'Don't come looking for me if things go wrong': Snake Hunter, 22, vanishes into Australian outback on wildlife campaignBy Richard Shears
Last updated at 4:11 PM on 12th April 2010
Translation by Autumnson Blog
A young environmental activist has disappeared into the Australian outback for three months without food or spare clothing, and has warned authorities 'not to come looking for him if things go wrong.'
一位年輕的環保活躍份子已消失入澳洲內陸 3個月,沒有食物或備用衣服,並警告當局如果事情出錯,不要來找他。
Andrew Ucles, 22 - a fan of the late adventurer Steve Irwin and who calls himself the 'Snake Hunter' - has embarked on the risky journey to raise awareness about wildlife conservation.
安德魯烏克萊斯,22歲 - 一位已故冒險家史蒂夫歐文的粉絲,和他自稱為'蛇獵人 - 已展開冒險之旅去提高對野生動物的保護意識。
In a farewell message he admitted: 'There is a great chance that I may not return, but I feel as though the message that needs to be conveyed is greater.'

探險:安德魯烏克萊斯已展開為期 3個月的艱苦跋涉穿過澳洲內陸
Mr Ucles is armed with just a tent, a kayak, a hunting knife and an emergency beacon as he treks through the Queensland bushland - which is home to many deadly snakes.
烏克萊斯先生的武裝只是一個帳篷、一艘皮艇、一把獵刀和一盞緊急信號燈,當他跋涉穿過昆士蘭叢林 - 那是許多致命毒蛇的家。
He said he was confident he would avoid getting bitten by the deadly reptiles but said he did not want to be helped if he got into trouble.
'Don't come looking for me if things go wrong,' he urged authorities before taking off.
'I know what I'm doing. I know the risks. It's entirely down to me what happens out there.'
The snakes he is most likely to encounter include the deadly Taipans and Eastern Browns. A bite from either could cause death within an hour.
Although Mr Ucles has an emergency beacon with him, if he is bitten he would have little hope of being rescued in time to be taken to hospital and given an antidote.
His life will also be at risk when crossing rivers in his tiny kayak and clambering across treacherous terrain.


Mr Ucles, from Wollongong, south of Sydney, ignored warnings from friends and family not to take on the adventure alone, but said he was capable of living off the land.
His mother, Helen, admitted she was 'extremely concerned' but added:
'It's something he's planned, it's something he feels very passionate
'He told me before he set off two weeks ago that he was taking no food or spare clothing with him and would survive on what he finds in the bush,' said a close friend, Mr Alee Hadaya.
'His greatest fear, he told me, was humans who would try to stop him because it was such a risky mission.'
Before setting off into the outback, Mr Ucles posted a message on YouTube urging authorities not to come looking for him.
'This is a personal choice of his,' Mr Hadaya told Australia's Illawarra Mercury newspaper.
'He'd prefer any money spent on rescuing him, even if word got out somehow that he was in trouble, to go to Australian wildlife conservation.'
A wildlife activist since his early teens, Mr Ucles recently completed a science degree through the University of Western Sydney and, according to Mr Hadaya, has carried out some practice missions in the outback, catching rabbits and fish.
His family said they were concerned that they would have to wait 100 days - the time he has allotted for his adventure - before they would know if he had survived.
In a Facebook note last month, he wrote: 'One decision can bring change, one step can start a journey, one person can make an impact.
This is the snake hunter signing off.'
The adventurer has taken a video camera with him and plans to piece together a documentary detailing his adventures upon his return.
Andrew Ucles The Snake Hunter
安德魯烏克萊斯 蛇獵人
The snake hunter - Andrew Ucles
蛇獵人 - 安德魯烏克萊斯
Firstly I would like to make it clear
that the decision I have made is not spontaneous and that I am responsible for
my own actions.
Simply, I do not want to be located by authorities or
residents as this would be a waste of resources and time.
My name is Andrew
Ucles and I'm about to go out into the Australian outback and survive out there
for a total of 100 days, solely living off the land.
There is a great chance
that I may not return but I feel as though the message that needs to be conveyed
is greater.'
最終Andrew Ucles並沒有完成他的百日之旅而在六十多天折返,廿二歲的他確是做了一件自己值得驕傲的事情,這是回來後的訪問(視頻):
The Snake Hunter
By ninemsn staff|
Air date: Wednesday, June 23, 2010

事發在增城市中心鎮官塘村,自上周六( 10日)起當地突然出現大量頭部呈三角形的蛇,村民隨即變得忐忑不安。有村民擔心,這種從未見過的蛇繁殖很快,可能爆發蛇災,連續多晚不敢睡覺。有村民說:「生怕一條蛇突然爬進來,爬到我床上咬我一口!」
疑正值交配季節出動有村民打死數十條蛇後,放心不下,買硫磺撒在房屋周圍,不料卻引出更多毒蛇從草叢、廢屋、柴屋爬出來,村民於是拿起棍棒,見蛇就打,全村至少打死蛇數百條大拇指粗、長約 80厘米的蛇。連一名 9歲男童也打死九條毒蛇。