Iran: US military buildup aimed to cause panic
Tue, 02 Feb 2010 19:06:41 GMT

As the US moves to strengthen its military foothold in the Persian Gulf, an Iranian lawmaker says Washington is using the 'fear factor' to turn regional countries against Iran.
In an exclusive interview with Press TV on Tuesday, the Rapporteur of the Parliament (Majlis) Committee of National Security and Foreign Policy Kazem Jalali said the US military buildup in the Persian Gulf is a far cry from the 'change' once promised by Barack Obama.
在週二與Press TV的獨家專訪中,議會(Majlis)國家安全委員會報告員和外交政策卡齊賈拉利說,美國在波斯灣的軍事集結,是和奧巴馬的曾經承諾有一大距離的'變化'。
“When US President Obama vowed to bring change to Washington, we took his word for it and supported his cause as long as the so-called changes were in practice, not rhetorical,” said Jalali.
“But now that a year has passed from his inauguration, we have yet to see any significant changes in US policies,” noted the Iranian lawmaker. “The deployment of US warships and anti-missile systems does not chime with the oft-stated pledges of change.”
Jalali said this is either because Obama failed to bring the desired changes, or that the US power structure does not allow the president to make far-reaching political reforms.
“Either way, we believe that the US is trying to create a sense of regional fear and terror against Iran,” said the Iranian parliamentarian.
“They seek to demonize our scientific achievements, particularly those in nuclear technology and missile development, and represent our intentions as a threat to the regional stability,” he added.
The New York Times reported Saturday that Washington will further increase its military presence off the Iranian coast in the Persian Gulf -- allegedly to soup up its defense against possible Iranian missile attacks.
Also, US military officials told AP on condition of anonymity that Washington has taken silent steps to increase the capability of land-based Patriot missiles on the territory of some of its Arab allies in the Persian Gulf region.
Patriot missile systems were originally deployed to the Persian Gulf region to target aircrafts and shoot down missiles before they reach their targets.
In an exclusive interview with Press TV on Tuesday, the Rapporteur of the Parliament (Majlis) Committee of National Security and Foreign Policy Kazem Jalali said the US military buildup in the Persian Gulf is a far cry from the 'change' once promised by Barack Obama.
在週二與Press TV的獨家專訪中,議會(Majlis)國家安全委員會報告員和外交政策卡齊賈拉利說,美國在波斯灣的軍事集結,是和奧巴馬的曾經承諾有一大距離的'變化'。
“When US President Obama vowed to bring change to Washington, we took his word for it and supported his cause as long as the so-called changes were in practice, not rhetorical,” said Jalali.
“But now that a year has passed from his inauguration, we have yet to see any significant changes in US policies,” noted the Iranian lawmaker. “The deployment of US warships and anti-missile systems does not chime with the oft-stated pledges of change.”
Jalali said this is either because Obama failed to bring the desired changes, or that the US power structure does not allow the president to make far-reaching political reforms.
“Either way, we believe that the US is trying to create a sense of regional fear and terror against Iran,” said the Iranian parliamentarian.
“They seek to demonize our scientific achievements, particularly those in nuclear technology and missile development, and represent our intentions as a threat to the regional stability,” he added.
The New York Times reported Saturday that Washington will further increase its military presence off the Iranian coast in the Persian Gulf -- allegedly to soup up its defense against possible Iranian missile attacks.
Also, US military officials told AP on condition of anonymity that Washington has taken silent steps to increase the capability of land-based Patriot missiles on the territory of some of its Arab allies in the Persian Gulf region.
Patriot missile systems were originally deployed to the Persian Gulf region to target aircrafts and shoot down missiles before they reach their targets.
Iran left with no choice but master nuclear technology
Tue, 02 Feb 2010 16:07:42 GMT
As thousands of Iranian cancer patients suffer, Iran's deputy chief nuclear negotiator says that upgrading the country's nuclear capability is not only the country's right but also an absolute necessity.
Ali Baqeri, who is also a member of the Supreme National Security Council, told reporters Monday that the "uncivilized" behavior of some western countries has left around 850 thousand Iranian cancer patients without required medicines.
阿里巴蓋裡亦是最高國家安全委員會成員,星期一對記者說,西方國家的一些“不文明”行為,遺下了大約 八十五萬伊朗癌症患者而沒有所需藥品。
Their approach, he continued, has left Iran with no choice than to expand its domestic nuclear expertise to accommodate our patient's desperate need for vital medicines.
Thousands of Iranian patients, in need of post-surgery drug treatment with nuclear medicine, will suffer if domestic production dries up when a research reactor in Tehran runs out of fuel.
The Tehran research reactor, which produces 20 different kinds of radio-medicine for cancer patients, runs on uranium that is some 20 percent U-235 - an enrichment level higher than what is currently produced at Iran's Natanz enrichment facility.
Iran has requested the International Atomic Energy Agency to arrange for supplying of the fuel to the country. The West has been pressuring Iran to accept a UN-backed draft deal which requires Iran to send most of its domestically-produced low enriched uranium (LEU) abroad for conversion into the more refined fuel that the Tehran reactor requires to produce medical isotopes.
However, Iran has called for "concrete guarantees" on the timely delivery of the refined fuel, as some Western countries, namely France and Germany, have previously failed to adhere to their nuclear commitments to Tehran.
Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki on Saturday declared that Tehran has discussed the issue with French and Brazilian officials at the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting in Davos.
"Following discussions with French and Brazilian officials, new ideas with regard to supplying fuel for the Tehran (research) reactor have been raised," Mottaki said.
"We hope that the other side (the Western powers) will be realistic, so that a clear outcome can be achieved," he added.
The head of the UN nuclear watchdog, Yukio Amano, who was also present in Davos, indicted that the talks were part of the ongoing discussions on the issue.
"Dialogue is continuing," Amano told reporters on Friday.
Iran's nuclear program was launched in the 1950s with the help of the United States as part of the Atoms for Peace program.
By the mid-70s Washington had persuaded Tehran that the country would benefit from a non-oil energy base by the year 1990 as it would require an electrical capacity of about 20,000-megawatts.
Iran then awarded a contract to Kraftwerk Union (a subsidiary of Siemens) of the then West Germany to construct two Siemens 1,200-megawatt nuclear reactors at Bushehr.
The Nuclear Technology Center at Iran's central city of Isfahan was founded in the mid-1970s with the French assistance in order to provide training for the personnel that would be working at the Bushehr reactors.
After the 1979 revolution in Iran, Western companies working on Iran's nuclear program refused to fulfill their obligations, even though they had been paid in full for the amount of their contracts.
A deal with France to provide Iran with 50 tons of uranium hexafluoride (UF6) was never fulfilled, despite Iran's 10-percent share in France's Eurodif output.
In January 1978, Germany's Kraftwerk Union stopped working at the nuclear project while one reactor was 50% complete, and the other was about 85% complete, despite receiving billions of dollars for the project.