Now I'm a chick! Gianni the gender-bending cockerill starts to lay eggs, baffling scientists
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 1:40 PM on 21st April 2010
Gianni started life as a red-blooded cockerel and would often wake his Italian owners up crowing on his farm in Tuscany.
But when a fox raided Gianni's enclosure and killed all of the hens inside, Gianni felt it was time for a change.
Within days the bird was laying eggs and trying to hatch them as he began his new life as a hen.

全都改變:詹尼那前公雞已決定下蛋和試圖孵化 它們
The sex-change chicken has baffled scientists at the UN's Farm and Agriculture Organisation, who are now planning to study Gianni's DNA to see what made him change.
An expert at the centre said: 'It may be a primitive species survival gene. With all the females gone he could only ensure the future of his line by becoming female.'
Professor Donato Matassino, who will be leading tests on Gianni, said: 'This rooster-hen will be taken to the laboratories of Consdabi for a series of behavioural and genetic tests.
'This will allow us to decipher this bizarre DNA mix up that appears to have literally given what looks like two chickens in one.'
Professor Donato said the cockerel-hen was transported by train to Naples where the laboratories are based.
小公雞詹尼( Gianni)居於托斯卡納區( Tuscany)一個雞場,主人指雞場早前被狐狸襲擊,把所有母雞吃掉,惟獨詹尼平安無恙。數天後,詹尼竟像母雞一樣生蛋。
公雞變母雞,令科學家摸不着頭腦,聯合國糧農組織( FAO)科學家正研究箇中原因,初步估計這是原種的生存基因作祟,當所有母雞死清光,詹尼要延續自己的後代,惟有變成雌性。
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