

望梅止渴 英國五黨暨獨立議員聯署議案呼籲英聯邦國家擴大給予港人第二公民權


英國有國會議員動議,希望英聯邦國家可給予港人第二國籍(second citizenship)及居留權。澳洲亦有政黨促請澳洲考慮向港人提供難民庇護。

英國保守黨人權委員會主席兼國會議員Fiona Bruce及工黨國會議員Catherine West共同提出動議,促請英政府與53個英聯邦國家達成協議,向香港人提供第二國籍及居留的地方。動議已獲25名國會議員聯署,當中包括自由民主黨及蘇格蘭民族黨議員。

25 MPs call for Commonwealth nations to consider giving Hong Kongers a second citizenship.

25 MPs call for UK not to ‘abandon’ Hong Kong citizens, and for Commonwealth nations to give Hong Kongers a second citizenship

A Parliamentary motion signed by 25 Members of Parliament today calls for the United Kingdom to seek consensus among Commonwealth citizens for the extension of a second citizenship to Hong Kongers.

The motion co-sponsored by Conservative Human Rights Chair, Fiona Bruce and Labour MP Catherine West states: ”That this House calls on the Government to seek agreement with some of the other 53 Commonwealth countries to provide Hong Kong citizens with a second citizenship and potential place of abode”.

It has been signed by politicians from the Conservatives, Labour, Liberal Democrats, Scottish National Party, Democratic Unionist Party, as well as Angela Smith who sits as an independent.

When asked about the motion in the House of Lords, the UK Government Minister Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon said: “I will certainly take the issue of the Early Day Motion back and look at the detail. I assure noble Lords that the important thing is that we continue to raise through all international and bilateral channels the importance of upholding the rights of, and obligations to, the citizens of Hong Kong.”

Separately, on 3 September 2019, there were two debates about Hong Kong in the UK Parliament. In the House of Commons, Members called for the UK government to press the Hong Kong government to conduct an independent inquiry into police brutality, and extend universal suffrage, as well as for the UK government to offer refuge for Hong Kong citizens at risk of persecution.

Similar issues were raised during a House of Lords urgent question. Baroness Northover said:

”Does he note that the crisis is fast escalating, that the police appear to be acting with impunity and that Carrie Lam apparently feels that she has no autonomy? The Government have been very silent, certainly in public, on Hong Kong recently; they may be distracted, but what action are they taking, especially as we will shortly be coming up to the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the establishment of the People’s Republic of China? What is the Government’s view of proposals for a second UK or Commonwealth citizenship for Hong Kong citizens?”

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英國外交及聯邦事務部國務大臣Lord Ahmad表示,會仔細研究有關議案,而目前會透過國際及外交渠道,重申英國對香港的責任及保障港人權利的重要性。

澳洲綠黨黨魁及國會議員Richard Di Natale公開促請澳洲政府效法30年前六四事件後的做法,向香港人提供難民庇護。近日香港警方暴力對付和平示威者令人震驚及不可接受。截至今年6月底,共有18,839名港人持各類簽證在澳洲暫時居留。這批港人若回港將面對受傷害的風險,澳洲有法律及道德責任提供避難所。在1989年六四事件後,澳洲政府亦曾延長在澳中國人的簽證,其後共42,000中國留學生獲永久居留權。

接著簽署 支持澳洲政府給予保護簽證居澳港人

