Law Enforcement to Arrest Citizens Who Opt Out of Body Scanners and Intrusive Pat Downs
November 22, 2010 by Alex
The Intel Hub
Translation by Autumnson Blog

Officials have warned that American citizens who opt out of the naked body scanners and intrusive patdowns will be arrested. Basically if you do not wish to have your genitals molested by a LOW IQ TSA goon than you will be thrown into jail. Welcome to the new world order.
Deputies may detain Palm Beach International Airport travelers who refuse to submit to a full-body scanner or a pat down, the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office confirmed Friday.
The Pappas family arrived in West Palm Beach for the holidays from Michigan on Thursday. While his wife and children went through the body scanners, Michael Pappas got the enhanced pat down by Transportation Security Administration officials.
“Well they are pretty personal,” Pappas said. “They came in both in front and behind (the) legs and upper body, and it was much more significant as compared to the past security measures.” Deputies may detain Palm Beach International Airport travelers who refuse to submit to a full-body scanner or a pat down, the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office confirmed Friday.
This is an attack on the American people plain and simple.
機場TSA失控 飛行員對TSA全身掃描儀提出訴訟
全身掃描儀亮相肯尼迪機場; 國土安全部者納波利塔諾不作志願者