

羅富齊主宰世界的計劃 透過私人核武

羅富齊主宰世界的計劃 透過私人核武
Rothschild World Domination Plan Via Private Nuclear Weapons

When nuclear power is eliminated from the hands of all nationalist governments, the Rothschilds will control their own as a monopoly and their secret private space-based delivery system as well. Say hello to your new god.

By Dick Eastman

Obama's Plan for Elimination of Nation-Controlled Nuclear Power is a revival of the "Baruch Plan" for a world government monopoly of nuclear weapons, ensuring that no individual nation could control atomic power either for defense or peaceful uses. Under the Baruch Plan (a plan worked out with Rothschild agent and infiltrated communist agent Secretary of State Dean Acheson and David Lilienthal, the Lazard Freres head of the US Atomic Energy Commission, who invented the term "multinational corporation" and who later founded, with money from Lazard Freres, the international engineering venture company, Development and Resources Corporation, funded by governments and following the model Lilienthal developed from experience gained heading the Tennessee Valley Authority, the US's first great socialist development project. The Development and Resources Corporation functioned much like Halliburton, Schlumberger and Tesco. Although originally funded by Lazard Freres, the company was later bought by the oldest son of Nelson Rockefeller, Rodman Rockefeller, president of the International Basic Economy Corporation (a pioneer and leader in commercial genetics and global agribusiness ­ Rodman also was the American co-chair of the Mexico-United States Business Committee which produced the North American Free Trade Agreement -- but Development and Resources Corporation foundered when the Shah of Iran was overthrown by a movement of Moslem nationalists abrogated all contracts with the company.
奧巴馬的計劃去消除國家控制的核力量,是一個復興的“巴魯克計劃”,為世界一政府壟斷核武器,以確保沒有個別國家可以控制原子力量,無論是為國防抑或和平用途。在巴魯克計劃下(一項計劃與羅富齊代理制定,和被滲透的共產主義代理國務卿艾奇遜和大衛利林塔爾、美國原子能委員會的拉扎德菲力頭,他發明那術語“跨國公司”和他後來被發現有錢來自拉扎德、那國際工程合資公司發展和資源公司,資金來自政府和按照利林塔爾的模型,從經驗發展嬴取帶領田納西山谷管理局,美國的第一個偉大的社會主義發展項目。)發展和資源公司功能發揮很像哈里伯頓,斯倫貝謝和泰士高。儘管原是由拉扎德金援,公司之後來是由納爾遜洛克菲勒的長子羅德曼洛克菲勒買下,他是國際基本經濟公司主席(一個在商業遺傳學和全球農商業的先驅和領導者),羅德曼亦是墨西哥美商務委員會的美國人共同主席,它生產了北美自由貿易協定 - 但發展與資源公司沉沒,當伊朗國王被穆斯林民族主義運動推翻,廢除與該公司的所有合約。
Baruch invented the term Cold War, just as his owned minion Winston Churchill invented the term "Iron Curtain." Lilienthal, for a time, headed that part of the Military Industrial Complex that kept the US in atomic weapons, in an arms race bankrolled with borrowings from Lazard Freres and other Rothschild-allied investment banks.
As I was saying, the Obama Plan is simply the latest attempt at implementing a version of the Baruch Plan for a monopoly of atomic power by international power unanswerable to any nation. 正如我所說,奧巴馬計劃簡簞地是最新的嘗試,去實施一個版本的巴魯克計劃,由無法回答任何國家的國際力量去壟斷原子力量。
Baruch, Acheson and Lilenthal proposed an International Atomic Development Authority with complete power over atomic development all over the world and complete power to use atomic power to prevent atomic power. The movie The Day the Earth Stood Still was based on a story that was propaganda for the Baruch Plan, with the UN AEC taking the part of all-powerful and indestructible Gort the robot ­ the message laid out by Clatu the representative of the "united planets" being: "follow us and live in peace or pursue your present course and face obliteration." When nations no longer have control of nuclear power only Zionist Internationalism (the interests now running the United States against the interests of the American people) will have them and peace and cheap electricity will not be their primary function.

Obama's plan to eliminate all nuclear power from countries not under total Rothschild control and then to phase it away from governments completely so that only weapons secretly in the hands of the Money Power's own secret private (mercenary power above the armed forces of national powers) will exist to rule the earth brooking no interference from any organization of resistance.
When nuclear power is eliminated from the hands of all nationalist governments -- Iran is one of the last -- the Rothschild interests will have a monopoly of true nuclear super-power status -- a term that today is absurdly applied to the United States which no less a Rothschild asset than is Israel, a nation the Rothschilds' have won in a financial crap game using loaded dice. those of the "approved" Zionist internationalist arsenals and their secret private space-based capability as well.
當核力量從民族主義者政府手中被消除 - 伊朗是其中一個最後的 - 羅富齊的利益將壟斷一個真正的核超級大國地位 - 一個術語今天是荒謬應用在美國,她不低於以色列 是羅富齊的資產,一個國家羅富齊家族已從金融擲加鉛骰子的遊戲贏得,那些“被批准”的猶太复國主義國際主義者的武器庫,以及他們的秘密私人太空建基的能力。
If you doubt this than you have failed to thing long enough on the power of secret multi-trillionaires who control a monopoly of credit in the world as well as a network of secret societies that have worked to place their members in every geopolitical strategic point throughout the world ­ including China, Russia and India. Not only does the Jewish money power control secret stockpiles of nuclear weapons (in addition to the secret arsenal of Israel -- likely known only to Zionist Jews and any others whose absolutel loyal to the Money Power dynasties has been firmly established.

I should mention also here my conclusion that Baruch Plan nuclear domination of the species will also be augmented by already existing systems of weaponized weather modification and the ability to destroy and coercively control through what may be called weaponized private international credit monopoly.

The Obama plan is no more for world peace and the peaceful development of cheap energy for mankind that was the Baruch Plan.
Once the threat of even the potential of non-Jewish-controlled atomic weapons that could threaten Jerusalem and Jewish global supremacy is eliminated, you will see a ruthless arrogance against all critics of Jews that will make all previous genocides of history (both real and imagined) pale in comparison.
Obama is working for the Rothschilds and his plan for eliminating atomic weapons from the hands of representative governments (like the US wishes it still was) and national governments (like Iran) will render Obama's masters the Lords of the Earth (which they pretty much are already.) With this final power over others, Zionism will become not so much a global nobility as a global divinity with the power of Gods over men ­ the bankers having stolen from general mankind the gift of Prometheus so they can lord over them with impunity.
I wish Iran luck -- but they are in big trouble because they mistakenly believed that Putin was independent and would back them up. The truth is Iran has no friends it can count on, even as Iran may be one of the few nations remaining that the American people, if they understood their true best interests, could call their friend.
我希望伊朗有運 - 但他們在大麻煩中因為他們錯誤地相信普京是獨立的,並會支持他們。真相是伊朗沒有朋友可以信任,甚至可能伊朗是少數剩餘的國家之一,美國人民能叫他們做朋友,如果他們理解他們的真正最佳利益。
The Obama's Baruch Plan is probably going to succeed -- just like Obama's (formerly Hillary Clinton's) Health Care Plan.
奧巴馬的巴魯克計劃可能會成功 - 就像奧巴馬的(之前希拉里克林頓的)醫療保健計劃。
I've looked at the leaders you keep throwing up for me to get behind -- Ron Paul, Sarah Palin, Ralph Nader, Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura...and on that basis I can tell you with confidence -- you're getting the new Baruch Plan and you have earned it.
我已看過領導人你繼續舉起給我看穿內幕 - 羅恩保羅,佩林,拉爾夫納德,亞歷克瓊斯,傑西文圖拉...和在那基礎上,我有信心可以告訴你 - 你會得到新的巴魯克計劃和你們已賺到它。
