


Dinosaurs 'killed off by a sudden drop in temperature and NOT by a comet'

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 2:24 PM on 23rd April 2010

Dinosaurs were wiped off the face of the Earth by a sudden drop in temperature and not by a comet striking the planet, scientists claimed today.
Researchers studying fossils in Norway have discovered that the world's seas plummeted 9C from 13C to just 4C around 137million years ago.
研究人員在挪威研究化石已發現,世界海洋在 137million年前後從13C暴跌9C至僅僅4C。
They believe this was caused by a sudden change in the Atlantic Gulf Stream - a phenomenon many experts fear is about to happen again.
他們相信這是由大西洋灣流的突然改變導致 - 一個現象許多專家擔心會即將再次發生。

Evidence? This Jurassic ammonite discovered in Svalbard, Norway reveals the sudden drop in temperature which may have contributed to the extinction of the dinosaurs, scientists believe

The temperature drop during the Cretaceous period would almost certainly have wiped out an 'abundance' of the world's dinosaurs.
The scientists behind the ground-breaking study claim this would have been the first major step dinosaurs took on their eventual road to extinction.
Some experts believe the creatures were wiped out by one cataclysmic event 65million years ago - such as a meteor hitting the planet.
一些專家相信這種生物消滅,是被一個 在6,500萬年前的災難性事件 - 如流星撞擊地球。
But the new research suggests they were wiped out by a series of environmental changes - starting with a drop in sea temperatures.
但新的研究提出,他們被一系列的環境變化消滅 - 開始於海洋溫度下降。
The study was conducted by a team of scientists, led by Dr Gregory Price of Plymouth University, who examined fossils and minerals from Arctic Svalbard in Norway.
Dr Price found the drop in temperatures was so severe that numerous species of dinosaur previously living in warm, shallow seas, land and swamps would have died out.
He said the team's research showed the drop in temperature happened when the Earth was in a 'greenhouse' climate - similar to now.
他說隊伍的研究顯示,溫度下降發生當地球是在一'溫室'氣候 - 類似現在。
Researchers: Dr Gregory Price and Dr Elizabeth Nunn in the Norwegian Svalbard where they made their discovery

'The drop in temperatures may well have been caused by a change in ocean circulation, much like what is being predicted for the Gulf Stream,' he said.
'In the Cretaceous period, the Atlantic was much narrower but it would have featured a similar, northerly-flowing current.
'If it had stopped working it could have resulted in the melting of the ice caps, causing a sudden drop in temperatures.

'We believe dinosaurs were most likely to be cold-blooded creatures and would have needed the warmth to keep them alive. If they were unable to migrate south they could have been wiped out.
'Climate change is now very much on the agenda in trying to determine how the dinosaurs became extinct.
'We now believe that they died out gradually and it is very possible that this could have been caused by a series of climatic changes.'
The drop in temperature is thought to have occurred because high levels of CO2 were in the atmosphere which caused global temperatures to rise and polar ice to melt - a phenomenon currently predicted for Earth.

It is the equivalent of the predicted shut-down of the Gulf Stream 'conveyor belt' - which scientists have warned could take Europe into another ice age.
Dr Price has been visiting the Svalbard since 2005, collecting fossils and samples in an area famed for a number of palaeontological discoveries, including giant marine reptiles such as pliosaurs and icthyosaurs.
He added: 'The flourishing of the dinosaurs and a range of other data indicates that the Cretaceous period was considerably warmer and boasted a high degree of CO2 in the atmosphere.

'But over a period of a few hundred or a few thousand years, ocean temperatures fell from an average of 13 degrees centigrade to between eight and four degrees.'

Dinosaurs died from sudden temperature drop 'not comet strike', scientists claim

Published: 8:00AM BST 24 Apr 2010

