Tunnels on Moon can habitate humans
Posted by gp
at Thursday, April 08, 2010

India's Chandrayaan-1 mission has identified tunnels below the surface of the Moon, a top space scientist said on Wednesday and maintained that human habitation could be possible in those "tubes" in the future.
印度的月球- 1的任務已確定月亮表面之下的隧道,一個頂級的太空科學家週三表示,和維持人類居住在那些“管”將來是有可能的。
Director of Indian Space Research Organisation's Space Applications Centre based in Ahmedabad, Dr Ranganath R Navalgund said the terrain mapping camera, an Indian instrument on the lunar mission, has found "new types of rocks" and hollow tunnels.
These tubes were formed after the flow of lava from volcanoes, he contended.
"Tubes which are hollow have been found below the surface of the Moon. Such things have also been identified from the Chandrayaan mission ... from terrain mapping camera ... which was our own instrument".
“空心的管已被發現在月亮表面之下,這些東西亦已經被月球任務確定 ...從地形測繪相機 ...這是我們自己的工具”。
"Now those tunnels which have not collapsed ... which are below the surface of the Moon and which have been identified ... are somewhat interesting features," Navalgund told reporters here.
“現在,那些未倒塌的隧道...是在月球地面以下和已被確定 ...有點有趣的特徵,”Navalgund在這裡告訴記者。
"Not today, not tomorrow but in years to come, they (those tunnels) could be possible areas where one could have certain habitation....", he said, adding that scientists were currently investigating this finding.