US to end 'military mission' in Haiti
Tue, 20 Apr 2010 15:20:05 GMT

The US says it is going to end its military mission in Haiti on June 1, insisting that it will maintain a visible military presence in Latin American and the Caribbean.
美國表示它將在 6月1日結束其在海地的軍事任務,堅持它將維持一顯而易見的軍力,存在拉丁美洲和加勒比地區。
"I anticipate us being able to close down the Joint Task force," said Lieutenant General Ken Keen, who resigned as head of the Haiti Joint Task Force on Sunday, according to Reuters.
"That does not mean that US Southern Command will not continue to have an enduring military presence," Keen added on Monday, referring to the US military division responsible for Latin America and the Caribbean.
Keen said the US aid operations will not come to an end in Haiti after next June, as some 500 members of the Louisiana National Guard would arrive in the country to continue the job.
The US stationed about 22,000 of its forces in the Caribbean country in the aftermath of a deadly January 12 earthquake.
The devastating quake killed more than 250,000 people and left homeless another one million.