Gerald Celente: What's in store for 2011
Gerald Celente:2011年士多有什麼
Translation by Autumnson Blog
What's in store for the world in 2011? Trends forecaster Gerald Celente of the Trends Research Institute provided his insights on the year ahead. Will the people of the world wake up to a dire economic reality? Will the US dollar or the value of gold prevail? Will hardship-driven crimes be committed across the socioeconomic spectrum by legions of the on-the-edge desperate? Will the "War on Terror" morph into the "War on Crime," where all Americans are suspects until proven innocent? Will governments try to eliminate free access to the web and literally shut down computers and websites they consider a threat to national security? Will the seeds of revolution be sown? Celente argued that all of the above will take place in some shape or form.
2011年士多有什麼給世界?趨勢研究院的趨勢預報員Gerald Celente為未來一年提供他的獨到見解。對嚴峻的經濟現實世界人民將會否醒來?美元或黃金的價值將會否盛行?困難驅使的罪案將會否在整個社會經濟層面由邊緣絕望的軍團作出?“反恐戰爭“將會否演變成“戰爭犯罪“,其中所有美國人都是疑犯直到證明無辜?政府將會否試圖消除自由訪問 網站和實質地關閉它們認為會威脅國家安全的電腦和網站?革命的種子將會否被播下? Celente認為所有上述的事件都將會發生,以某種形狀或形式。
Gerald Celente:美國雙底蕭條將引導我們進入戰爭
Gerald Celente: 拋售美國
Gerald Celente:我們生活在借回來的時間
Rense和 Celente為最壞作打算
Gerald Celente:互聯網核彈等待起動
Celente - 官方失業率是一'官式的'謊話
Gerald Celente - 與 Max Kaiser 在邊緣上 - 全球起義
Gerald Celente 輸了 - 當此人的行為像這樣;它意即 - 醒來吧!!!!
Celente:金本位也救不了美國; 羅恩保羅可贏2012年大選