電池的終點:英國人發明看似塑膠物料 可儲存電力
The end of the battery: British invent material that looks like plastic but can store electricity
By David Derbyshire
Last updated at 6:27 PM on 05th February 2010
British scientists have consigned the battery to the dustbin of history.
In a breakthrough that could revolutionise the way people use phones, drive cars and even wear clothes, researchers have invented a material that looks like plastic, but which can store and release electricity.
The invention will allow the casings of mobiles phones and iPods to double up as their batteries - leading to a new generation of electronic gadgets that are as thin as a credit card.
這項發明將容許手提電話和iPods的外殼,去加倍如它們的電池 - 領導新一代的電子產品薄如信用卡。
Smart phones already pack a mobile phone, internet browser and MP3 player into a compact handset. Soon they could be as thin as a credit card
The technology could lead to a new type of flexible computer screen that can be folded up and carried around like conventional paper.
It could even be used create 'electric clothes' that charge up when people move around and which slowly release heat at the touch of a button when the weather gets cold.
The invention is the brainchild of researchers at Imperial College London.
The prototype of the material is around five inches square and a fraction of an inch deep. It takes five seconds to charge up and can power a LED light for 20 minutes.
Dr Emile Greenhalgh, from the Department of Aeronautics at Imperial College, said car bodyparts made with the material could replace the batteries of electric and hybrid cars.
'We think the car of the future could be drawing power from its roof, its bonnet or even the door, thanks to our new composite material,' he said.
'Even the Sat Nav could be powered by its own casing. The future applications for this material don’t stop there – you might have a mobile phone that is as thin as a credit card because it no longer needs a bulky battery, or a laptop that can draw energy from its casing so it can run for a longer time without recharging.
'We’re at the first stage of this project and there is a long way to go, but we think our composite material shows real promise.'
The material is not a conventional battery, but a supercapacitor - similar to the conductors found in electrical circuits which store and release electricity.
It is created from two thin layers of carbon "nanotubes" weaved into a fabric and sandwiched around a sheet of insulating glass fibre.
The layers are coated with a resin that can carry an electric charge.

When the 1.5mm thin material is being charged up from the mains, ions - or positively charged atoms - flow between the two layers of carbon fibres, passing through the layer of glass.
Once the material has been charged up, it can be connected to a circuit, allowing electrons to flow out of the material as a current.
Dr Greenhalgh said the composite material stored and discharged electricity more quickly than a conventional battery. And unlike a battery, the supercapacitor polymer does not use chemical processes - making it much quicker to charge up and giving it a much longer lifespan.
The Imperial College researchers have begun a three year, £3 million project with the car company Volvo to use their material in hybrid petrol-electric cars.
The scientists plan to use the material to replace the metal floor of a Volvo car boot which holds the spare wheel. By creating part of the car out of a chargeable material, Volvo would be able to shrink the size of its car's hybrid battery - and cut down the weight of the car by around 15 per cent, making it more efficient.
Dr Greenhalgh said the material could also be used in household gadgets, and even clothes.
'No one has done a material quite like this - and within 10 years it could replace batteries,' he said.
電池之死 薄膠儲電
薄片塑膠由三層物料組成,外面兩層是合成樹脂覆蓋的碳纖維,中間是玻璃纖維層,由倫敦大學帝國學院航空學和富豪車廠合作研製而成。研究員格林哈爾希展示五平方吋的薄片塑膠原型(圖),充電 5分鐘,令 LED點亮 20分鐘。格林哈爾希強調,塑膠片的物料不是電池,而是超級電容器。跟電池比較,薄片塑膠充電較快,壽命較長。另一賣點是超薄,勢掀起手機和衣着革命。一旦薄片塑膠廣泛使用,電腦螢幕可像紙一樣捲起,手機和 iPod因毋須再用電池,可變得像卡片那樣薄;還促使電子衣服面世,在天氣冷時發熱。
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