


MAD as HELL and I am not going to take it anymore!

Topic started on 12-4-2010 @ 11:18 AM by MolecularPhD

When did being a proud American become a Crime? When did the defense of our Constitution and Bill of Rights become a Crime? When did being a former Soldier become a Crime in this country? When did upholding the Oath you took to defend your country from enemies both foreign and domestic become a crime? When did Americans decide we the former soldiers of this great country of ours are criminals IE (terrorists/extremists)?
I am sick to my stomach at the recent bastardizing and labeling of former Military Personnel, and our Proud Veterans of this country as criminals’ hell bent on destroying this nation of ours by the MSM. I am saddened by the MSM’s mission of making all Vets and Prior Military Personnel out to be the bad guys in this country. If you are a proud American and believe in your countries freedoms; then the time to make a stand is now. The stand I speak of is not an easy one; it is a long hard road of waking up others to the criminal takeover of this great country of ours. Stop sitting on your butts and just blogging your complaints; you need to be heard, make your voice a stand against those that would imprison you in your own home. If you believe that is simply nonsense, then you my friend are still asleep.
This great country of ours is being taken over by Big Banks and Corp. through their bought and paid for politicians. This country is being taken over by those that deem all prior military personnel as extremists or god forbid terrorists. The Freedoms we used to take for granted in this country were paid for in blood by all of the proud soldiers who gave their lives for your freedom. Will you allow their deaths to be in vain?
Stop the real terrorists in this country; the politicians that are passing Non Constitutional Laws in this country. Stop the real extremists in this country; the MSM that puts out the establishments criminal ideas. Stop the real Criminals in this country; the Financial Intuitions’ that are hell bent on destroying this great nation of ours through the devaluation of our currency.

I am MAD as Hell and I for one will not take it anymore!


Former Military Officer

