


2012 nonsense

Please do me a favor and offer some legitimate evidence of your 2012 fiasco. All i read is ancient prophecy and pseudoscience.
Nibiru-Nonexistent. Unseen by telescopes or the naked eye. Nothing that shows even an inclination that it's real.
Physical pole shift- Umm no. Our axis hasn't deviated more than 5 degrees in 120 million years. Just for reference the earth reversing rotation is impossible.
實質極移 - 嗚不,在120萬年內我們的軸線並沒有偏離超過 5度,僅供參考地球自轉扭轉是不可能的。
Magnetic Pole shift-Happens every so often. No biggie. No reason to expect one in 2012.
磁極轉移 - 時不時會發生,沒有什麼大不了,沒有理由預期在2012年有一次。
Solar flares kill the grid-It's possible but improbable. Sattelites can be shutdown. he power grid can be cranked down if needed as well. But 2012 is projected to be light in the solar flare department.
太陽耀斑殺死電極板網柵 - 它是可能的但未必會發生的;衛星可能被關閉,電網在需要時也可用曲柄啟動,但2012年預計太陽耀斑活動領域將屬輕微。
Alignment with center of galaxy-And the only special alignment in 2012 is with saggitarius and that happens every december and we're still here.
與星系中心成一直線 - 在2012年唯一的特別直線是與薩吉塔里斯,而那每年都發生在12月,但我們仍在這裡。
The dark rift will get us-It's a dust belt
黑暗裂縫將得到我們 - 它是一條塵埃帶
But Sticchin said-1st off he needs a new translator. He's inaccurate. Just for reference he sumerians left very few records of astronomy and they did NOT know of neptune uranus or pluto. They didn't even know he planets orbitted the sun. Sticcin's books were fiction.
但Sticchin所說 - 他是不準確的,第一把他需要一位新翻譯。僅供參考那些蘇美爾人遺下極少的天文記錄,和他們不知道關於天王星、海王星或冥王星;他們甚至不知道行星繞太陽軌道運行。 Sticcin的書都是小說。
We've got pictures of Nibiru- No you don't. Every picture of "Nibiru" is easily identifiable as something else. Hell the most popular one was actually a nebula.
我們有Nibiru照片 - 不你們沒有,每張"Nibiru"的照片是容易識別出是其它東西,最流行的實際上是星雲。
Sp please stop fearmongering. And if you choose to do it, get the facts right.



