Despite Denials, Blackwater Still Working for U.S.
By Spencer Ackerman
January 11, 2011 11:30 am
Translation by Autumnson Blog

Reports that Blackwater is out of the government’s private-security game have been greatly exaggerated. A consigliere to the company’s new owners tells Danger Room that not only does the controversial firm still hold security contracts with the State Department, it has every intention of seeking more.
In October, Danger Room reported that U.S. Training Center, a division of the renamed “Xe Services,” had won part of State’s $10-billion Worldwide Protective Services contract to guard diplomats. U.S. Training Center formed a partnership with Kaseman, another security firm, called International Development Solutions, to bid on the contract. But last week, an anonymous State Department official told Danger Room pal Jeff Stein of the Washington Post that the firm “no longer had a relationship with Xe.”
在十月份,危險房間報導美國培訓中心,一間改名為“Xe服務”的分枝,贏得國家的100億美元全球保護服務合同的部分,去守衛外交官。美國培訓中心與另一保安公司 Kaseman成立合伙關係,稱為國際發展解決方案,來競投合同。但上週,一位匿名的美國國務院官員告訴危險房間之友,華盛頓郵報的斯坦傑夫,該公司“不再與Xe有關係。”
Untrue, says Harry Clark, an adviser to USTC Holdings, the group of investors that purchased Xe from founder Erik Prince last month. “U.S. Training Center is a subsidiary of Xe Services. Still,” Clark says. Any future security services Xe provides to State will be conducted through International Development Solutions, in which USTC is a “minority partner.”
不真實的,USTC集團的顧問哈利克拉克說,上月從創始人埃里克普林斯購買Xe的投資者集團。 “美國培訓中心依然是一間Xe服務的附屬公司。“克拉克說。今後任何的安全服務Xe提供給國家的,將通過國際發展解決方案,其中USTC是“小股的合作夥伴。”
First up — as Stein was the first to report — International Development Solutions will guard the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem, part of a Worldwide Protective Services deal worth up to $84 million. It includes providing “protective security in the West Bank,” says State Department spokesman Andy Laine.
That’s the first opportunity for the revamped Xe to demonstrate that its guards are no longer the sort of people that open fire on civilians, take drugs or carry unauthorized firearms — part of the rationale for selling the company off.
That’s a case Xe 2.0 wants to make. The new ownership is “committed to being the best-in-class in security services,” in Clark’s words. Don’t think for a second Xe isn’t going to keep pitching the government on its guard services, even as it also emphasizes its training packages for law enforcement. “USTC will pursue training and security services contracts as [Xe] did before,” Clark says.
While the $84 million Jerusalem contract is a boon, just a week after USTC Holdings bought Xe, the company was dealt a loss when the Army opted to hire DynCorp for a $1.04 billion contract to train Afghan cops. Still, Xe got a $100 million deal to guard CIA bases in Afghanistan last year, and Clark said that the new owners retain “95 percent” of Xe’s pre-sale government contracts. He declined to specify which ones the firm no longer retains.
Next up for Xe: finding a new CEO and building an independent board and appointing an external-compliance officer, all of whom will chart the company’s future. Could this be the end of an era when lawmakers accuse Xe of setting up front companies to win government contracts? Clark said to expect the firm to be more open and transparent “than when Erik Prince was in charge.” We’ll be watching.
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