


Artist's rendition of a wormhole. Wikipedia illustration.

俄克拉何馬州目擊者報告 不明飛行物從'蟲洞'出來
Oklahoma witness reports UFO coming out of 'worm hole'
January 7, 6:59 PMUFO ExaminerRoger Marsh
An Oklahoma witness reports an unusual appearance of what seemed to be a wormhole opening up and a light moving out of it, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database.
俄克拉荷馬州的一個目擊報告,一個不尋常外表的東西看似蟲洞開放,和一度光從它移出,根據證詞來自UFO Network(MUFON)數據庫。
The December 31 incident occurred as the witness was watching the rising full moon - but stated that "off to the right of the moon there appeared to be a darker place which was like a circular void. "
Within the void, a large "X" of light appeared. This light began to spin, then a "lit cloud tube extended" from that area. Then, "a tiny blip of light came out, which moved out a distance from the point of origin and then disappeared."
Other similar stories from around the country have been reported recently - like details from the the July 5, 2009, case,
30 foot cone-shaped object lands on California ranch.

The following is the unedited and as yet uninvestigated report filed with MUFON. Please keep in mind that most UFO reports can be explained as something natural or manmade. If Oklahoma MUFON investigates and reports back on this case, I will release an update.


OK, December 31, 2009 - wormhole ufo? MUFON Case # 21390.
I was observing the rising full moon, immediately below but off to the right of the moon there appeared to be a darker place which was like a circular void.
Within that void a large X of light appeared.
That X started to spin, and as it spun a lit cloud tube extended from the place where the void across the sky to the right of the point of origin. At the point where the black void started and where the tube started a tiny blip of light came out, which moved out a distance from the point of origin and then disappeared.
The tube started to fade, but continued to seem un-naturally lit for about 3 minutes as it shortened.
It did not flow away like a cloud, the sky was perfectly clear and this appeared to be way above the atmosphere. It had entirely disappeared within 5 minutes.

