

柬埔寨、巴布亞新幾內亞爆發死 亡霍亂

巴布亞新幾內亞致命爆發 40死 2,000不適 ; 霍亂預防、症狀和治療
Deadly outbreak in Papua New Guinea kills 40, sickens 2,000-Cholera prevention, symptoms & treatment

February 12, 9:58
AMHealth Technology Examiner

A cholera epidemic has killed 40 people in Papua New Guinea, according to the World Health Organization. The Associated Press reports that WHO officials have noted an additional 2,000 sickened by the region's first cholera outbreak in 50 years.
霍亂疫情已在巴布亞新幾內亞殺死40人,根據世界衛生組織。據美聯社報導,世衛的官員已經注意到額外 2000人不適,在該地區50年來的首次霍亂疫情。
What is cholera?
Cholera is an infection cause by Vibrio cholerae bacteria. This type of infection typically arises in areas with poor sanitation, and contaminated drinking water or food.

Preventing cholera
While there is a cholera vaccine, it is not currently available in the U.S., so the best preventative measure is vigilance. Avoid areas where there is a cholera outbreak or poor sanitation. Travelers should take care with food and drink as well, drinking purified water and eating food prepared in sanitary conditions.

Symptoms of cholera
Vomiting and watery diarrhea are the primary symptoms of cholera. These symptoms often result in severe dehydration, which can be fatal.

Treatment of cholera
In order to successfully treat cholera, it is necessary to rehydrate the patient. During this process, it is important to ensure that the fluids used to hydrate the patient are sanitized, in order to prevent further complications from cholera.


(星島)2010年2月13日 星期六 11:25
柬埔寨 衛生部 和世界衛生組織 12日在金邊發表新聞公報宣布,去年底以來,柬埔寨多個地區暴發霍亂 ,導致1人死亡。


