沙地阿拉伯一名 13歲女學生,不滿校長沒收她的手機,用杯擲向校長的頭,法院重判女生打籐 90下和入獄兩個月。
去年在沙地東部城市朱拜勒( Jubail),女生違反校規,將內置攝影機的手機帶返學校,校長將手機沒收。女生大為光火,擲杯襲擊校長。事件鬧上法院,校長要求法院准許在校內執行笞刑,以「教育」學生,執法當局批准,女生最終在廣大同學面前遭打籐,之後再監禁兩個月。
根據沙地法律,觸犯不道德的行為,例如通姦或孤男寡女共處一室,都要受笞刑。笞刑一向被指過於苛刻和不人道,備受爭議。三年前, 16名 12至 18歲的學生,被指向教師做出「侵略性行為」,每名學生被重判鞭打 300至 500下。
十三歲沙地女孩 被判鞭打九十下 在她帶手提電話返學後
Saudi girl, 13, sentenced to 90 lashes after she took a mobile phone to school
By Mike Theodoulou
Last updated at 1:25 PM on 20th January 2010
A 13-year-old girl has been sentenced to 90 lashes and two months' prison in Saudi Arabia after she took a mobile phone to school.
A court ordered the girl to be flogged in front of her classmates following an assault on the school principal, according to the Saudi daily newspaper Al-Watan.
After the assault she was discovered to have concealed a mobile phone, breaking strict Saudi regulations banning the use of camera-equipped phones in girls' schools

Brutal: public floggings, such as in this archive picture, are a common punishment handed down by religious courts in Saudi Arabia
Al-Watan said a court in the northeastern Gulf port of Jubail had sentenced the girl to 90 lashes inside her school, followed by two months' detention.
The punishment is harsher than tha dished out to some robbers and looters.
Saudi Arabia, a leading US ally in the Middle East, is an absolute monarchy controlled by the Al-Saud ruling tribe, and lacks any legal code.
King Abdullah has promoted some social reforms since taking the throne in 2005 but diplomats say he is held back by religious clerics and princes.
Cinemas and music concerts are banned, while many restaurants and even some shopping centres cater to families only, especially on holidays.
Religious police roam streets to make sure no unrelated men and women mix.
The Saudi court system is exclusively controlled Wahahbi/Salafi clerics, and bans the employment of non-Salafi citizens, especially as judges.
Saudi Arabia is the world's leading country in the use of torture-by-flogging, public beheadings and publically crucifying condemned prisoners.
The country crucified two people in 2009, including one in the capital Riyadh during President Barak Obama’s visit last April.
In September, twenty Saudi teenagers who ransacked shops and restaurants were publicly flogged.
Newspapers reported that the teenagers received at least 30 lashes each in a public square.
Most of the hijackers in the September 11 attacks in 2001 came from Saudi Arabia.
