Second whistleblower emerges to confirm reality of time travel
December 31, 12:33 PMSeattle Exopolitics Examiner
A second whistle-blower, this one a physicist, has emerged to confirm the existence of U.S. government development of time travel technology and emphasize the importance of the real-world application of such technology for achieving planetary sustainability.
Dr. David Lewis Anderson, director of the Anderson Institute, emerged publicly in a two-hour interview on December 23, 2009 to give an extensive account of his time control research for the U.S. Air Force, which he later continued at his Time Travel Research Institue and other organizations.
Dr. Lewis’ public revelations regarding time travel follow disclosures made in August and November by Andrew D. Basiago in interviews concerning his experiences in time travel experiments undertaken by DARPA’s Project Pegasus in the early 1970s.

Anderson Inst: Time Control Methods & Technologies
A Sept. 15, 2009 report derived from the Web Bot predicted that a “planetary whistleblower” would emerge from the current period of U.S. financial collapse. Clif High, the genius behind the Web Bot, determined that the individual was “very likely” Mr. Basiago, a lawyer from Washington State who is leading a truth campaign to establish that the U.S. defense community achieved teleportation in the late 1960s.
The report also stated that Mr. Basiago’s crusade would spark a movement, as other whistle-blowers shared with the public previously secret information.
In fulfillment of the scenario predicted by the Web Bot, both Mr. Basiago and Dr. Anderson are whistleblowers who have emerged during the latter months of 2009 to affirm secret time travel advancements by the U.S. government and private industry that may articulate a way out of the current depression via investment in a 21st century infrastructure that would include teleportation and other new energy applications.
The ALTA-Web-Bot report predicts planetary whistleblowers
The Web Bot project uses software to “search the Internet for about 300,000 keywords with emotional context and record the preceding and following words to create a ‘snapshot.’ Through this, the technology is claimed to be able to examine the collective unconscious of the world as a whole. The data collected by the Web Bot is then analyzed via Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis (or ALTA) to discern future trends.
In the unusual terminology employed by ALTA, a September 15, 2009 report using data collected by the Web Bot stated:
“It is very likely that the ‘whistleblower’ who had been described in previous ALTA reports (see 1309) as emerging out of the period of the [coagulation] of the [government/officialdom of the USofA due to financial structure collapse] is a person by the name of [Andrew D. Basiago].”
In the ALTA report published in September, Clif High, the administrator of the Web Bot, predicted that the truth campaign of American lawyer Andrew D. Basiago will raise Mr. Basiago’s public profile “to a very high level within the mainstream media and that such presence in the media will climb over the next 9/nine months to a planetary level.”
He also stated that this person would make “a planetary impact of such magnitude that a second wave of other whistle-blowers of all kinds would be drawn into… public view.”

Dr. David L. Anderson and time control research
Since the September report, those following the Web Bot project by reading the ALTA reports have speculated as to who the next whistleblower to follow Mr. Basiago might be. One candidate is Dr. Anderson.
According to the physicist, he was employed at a young age by the U.S. Air Force conducting advanced research and development at the Air Force Flight Test Center at Edwards Air Force Base in the Mojave Desert.
During that time, he laid the foundations for what would be known as “time-warp field theory,” an approach that models and describes how to use the natural forces of inertial frame dragging to create contained and controllable fields of closed time-like curves.
At his Time Travel Research Center in Long Island, Dr. Anderson further developed time-warp field theory, as well as a third generation time warp generator.
Dr. Anderson sets out 10 types of time control technologies and methods,,along with a feasibility analysis of each method. Among these time control technologies are quantum tunneling, time-warp fields, and wormholes.
Readers can listen to Dr. Anderson’s two-hour interview with Sandra Sabatini by clicking here.
Time control research and time travel
This reporter asked Mr. Basiago whether Dr. Anderson’s time control research validates his time travel experiences with the Tesla-based technology used by Project Pegasus.
He responded by stating that he thinks that it does, in the sense that it provides corroborating evidence that advanced applications in quantum physics can have truly revolutionary effects on the quantum environment, including the propagation of “vortal tunnels” by which people can travel between distant locations in time-space.
“It is not the same technology, but it shows similar effects,” he stated. “In the 21st century, the quantum environment will be shaped to suit human ends, and human beings will be freed from the constraints of time-space that today we take for granted.”
那不是相同的科技,但它展示類似成果,”他說。 “在21世紀,量子環境將整形以適應人類的終端,人類將擺脫今天對我們來講是理所當然的時空約束。”
Time travel technology and a positive human future
Both whistleblowers – Andrew D. Basiago and Dr. David L. Anderson – independently emphasize the connection between creating a positive human future and public disclosure of the time travel and time control capabilities that they say the U.S. government has developed but kept secret, thereby depriving the world of the potential life-advantaging benefits of technologies that manipulate the quantum environment.
兩位告密者-安德魯D Basiago和大衛安德森博士-獨立地強調那關係,在建立一種正面的人類未來,時間旅行的公眾披露和時間控制能力之間,他們說美國政府已經開發但保持秘密,從而剝奪這世界在科技上的潛在生命處於優勢的利益,這可操縱量子環境。
Mr. Basiago stated that teleportation could be used to move people and goods more efficiently around the globe, without the pollution caused by planes, trains, and automobiles or the negative effects upon land use of airports, railroads, and highways.
Dr. Anderson stated that time control technology will solve the global energy crisis, with diverse applications in both new energy production and medical research. In support of Mr. Basiago’s call for disclosure by the U.S. government of its time travel technologies, Dr. Anderson stated that “these new developments need to be made public.”
For more info: Web Bot: Andrew Basiago is predicted “planetary level” whistleblower for Mars life and time travel
Time travel with proof
How To Time Travel
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