Violence erupts on Dresden bombing anniversary
Sun, 14 Feb 2010 08:27:08 GMT

Clashes have broken out in Dresden during angry protests marking the 65th anniversary of the Allied bombing of the German city.
曾被盟軍轟炸德國城市的特雷斯登,標誌着65週年的憤怒抗議已經爆發衝突 。
As many as 5,000 policemen have been deployed in Dresden to prevent unrest after thousands of right-wing protesters poured into the streets in order to mark the anniversary of the so-called 'Bombing Holocaust' in which British and American bombers leveled Germany's Baroque capital in 1945.
多達 5000名警察已在特雷斯登部署以防止動亂,在數千名右翼示威者湧入街頭,為週年紀念英國和美國轟炸機在1945年,將德國的巴洛克首都夷為平地,而做成所謂的'轟炸大屠殺'。
Police clashed with both rightist protesters and their leftist rivals as both groups set fire to trash cans and blocked city traffic. A combined number of 15,000 protesters took part in the demonstrations.
The leftist demonstrators, however, tried to disrupt the far-right protesters as the sparring groups commemorated victims of the war.
Several people have been injured in the scuffles, police officers said.
Security is tight as organizers of the 'mourning march' are reportedly planning to stage a second day of rallies.
Tens of thousands were killed in Dresden during a three-day bombing blitz in February 1945 in which 1,300 Allied bombers targeted the city with more than 3,900 tonnes of explosives and incendiary materials.
The raids remain some of the most controversial Allied operations in the Second World War as many historians have ruled out the alleged need to flatten Dresden since Germany's dictatorship was already in ruins.
特雷斯登新納粹主義者企圖遊行 民眾封阻
(法新社)2010年2月14日 星期日 12:35
(法新社德國 特雷斯登14日電) 成千上萬民眾昨天在特雷斯登(Dresden)集會,首次阻止新納粹主義分子為紀念盟軍在二次大戰 轟炸德勒斯登的年度集會遊行活動。
由政治人物、藝術家和工會成員組成的「特雷斯登無納粹」(Dresden without Nazis)聯盟的羅思(Lena Roth)說:「我們首次成功阻止新納粹分子在歐洲發動大規模遊行活動。」
光頭黨給希特拉致敬 在訪問12萬人死去的死亡集中營路上
Skinhead group give Hitler salute on visit to death camp where 120,000 people died
By Allan Hall
Last updated at 3:23 PM on 11th February 2010
A group of young far-right supporters have shocked Austria by wearing pro-Nazi T-shirts and giving the Hitler salute during a visit to a death camp where 120,000 people were murdered.
一組年青的極右支持者已另奧地利震驚,他們穿着親納粹的T卹和給希特拉致敬,在前往訪問一個 12萬人被謀殺的死亡軍營期間。
The skinhead group from the town of Wels posted photographs of themselves on the Internet wearing the shirts at the site of the Mauthausen camp where tens of thousands of people were gassed, worked to death or killed in hideous medical experiments.
Perhaps the sickest picture of all shows three of the shaven-headed thugs giving the Hitler salute outside the entrance to the gas chambers. Shock: Young far-right supporters wear pro-Nazi T-shirts during a visit to the Mauthausen death camp
The group, all of whom are known members of a far-right organisation in Wels called 'The Multicoloured', took along a small child for what authorities branded their 'grotesque desecration' of the Mauthausen camp.
The world's most famous Nazi war criminal hunter Simon Wiesenthal was freed from the Mauthausen camp in 1945.
Two of the group were women who wore T-shirts with Nazi slogans, one of them with a bag saying: 'I support Nazis.' 'Sick': Far-right supporters give the Hitler salute during a visit to Mauthausen
'病態':極右的支持者向希特拉致敬 在前往訪問毛特豪森期間
'The visit was meant as a provocation,' said a spokesman for the camp's memorial committee. 'These were no dumb teenagers but adults who knew exactly what they were doing.'
Austria's Office for the Protection of the Constitution is probing the incident and prosecutions may follow. As in Germany, it is illegal in Austria to display symbols of the Nazi regime, give the Hitler salute or praise the policies of the Third Reich.

Survivors told after the war how the S.S. who ran the camp dreamed up 62 seperate ways to kill inmates, all of them painful.
A member of the Wels Anti-Fascist Alliance said: 'It is sick and sad that people can go to such a place wearing clothes that identify themselves as supporters of a regime that was boundless in its cruelties.'