


birds fish dead in Arkansas ARGENTINA Louisiana and Kentucky - January 2-4, 2011
鳥、魚死在阿肯色州、阿根廷、路易斯安那州和肯塔基州- 2011年1月2-4日


THOUSANDS OF BIRDS FALL DEAD ( SOUTH AMERICA ) - Could it be related to 7.0 in Argentina?
數千鳥類斃命(南美洲) - 難道與阿根廷的7.0地震相關?

Mysterious killing of fish in coastal
Leonardo Coleto
Updated on 03/01/2011 at 22:02:54
Translation by Autumnson Blog

Fishermen have found at least 100 tonnes, mainly sardines.

A survey conducted by the Federation of Fishermen's Colony of Paraná, Paranaguá on the coast of the state, indicates that at least 100 tons of fish (sardine, croaker and catfish) have turned up dead since last Thursday off the coast of Parana.
On Sunday, representatives from the Environmental Institute of Paraná (IAP), the Secretary of State for the Environment and Water Resources (SEMA), took samples to verify the reason for the deaths. O relatório será divulgado hoje. The report will be released today.
The president of the Federation of Fishermen's Colony of Parana, Edmir Manoel Ferreira, reports that between Paranaguá and Guaraqueçaba at least 2,800 fishermen depend on the daily seafood.

"On Thursday we began to realize very dead fish. Só uma comunidade chegou a enterrar 15 toneladas. Only one community came to bury 15 tons. Estamos vivenciando uma situação muito triste no litoral”, relata. We are experiencing a very sad situation on the coast, "reports.

Apart from Paranagua, Ferreira said the dead fish are starting to appear in other coastal towns. “O peixe morto está indo para Antonina, Guaraqueçaba e Pontal do Paraná. "The dead fish are going to Antonina, and Guaraqueçaba Pontal do Paraná. Precisamos de uma solução urgente para isso”, alerta. We need an urgent solution to this, "he warns.

Captain Edson Oliveira Avila, regional coordinator of Civil Defense in the Paraná region, believes there are three hypotheses for the death of fish. “Vamos aguardar para saber o que aconteceu, mas as especulações apontam que os peixes podem ter morrido devido um desequilíbrio ambiental, descarte de um barco de pesca ou vazamento de produtos químicos”, diz. "We will wait to see what happened, but speculations suggest that fish may have died due to an environmental imbalance, dropping a fishing boat or leakage of chemicals," he says.

Through his press office, the city of Paranagua said the sale of seafood is a precaution, temporarily suspended in the region.

"It is not forbidden, but we have oriented people do not purchase or consume these products to avoid any problems. Não existe nenhum indício de que alguém tenha passado mal”, disse Ávila. There is no indication that someone has gone bad, "said Avila.

The issue was discussed yesterday in a meeting involving the city of Paranaguá, IAP, Brazilian Institute of Environment and Natural Resources (IBAMA) and the Civil Defense of Parana.

Reportedly, the IAP said it will only give a ruling today, after the result of the award. As amostras foram encaminhadas para o Centro de Estudos do Mar (CEM), da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR). The samples were sent to the Centre for Marine Studies (CEM), Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR).

05.01.2011 21:41
繼美國之後,瑞典亦有雀鳥離奇集體死亡,在西部城市法爾雪平,有五十隻寒鴉倒斃在街上,獸醫指,這批雀鳥死亡的原因未明,但當地在星期二晚曾燃放煙花,可能令到雀鳥驚恐,加上寒冷天氣,難以覓食,在緊張下以致暴斃,當局檢走部份雀屍檢驗。 美國阿肯色州一個小鎮日前有三千多隻雀鳥離奇死亡後,路易斯安那州的一條公路,亦發現大約五百隻同類雀鳥,墮地死亡,專家估計,在阿肯色州死亡的雀鳥,是被除夕煙花的爆炸聲及強光嚇倒,以致失去方向感,亂飛亂撞致死。








義大利下「死斑鳩雨」 鳥喙上有神秘藍斑



