Hoeven Snow Formation #2 (December 22, 2009):


Photos taken the day after the 2nd formation appeared(Tues., Dec. 22nd) were all compromised by the fact that there was no sun.
Another pole shot taken Dec. 22nd, when the sky was totally overcast;temp. is now above freezing & snow is beginning to melt.
另一個在 12月22日的柱拍,當天色是完全多雲,溫度現在是高過冰点及雪開始融化。
As was the case with the first snow formation, Robbert again experienced the particular "angst" or "disquiet" he has come to recognize as a precursor to the appearance of a formation. Late on the night of Monday, December 21st, he again called his mother's friend Ellen Gomis, to ask her to drive him to the fields and, when they arrived, the new rings were clearly visible.
正如第一個雪地圈的個案,羅貝特已經認識到作為形成物出現時的先驅,他再次經歷了特別的“焦慮”或“不安”。 12月21日週一的深夜,他再探訪他母親的朋友海倫戈米,請她駕駛他往田去,當他們到達時,新的圈清晰可見。
This time the formation was in Robbert's "special" field (special because it is the place where he first saw light-balls revolving around the tree at the back of the field, and then experienced a new crop circle). There had been more snow on Sunday (which had partially covered the first formation in the adjacent field) and the temperature was now above freezing, in the 3-5 degrees C range. Both Ellen and Robbert could see that these new rings extended into the field directly toward this tree.
Experiencing a "very strong" energy as he stood on the dike, Robbert felt that this formation had appeared expressly for him -- that it was "intended" to help him further develop his abilities as a medium. Because Robbert is aware of the difficulty some people have in accepting the idea that the circles are not mechanically created he does not normally walk into new circles before his father, or Roy, have taken photographs...but in this case he felt impelled to walk slowly through the entire formation to further experience the energy that night -- which he then did.
Therefore, in this formation, all of the photos we have were taken after Robbert had walked through the rings...leaving his footprints throughout.因此在這形成物,我們拍的所有照片,是在羅貝特已行過哂的圈後 ...四圍留下他的腳印。
A pole-shot taken on the 23rd of formation #2 (the temperature is now above freezing & Robbert has walked through the rings).
Field in which Snow Formation #2 occurred had contained corn (maize) during the summer & cut stalks stick up through snow.
Close-up photos on Dec. 23rd show Robbert's footprints in the melting snow,where he had walked through the rings the night before.在12月23日特寫照片,顯示羅貝特在融雪中的腳印,之前一晚他曾行過那些圈 。
Roy's diagram of Snow Formation #2 in "special"field adjacent to location of earlier Snow Formation #1.
On the day after Christmas Roy Boschman returned to the fields and re-photographed the first snow formation. By this time several days of above-freezing temperatures had melted off most of the snow -- but interestingly the snow in the rings (where one might reasonably expect it to be melted away entirely if it had been mostly removed or compressed originally by a human creator) was largely intact.
在聖誕節後的第二天,羅伊Boschman回田和重拍第一個雪地圈。約這時因已數天在高過結冰温度,融化了大部分的雪 - 但有趣的是圈內的雪(如果主要是由人移除或壓縮,你可以合理地預期它是完全地溶掉)是大部分完好無損。The formation had, by the 26th, been visited by a number of people and some of the rings had now been walked through, so no solid assessment can be made regarding footprints.

Photos of Snow Formation #1 taken on Dec. 26th, after several days of above-freezing temperatures have melted off most of the snow.
12月26日拍的雪地圈#1照片 ,經過幾天的高過結冰的溫度,已融化了大部分的雪。
Snow Formation #1 on Dec. 26th (foreground); Snow Formation #2can barely be made out in adjacent brown field.
雪地圈#1 在12月26日(前景);雪地圈#2在相鄰褐色田冇乜見到。
By December 28th, 9 days after the first snow formation appeared, warmer temperatures had melted most of the snow on all of the fields. The photos taken on the 28th reveal that the rings were not present only in the snow, they are also swirled into the grass underneath.
約在12月28日,第一個雪地圈出現後9天,較暖温度已經融化了的田上的大部分積雪,28日拍的照片顯示,圈並不只存在雪地裡,而它們亦捲曲旋轉至下層的草。Since the early photos show that the snow in the rings was not removed or compacted all the way to the ground the discovery that the rings are also clearly visible in the grass is remarkable. Whatever caused the snow rings also swirled the grass beneath the snow so that the formations now look very much like typical crop circles.
由於早期的照片顯示,圈內的雪並味除去或全程壓縮到地面,發現在草地的圈亦是顯而易見的。無論甚麼造成那些雪環圈及旋轉在積雪下的草, 構成物現在看起來非常像典型的麥田圈。

Snow is almost entirely melted by Dec. 28th (9 days after formation occurred).
No flattened centers were visible in any of the rings.
Close-ups on Dec. 28th show rings are wider than a human foot & grass
beneath the snow-rings is swirled in typical crop circle fashion.
In these Dec. 28th close-up photos of the first formation it is clear that the width of the rings is much greater than that of a human foot. When you consider the very large overall size of this formation (60m x 52m), the fact that it occurred in -10 degrees C weather, and the number and varying diameters of the rings as well as their mostly circular nature -- in which we still see no flattened centers -- the "pranks with planks" theory seems an inadequate explanation to me.在這些 12月28日拍攝的第一次形成的特寫照片,明顯圈的寬度遠遠大過一隻人腳。當你考慮到那非常大的整體形成(60米x 52米),事實是它發生在攝氏10度的天氣,圈的數目和變化的直徑,以及它們大多是圓的性質 -- 在其中我們仍看不到夷為平地的中心 - “板中板”理論對我似乎不足以解釋一切。

另一個在 12月22日的柱拍,當天色是完全多雲,溫度現在是高過冰点及雪開始融化。
As was the case with the first snow formation, Robbert again experienced the particular "angst" or "disquiet" he has come to recognize as a precursor to the appearance of a formation. Late on the night of Monday, December 21st, he again called his mother's friend Ellen Gomis, to ask her to drive him to the fields and, when they arrived, the new rings were clearly visible.
正如第一個雪地圈的個案,羅貝特已經認識到作為形成物出現時的先驅,他再次經歷了特別的“焦慮”或“不安”。 12月21日週一的深夜,他再探訪他母親的朋友海倫戈米,請她駕駛他往田去,當他們到達時,新的圈清晰可見。
This time the formation was in Robbert's "special" field (special because it is the place where he first saw light-balls revolving around the tree at the back of the field, and then experienced a new crop circle). There had been more snow on Sunday (which had partially covered the first formation in the adjacent field) and the temperature was now above freezing, in the 3-5 degrees C range. Both Ellen and Robbert could see that these new rings extended into the field directly toward this tree.
Experiencing a "very strong" energy as he stood on the dike, Robbert felt that this formation had appeared expressly for him -- that it was "intended" to help him further develop his abilities as a medium. Because Robbert is aware of the difficulty some people have in accepting the idea that the circles are not mechanically created he does not normally walk into new circles before his father, or Roy, have taken photographs...but in this case he felt impelled to walk slowly through the entire formation to further experience the energy that night -- which he then did.
Therefore, in this formation, all of the photos we have were taken after Robbert had walked through the rings...leaving his footprints throughout.因此在這形成物,我們拍的所有照片,是在羅貝特已行過哂的圈後 ...四圍留下他的腳印。

On the day after Christmas Roy Boschman returned to the fields and re-photographed the first snow formation. By this time several days of above-freezing temperatures had melted off most of the snow -- but interestingly the snow in the rings (where one might reasonably expect it to be melted away entirely if it had been mostly removed or compressed originally by a human creator) was largely intact.
在聖誕節後的第二天,羅伊Boschman回田和重拍第一個雪地圈。約這時因已數天在高過結冰温度,融化了大部分的雪 - 但有趣的是圈內的雪(如果主要是由人移除或壓縮,你可以合理地預期它是完全地溶掉)是大部分完好無損。The formation had, by the 26th, been visited by a number of people and some of the rings had now been walked through, so no solid assessment can be made regarding footprints.

12月26日拍的雪地圈#1照片 ,經過幾天的高過結冰的溫度,已融化了大部分的雪。

雪地圈#1 在12月26日(前景);雪地圈#2在相鄰褐色田冇乜見到。
By December 28th, 9 days after the first snow formation appeared, warmer temperatures had melted most of the snow on all of the fields. The photos taken on the 28th reveal that the rings were not present only in the snow, they are also swirled into the grass underneath.
約在12月28日,第一個雪地圈出現後9天,較暖温度已經融化了的田上的大部分積雪,28日拍的照片顯示,圈並不只存在雪地裡,而它們亦捲曲旋轉至下層的草。Since the early photos show that the snow in the rings was not removed or compacted all the way to the ground the discovery that the rings are also clearly visible in the grass is remarkable. Whatever caused the snow rings also swirled the grass beneath the snow so that the formations now look very much like typical crop circles.
由於早期的照片顯示,圈內的雪並味除去或全程壓縮到地面,發現在草地的圈亦是顯而易見的。無論甚麼造成那些雪環圈及旋轉在積雪下的草, 構成物現在看起來非常像典型的麥田圈。

No flattened centers were visible in any of the rings.

beneath the snow-rings is swirled in typical crop circle fashion.
In these Dec. 28th close-up photos of the first formation it is clear that the width of the rings is much greater than that of a human foot. When you consider the very large overall size of this formation (60m x 52m), the fact that it occurred in -10 degrees C weather, and the number and varying diameters of the rings as well as their mostly circular nature -- in which we still see no flattened centers -- the "pranks with planks" theory seems an inadequate explanation to me.在這些 12月28日拍攝的第一次形成的特寫照片,明顯圈的寬度遠遠大過一隻人腳。當你考慮到那非常大的整體形成(60米x 52米),事實是它發生在攝氏10度的天氣,圈的數目和變化的直徑,以及它們大多是圓的性質 -- 在其中我們仍看不到夷為平地的中心 - “板中板”理論對我似乎不足以解釋一切。