($34bn more than official data): Nevertheless, China still needs US debt to help offset its massive FX reserves — which it continues to build. We doubt it has yet found a better place than the US market to recycle its currency inflows. And until there’s concrete evidence of net-selling of Treasuries, threatening to sell US debt remains simple sabre-rattling over American finances.
It does, however, say something about the wider (delicate) Chinese-US relationship.
Update: The European FX analysts at BNP Paribas seem to have confirmed the SAFE report:
Dollar-denominated risk assets, including asset- backed securities and corporate, are no longer wanted at the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), nor at China’s large commercial banks. The Chinese government has ordered its reserve managers to divest themselves of riskier securities and hold only Treasuries and US agency debt with an implicit or explicit government guarantee. This already has been communicated to American securities dealers, according to market participants with direct knowledge of the events. Meanwhile, the Chinese military has urged the government to sell US bonds, boosting defence spending on Taiwan arms deal. Hence, we watch US spreads intensively. A widening of spreads would not bold well for share markets while putting economic recovery at risk. It was US liquidity feeding financial markets until January this year. Hence a decline of risk appetite suggests repatriation flows moving back into the USD.
更新時間 2010年 2月 9日, 格林尼治標準時間23:15
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