

必讀:手機導致腦癌 420%風險

手機導致腦癌 科學家警告
Cell Phones Cause Brain Cancer, Scientists Warn
Wednesday, February 03, 2010 by: David Gutierrez, staff writer

NaturalNews) A report issued by the International Electromagnetic Field Collaborative and endorsed by 43 scientists from 13 countries has reviewed the evidence linking cell phone use to brain tumors, and refuting the methodology of a forthcoming industry-funded study expected to give the phones a clean bill of health.
NaturalNews)國際電磁場合作發表的一份報告,由來自 13個國家的43個科學家簽署, 已審查手機用途和腦腫瘤有關的證據,並駁斥了一份前來中的行業資助研究的方法,預期給予手機一條健康的清楚法案。
"I fear we will see a tsunami of brain tumors, although it is too early to see that now since the tumors have a 30-year latency," study author Lloyd Morgan said. "I pray I'm wrong, but brace yourself."
“我恐怕我們將會看到一波腦腫瘤的海嘯,雖然目前是太早去看,因為腫瘤有30年的潛伏期,”研究的作者勞埃德摩根說。 “我祈禱我是錯的,但為你自己做好準備。”
Among the research cited in the study was a recent study by a Swedish team of scientists that found a 420 percent higher risk of brain cancer among people who had started using cellular or cordless phones as teenagers. Older analog phones, which are now mostly off the market, had been found to increase cancer risk by 700 percent.
在研究中提及的研習,是一項最近由一組瑞典科學家做的研究,發現人如在十多歲時開始使用手機或無線電話,患腦癌的風險更高至420%;而現在大部分都已離開市場的老式模擬手機,被發現癌症(一般)的風險增加了7倍(註:現在患癌的成年人以前喜歡煲電話粥?!)。Because children are especially vulnerable to radiation, the report recommends that parents not allow their children under the age of 18 to use mobile phones except in emergencies, or to sleep with cellular phones under their pillows. It recommends using corded land lines whenever possible, and using cellular phones mostly as answering machines, turning them on only to check messages and return calls. Use of cell phones inside buildings or in cars increases cancer risk, as it increases the radiation a phone must emit to function. Use of text messages and non-wireless headsets can reduce cancer risk. The report also advises against carrying cell phones against the body, even in pockets.
由於兒童對輻射特別不設防,報告建議家長不要讓他們的子女,除非在緊急情況下,在18歲前使用流動電話,或在睡眠時擺手機在枕頭下它建議盡可能使用有線地線,並大多數用手機時以答話機方式,只在檢查郵件和回電話時開着它們在建築物或汽車內使用手機會增加癌症的風險,因為它增加了手機在發揮功能時必須排放的輻射。使用短信和非無線耳機可以降低癌症的風險,該報告還建議不要隨身攜帶手機,即使放在口袋裡"Some countries are already banning cell phones over health concerns, with France saying children in elementary schools can only use them for texting," Morgan said.

The report also sets out 11 flaws in the forthcoming Interphone study, a study on cell phones and health being prepared by the wireless industry in 13 different countries. These flaws include the exclusion of non-cellular cordless phones (which also emit radiation), children and young adults (the most vulnerable demographics) from the study, the exclusion of certain types of tumors, and the exclusion of participants who died or were too sick to answer questions.

Sources for this story include: http://www.pcworld.com/.


手機是危險,但這可能更差得遠 ...

