

Gerald Celente 輸了 - 當此人的行為像這樣;它意即 - 醒來吧!!!!

Gerald Celente Loses It - When This Man Acts Like This It Means - WAKE UP!!!!
Gerald Celente 輸了 - 當此人的行為像這樣;它意即 - 醒來吧!!!!
2011-04- 6
Translation by Autumnson Blog

Gerald Celente has not been wrong in just about every prediction and assessment I have witnessed. I have never seen him blow off the handle like this. This is dire warning for sure that if the American Sheep do not wake up and stand up for themselves we are going to be in trouble.
Gerald Celente在幾乎他每一次的預測,和我親眼目擊的評估中從沒有錯過,我從來沒有見過他這麼憤怒。這肯定是可怕的警告,即如果美國羊還不醒來和為自己站起來,我們將有麻煩。

Gerald Celente_ 小丑經營華盛頓

Gerald Celente:美國雙底蕭條將引導我們進入戰爭


Gerald Celente: 拋售美國

Gerald Celente:我們生活在借回來的時間

Gerald Celente:2011年士多有什麼

Rense和 Celente為最壞作打算

Celente:金本位也救不了美國; 羅恩保羅可贏2012年大選
