The Dollar bill... I noticed something - MDCCLXXVI...
Topic started on 16-4-2010 @ 06:17 AM by jinx880101
Well, last night when I was getting ready to go to bed, I was packing away some books and a one dollar bill fell out, that was being used as a book mark...
It's quite an interesting note- and I was fascinated, so I found myself staring at it and counting details.
This might not be news to some/any of you but it sure is to me, so... in any case. I never noticed the letters at the base of the pyramid. The only things I really ever heard about the dollar bill was the All Seeing Eye at the of the 13 step pyramid.
So, decided to google it...And what I found out, really doesn't sound too good...see for yourself-
所以決定了谷歌它...和我發現的,聽起來真的不太好...為你自己看看 -
I first thought the letters were- VDCCLXXYI but turns out it was MDCCLXXVI... (So much for my eyesight...)
我首先想到的字母是 -VDCCLXXYI,但原來它是MDCCLXXVI ... (對我的視野是太多了 ...)

MDC = 1600 MDCCLXXVI thus contains:
MDC = 1600 MDCCLXXVI 因此包含:
CLX = 160
3 --- 1's 3 --- 6's
XVI = 16 3 --- 0's or 10's 3 --- 7's
And, of
course, 3 x 7 = 21 a very magic number. The year, 1776, when added, totals 21
also, making 1776 a very powerful magical year. But, when you divide 21 by
three, you get three groups of 7, i.e., 7 + 7 + 7.
和當然,3 × 7 =
21是一個非常神奇的數字。1776那一年,當加埋亦是總數21,使1776年成為一非常強大魔力的一年。但是,當你用3除21分,你會得到3組 7,即是7 + 7 + 7。
# 1 = Beginning 開始
# 6 = Man 人
# 7 = God 神
# 8 = The New Beginning 新的開始
# 10 or 0 = Testimony 或 證詞
# 21 = Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin 超越惡貫滿盈的罪惡
As we have previously studied, occultists worship the power they believe is
contained within numbers. They further believe extra power can be obtained by
the practice of Gematria. The New Age Dictionary defines Gematria as "the art of
interpreting the names and attributes of God by letter and number. A=1; B=2,
etc." In the instance below, certain powerful numbers are deliberately created
to contain the New World Order message that the Illuminati wanted to secretly
convey to Initiates in every age. Watch carefully as we decode the numbers of
the date MDCCLXXVI and enlighten you as to the intended occult meaning. It is
the core attribute of the New World Order. The Gematria hidden within these
numbers contain a very shocking message; yet, it is the core message of the
entire New World Order Plan. The literal meaning of the message is presented
below, followed by the more understandable translation.
正如我們己先前研究,神祕主義者崇拜力量他們相信是包含在數字內;他們進一步相信額外的力量可以從練習替 換 法 (Gematria)得到。新紀元字典定義 Gematria為“詮釋名字的藝術,和上帝的屬性以字母和數字,A= 1;B= 2等等。”在下面的實例中,某些強力的數字是故意創作,去包含新世界秩序的信息,那是光明會在每一代都想要偷偷轉達去開始實施。仔細觀察當我們為MDCCLXXVI的日期數字解碼,和啟迪你們關於那預謀的神秘含義,它是新世界秩序的核心屬性。隱藏在這些數字內的替換法包含着一個令人非常震驚的訊息;然而,它是新世界秩序計劃的核心訊息。訊息的字面意思在下面描,隨着更易理解的翻譯。
Since we have triplicities of three (3) Beginnings, of Man, of God, of
testimonies, followed by the magic number of 21 (3 x 7), here is the occult
既然我們有三個一組(3)開始,人的,神的,證詞的,隨着魔法數字21(3 × 7),這裡是隱匿的信息:
"The year, 1776, is the Beginning year in which man is placed
above God through exceeding sinfulness of sin.
This is the testimony of the
Masters of the Illuminati." When you add the numbers above together, leaving out
the zeros, you have 48 (6 x 8).
這是光明會大主人的證詞:“當你們將上述的數字加在一起,不理會零,你們會有48(6 × 8)。
"Man (represented by # 6) is going to
create his own new Beginning (represented by # 8)."
Okay, now for my next point- The Eagle Crest..
好,現在到我的下一站 - 鷹冠..
Obviously, there are 13 stars, 13 arrows being held in one claw, 13 leaves with 13 'grapes' being held by the other some claim-
明顯地,有13粒星,13枝箭被一爪抓住,有 13粒'葡萄'的13塊樹葉被另一爪抓住..正如一些人宣稱-
I see it a little differently. Arrows obviously symbolize war- Now, to me it looks as though the other claw is holding an OLIVE BRANCH- NOT a leaves and grapes..So, if an olive branch symbolizes peace or reconciliation....
我認為它是略有不同,箭明顯象徵戰爭 - 現在對於我,雖然它看似另一爪持有一橄欖枝 - 不是葉子和葡萄..因此,如果一橄欖枝象徵和平或和解....
Could this symbolize good & evil? War & Peace?
I have no idea- What do you think?
That's not really what bugs me though...
雖然那不是真的使我煩擾的東西 ...
This is worrying- "The year, 1776, is the Beginning year in which man is placed above God through exceeding sinfulness of sin.
這是令人擔憂的 -“那一年1776,是那開始年當時人被放置在上帝上面透過惡貫滿盈的罪惡。
Now, call me paranoid, but...if that is true...are we not already living in hell? I mean, PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong. I'm not religious as such but these people at the top obviously know a whole lot more than we do...could this really be the age that 'Satan' is ruling the world? And I don't mean a big read devil with horns and scales..Okay?
現在叫我偏執狂患者,但... 如果那是真的...我們已不是生活在地獄裡嗎?我的意思是,請糾正我如果我錯了,我不是這麼篤信宗教的,但是這些在頂層的人明顯知道一大堆,比我們知得多...這可真的是那年代,'撒旦正在統治世界?而我並不意指一個大讀物有角和秤的魔鬼 ..對吧?
I really don't want to turn this into a religious argument thread, but these thoughts are just pouring into my mind as I'm typing.. I have no clue.
Link to posted info-
Just to add an extra bit of info- Note:
只是加一點額外的資料- 提示:
"1776 was so iconic, that even though there were 14 states by the time the Great Seal was adopted in 1782, the number of stripes and stars and arrows was set at 13, the number of states in 1776. "
“1776年是如此具有標誌性,即使雖然那時有14洲,大印章在1782年被採用,但是條紋和星星及羽箭的數字被定在 13,在1776年時州的數字”。
美國 20美元鈔票是否藏有9/11訊息?
1 則留言:
Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776.