07.02.2010 22:42
英國政府將會收緊海外留學生入境簽證的限制及簽發數量,以遏止他們在英國非法工作,及防範恐怖襲擊;內政大臣莊翰生說,到英國入讀少於半年短期課程的外地學生,將不可帶同家屬,而海外學生在英國工作的時數,會由一星期二十小時,減至十小時,亦會提高申請者的英語水平標準。 英國是全球第二個接收最多留學生的國家,在08至09年發出超過二十萬個海外學生簽證,拒絶了十一萬份申請;一名在英國留學的尼日利亞青年,聖誕節在一架飛往底特律的美國西北航空客機上,企圖炸機,全球各地機場加強保安。
更新時間 2010年 2月 6日, 格林尼治標準時間22:43
Foreign student visas to be cut by UK
Page last updated at 04:00 GMT, Sunday, 7 February 2010
The number of visas granted to foreign students is to be cut by the UK as part of a crackdown on abuses of the system, Home Secretary Alan Johnson has said.

The government has faced criticism that the system is too lax
Mr Johnson said tougher rules would require applicants to speak English to a certain level and ban those on short UK courses from bringing dependants.
He said the rules were aimed not at genuine students but those who travelled to the UK primarily for work.
They follow a review ordered after the alleged failed Chicago plane bombing.
The review was ordered by Gordon Brown after he said the alleged Christmas Day bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who had studied in London, had linked up with al-Qaeda in Yemen after leaving the UK.
In 2008/9, about 240,000 student visas were issued by the UK.
A Home Office spokesman said the change would have a "significant impact" on the number issued this year but would not confirm reports it could cut the figure by tens of thousands.
News of the measures, which will not require legislation and will be introduced within weeks, comes a week after student visa applications from Nepal, northern India and Bangladesh were suspended amid a big rise in cases.
'Raise the bar'
Last year the UK introduced a system requiring students wishing to enter the country to secure 40 points under its criteria.
However, the government has faced criticism that this has allowed suspected terrorists and other would-be immigrants into the UK, only for them to stay on despite their visas being temporary.
In a statement, Mr Johnson said he made "no apologies for strengthening an already robust system".
He added: "We created our points-based system so that we could respond quickly to changing circumstances, when necessary, to raise the bar students have to meet to come to the UK.
"We remain open to those foreign students who want to come to the UK for legitimate study - they remain welcome.
"But those who are not seriously interested in coming here to study but come primarily to work - they should be in no doubt that we will come down hard on those that flout the rules."
Under the measures:
Successful applicants from outside the EU will have to speak English to a level only just below GCSE standard, rather than beginner level as at present.
Students taking courses below degree level will be allowed to work for only 10 hours a week, instead of 20 as at present.
Those on courses which last under six months will not be allowed to bring dependants into the country, while the dependants of students on courses below degree level will not be allowed to work.
Additionally, visas for courses below degree level will also be granted only if the institutions they attend are on a new register, the Highly Trusted Sponsors List.
Last weekend it emerged the UK Border Agency had temporarily suspended student visa applications from northern India, Nepal and Bangladesh.
Officials said they were acting after the system had been overwhelmed and concerns had been raised that many cases were not genuine.