Airport Body Scanning Raises Radiation Exposure, Committee Says
By Jonathan Tirone
Last Updated: February 5, 2010 04:31 EST
Feb. 5 (Bloomberg) -- Air passengers should be made aware of the health risks of airport body screenings and governments must explain any decision to expose the public to higher levels of cancer-causing radiation, an inter-agency report said.
2月5日(彭博) - 航空旅客應覺察機場身體素描的健康風險,和政府必須解釋任何決定,以顯露給市民有更高水平的致癌輻射,一份跨機構的報告說。

Pregnant women and children should not be subject to scanning, even though the radiation dose from body scanners is “extremely small,” said the Inter-Agency Committee on Radiation Safety report, which is restricted to the agencies concerned and not meant for public circulation. The group includes the European Commission, International Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Energy Agency and the World Health Organization.
A more accurate assessment about the health risks of the screening won’t be possible until governments decide whether all passengers will be systematically scanned or randomly selected, the report said. Governments must justify the additional risk posed to passengers, and should consider “other techniques to achieve the same end without the use of ionizing radiation.”
President Barack Obama has pledged $734 million to deploy airport scanners that use x-rays and other technology to detect explosives, guns and other contraband. The U.S. and European countries including the U.K. have been deploying more scanners at airports after the attempted bombing on Christmas Day of a Detroit-bound Northwest airline flight.
“There is little doubt that the doses from the backscatter x-ray systems being proposed for airport security purposes are very low,” Health Protection Agency doctor Michael Clark said by phone from Didcot, England. “The issue raised by the report is that even though doses from the systems are very low, they feel there is still a need for countries to justify exposures.”
3-D Imaging
A backscatter x-ray is a machine that can render a three- dimensional image of people by scanning them for as long as 8 seconds, the report says. The technology has also raised privacy issues in countries including Germany because it yields images of the naked body.
The Committee cited the IAEA’s 1996 Basic Safety Standards agreement, drafted over three decades, that protects people from radiation. Frequent exposure to low doses of radiation can lead to cancer and birth defects, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Most of the scanners deliver less radiation than a passenger is likely to receive from cosmic rays while airborne, the report said. Scanned passengers may absorb from 0.1 to 5 microsieverts of radiation compared with 5 microsieverts on a flight from Dublin to Paris and 30 microsieverts between Frankfurt and Bangkok, the report said. A sievert is a unit of measure for radiation.
European Union regulators plan to finish a study in April on the effects of scanning technology on travelers’ privacy and health. Amsterdam, Heathrow and Manchester are among European airports that have installed the devices or plan to do so.
The U.S. Transportation Security Administration has said that it ordered 150 scanners from OSI Systems Inc.’s Rapiscan unit and will buy an additional 300 imaging devices this year. The agency currently uses 40 machines, which cost $130,000 to $170,000 each, produced by L-3 Communications Holdings Inc. at 19 airports including San Francisco, Atlanta and Washington D.C.
To contact the reporter on this story:
Jonathan Tirone at jtirone@bloomberg.net
機場全身安全掃描機 用電離輻射炒旅客
Full-body airport security scanners to fry travelers with ionizing radiation
Friday, February 12, 2010 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
NaturalNews) The attempted flight 253 terrorist attack on Christmas Day gave way to the immediate unveiling of full-body human x-ray machines that some alleged experts believe should be installed at every airport in order to ensure national security. These large, expensive machines emit a hefty dose of ionic radiation that can cause DNA damage and may contribute to the development of cancer.
Each time there is a terrorist attack or an attempted terrorist attack, the federal Transportation Security Agency (TSA) and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) seem to have yet another invasive technology up their sleeve that they claim will make our skies safer. This time, TSA has proposed using giant backscatter x-ray machines on every passenger.
These devices send ionizing radiation a few centimeters into the skin which outputs an image of a passenger's naked body. TSA officials can then inspect the image to see if a passenger is hiding weapons or other prohibited materials somewhere on or in their bodies.
Aside from the fact that the new protocol is grossly invasive of personal privacy and an obstruction of individual liberty, the ionizing radiation emitted from the machines threatens to damage chromosomal DNA and human cell proteins which can lead to cancer and other problems.
TSA Security Laboratory Directory Susan Hallowell insists that the x-ray technology used in the machines is perfectly safe, equating it to be "about the same as sunshine." Recent research, however, is indicating that there is virtually no safe level of ionizing radiation; even very low doses can cause significant harm over time.
Dr. John Gofman, Professor Emeritus of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of California, Berkeley, has been studying ionizing radiation for years and has determined that low doses can accumulate over time and induce things like cancer and ischemic heart disease. Americans receive x-rays so often that the radiological impact is quite high. Dr. Gofman says that x-rays play a role in 50 percent of cancers and 60 percent of heart diseases in the U.S. In breast cancer, x-rays are a co-factor in about 75 percent of cases.
Since heart disease and cancer are the top two causes of death in the U.S. and x-rays play a role in the majority of cases, it is valid to question the legitimacy of introducing yet one more source of ionizing radiation. The irony is that, according to Dr. Gofman, TSA is responding to an attempted terrorist bombing by suggesting the forcible "bombing" of our DNA with damaging radiation.
Sources for this story include: http://www.infowars.com/full-body-s...
全身掃描儀亮相肯尼迪機場; 國土安全部者納波利塔諾不作志願者