Rupert Murdoch to limit Google and Microsoft's access to his newspapers
Rupert Murdoch, News Corp chairman, said Google and Microsoft's access to his newspapers could be limited to a "headline or a sentence or two" once he erects a pay wall around his titles' websites.
Published: 7:22AM BST 07 Apr 2010

梅鐸會限制谷歌和微軟進入他名下的報紙 Photo: AP
Mr Murdoch, in an interview with journalist Marvin Kalb for The Kalb Report on Tuesday, also said he believed most US newspapers would eventually end up charging readers online, like he does with The Wall Street Journal and plans to do with his other properties beginning with The Times of London.
"You'll find, I think, most newspapers in this country are going to be putting up a pay wall," he said. "Now how high does it go, does it allow (visitors) to have the first couple paragraphs or certain feature articles, we'll see.
“我想你會發現,在這個國家的大多數報紙將要築起一幢付款牆,”他說。 “現在它會走多高,它會否允許(訪客)看頭幾段落或某些專題文章,我們將拭目以待。
"We're experimenting with it ourselves," he said.
The News Corp. chief said "we're going to stop people like Google and Microsoft and whoever from taking our stories for nothing."
Search advertising had produced a "river of gold" for Google, he said, "but those words are being taken mostly from the newspapers. And I think they ought to stop it, the newspapers ought to stand up and make them do their own reporting or whatever."
Mr Murdoch said he did not expect search engines would pay for access to newspapers. "We'll be very happy if they just publish our headline or a sentence or two and that's followed by a subscription form," he said.
梅鐸先生說他不指望搜索引擎將付費使用報紙, “我們會非常高興,如果他們只是發表我們的標題或一兩句話,和這跟隨一張認購表格,”他說。
He dismissed concerns that readers used to getting news on the Internet for free would be reluctant to pay.
"I think when they've got nowhere else to go they'll start paying," he said.
Mr Murdoch also praised the Apple iPad calling the newly released tablet computer a "glimpse of the future."
He predicted the iPad would have eight or nine competitors in the next 12 months and said the devices could save newspapers.
"There's going to be tens of millions of these things sold all over the world," he said. "It may be the saving of newspapers because you don't have the costs of paper, ink, printing, trucks.
"I'm old, I like the tactile experience of the newspaper," he said, but "if you have less newspapers and more of these that's ok."
"It doesn't destroy the traditional newspaper, it just comes in a different form," he said.