Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 2 The Satanic New World Order
April 15, 2010
Part 2 The Satanic New World Order
(Pal Telegraph, by Peter Eyre) – I and many other writers have talked about the New World Order (NWO) but who are they and just how far will they go to achieve their goals? The answer to that question is they will go as far as they need to go to reach their objectives….if that entails killing thousands of people then so be it. The NWO are certainly satanic and they will create any amount of “False Flag” operations to justify a military outcome.
(帕爾電訊,由彼得愛) - 我和許多其他作家談及新世界秩序(NWO),但他們是誰和他們會去幾盡去達到他們的目標?那個問題的答案是,他們將會有咁盡去咕咁盡,如他們需要去達到他們的目標 ...如果那必需殺死千千萬萬人,也就只好如此。新世界秩序當然是撒旦的,和他們將會創做任何數量的“無旗”行動以證明一項軍事後果。
The list is endless……USS Liberty, USS Cole, US Embassy and Hotel in Kenya, failed attack in Somalia, Oklahoma bombing, numerous attempted High Jacking’s (including Detroit), current operations in Yemen, the fictitious Al Qaeda and the top of the list 9/11 which was a total conspiracy….one could also add to this the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and more recently the man made Swine Flu!
這份名單是無窮無盡的... ...USS自由,USS科爾,美國大使館和肯尼亞的酒店,在索馬里的失敗襲擊,俄克拉荷馬爆炸案,數量眾多的High Jacking的(包括底特律),目前在也門的行動,虛構的基地組織,和在清單頂部的 9/11全陰謀 ...人亦可加這今年在伊拉克和阿富汗的戰爭,以及最近的人做豬流感!
Maybe you are shocked to read this as you would probably be also shocked to know that our countries are being taken over by these mad men. The term sovereignty has almost totally disappeared from our dictionary and replaced by this relatively small group of evil and greedy warmongers who seek to control the world and its natural resources.
I will leave the 9/11 conspiracy for the final part of this series and just focus on who are the NWO and what are their ambitions. Before moving on however we have to fully understand the historical attempt to bring about the NWO in the 1950’s. Many people today were not aware of this carefully orchestrated failed attempt that existed during the “Cold War” years. They started off with NATO and then added CENTO to cover the Middle Eastern Region and finally SEATO to cover Asia and the Far East To some extent you will see the resurrection of this same plan creeping back into our lives to this day and again that will be another article owing to its complexity.
We can see that these plans keep coming and going and it is only the intelligence of the people who manage to stop it or slow it down. I am sure that this is the case at the moment and that the NWO want to accelerate their programme but unfortunately they are now probably ten years or so behind their master plan. It is their intention to have all the respective populations living in a type of police state and becoming totally subservient to their respective governments. They only want a few selected individuals to become educated to a very high level and the rest to be left by the wayside.

They want us to be totally dependent on the state both in the health and social sense and one day we may find ourselves walking around with a “Chip and Pin” planted under our skin as Aaron Russo once said. They do not believe in the family unit as this creates harmony and therefore they prefer single parents. They encourage the use of drugs and may even one day tax them. Basically the NWO want a population of “Zombies” who will do exactly what they want them to do. In order to better understand the workings of this terrible elite group, one should look at the interview with Aaron Russo before he died of lung cancer:
Reflections And Warnings - An Interview With Aaron Russo {Full Film}
深思和警告 - 羅拉索的訪問(全片)
I would never have imagined that one day I would be talking about conspiracies and the New World Order. My life was full of the beauty of this world…nature…wildlife or just simply finding myself on a mountain, deep within a jungle or forest and listening to nothing but the sounds of nature. Sometimes we all have a purpose in life and that may come late when we are least expecting it. For me it was spending time in a remote part of Southern India, helping poor tribal people, from that moment I started this journey. What happened to me is beyond words but one thing I can say for sure is that once you start this journey you cannot stop.
There is not a day goes by without thinking how terrible it was to read a particle story and say to yourself how evil….but then you read more and more and the horrors just keep flowing out. One has to fully understand that there is no limit to the level of evil and killing people in mass is purely a routine for them. They openly declare the necessity to depopulate on a huge scale. We the public have to remain on guard and fully understand that the world has lost its direction and imagination and only we the people can stop the advancement of the NWO.

As I have already discussed in Part 1 of this series they have already started their mass genocide with a concentrated programme in the Middle East. They have to date directly attacked the genetics of Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Gaza with their extensive use of depleted and enriched uranium weapons and that has now extended on to Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen. The use of these weapons is totally indiscriminate and therefore the entire region is being contaminated by these radioactive aerosols. Most of the weapons are from the US and are used by all NATO partners as well as the Israeli IDF (who are also manufacturing their own). I am amazed that the entire Arab League just watch this happen and say nothing, even though they themselves are also at the receiving end and will eventually succumb to its toxicity. Needless to say the people of Israel are now victim to their own weapons.
So who are these people who inflict these terrible crimes against humankind? They are the same group of people that were behind the planned collapse of the world’s financial markets? They are the same group of people who intentionally caused the collapse of major banks and businesses so that when the dust had settled they could walk amongst the carcasses of dead companies and snap up a good deal. They are the same group that took all the tax payers money and within a year were operating again with massive profits. They basically cleared their debt, the governments got their money back but as usual the poor taxpayers never get theirs back but rather end up paying a very big IOU for the next 5 – 10 years……sound familiar?
The New World Order includes many of the world’s wealthiest people, the British Crown, top political leaders, and the corporate elite. They aim to create a fascist type one world government, stripped of nationalistic and regional boundaries, that is obedient to their agenda. Their intention is to completely control every human being and at the same time reduce the world’s population by around 5.5 billion people. Some say the early days of the NWO in the US may have started on Jekyll Island, Georgia, when back in 1910 some of the elite gathered to talk about the formation of the Federal Reserve Bank So who are the principal organizations, institutions, and individuals who make up this evil satanic NWO web?
The Illuminati is at the top of the pyramid which is an ancient bloodline of extremely rich families that make up the core of the “New World Order.” Their purpose to create A One World Government and one-unit monetary system, under permanent control of self elected members from their own numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages. In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population.There will be no middle class, only rulers and the servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist. The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simple be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited.

Behind this vast web of the wealthy elite is a programmed army who basically form part of a huge mind control programme that has the ability to interact via the mother to an unborn child……I realize that this may sound totally way out to many readers but if you take the time to research yourself then you can draw up your own conclusions. Some of these mind control programmes have a name such as Monarch and MK Ultra. Most governments have a very carefully scripted propaganda designed to obtain a desired behavioral response from the public. Public opinion polls are taken on a regular basis with the intent of finding out the public’s acceptance of this Illuminati’s planned programme. A strong showing in the polls tells the Illuminati that the programme is working or a poor showing tells the NWO manipulators that they have to do more work on the programme in order to get the desired response.
A “False Flag” operation such as 9/11 or the so called attempted airline bomb in Detroit is typically a way of not only spreading panic amongst the population but also a way of taking an action that basically needs a justification. Any “False Flag” operation or conflict is drawn out onto the world stage by the controlled media who show use photos and video reports of horrific and bloody atrocities suffered by innocent civilians. This has the desired response when the public cry out that something has to be done.
The governments then step up their next phase into bringing in more controlled security measures that basically and slowly converts the country into a police state. Please understand that the word “Terrorism” or “The Axis of Evil” forms part of their vocabulary but in the real sense does not truly exist. One has to understand that the “Axis of Evil” is the NWO.
The 9/11 conspiracy was a typical case of justification that then allowed the NWO to start implementing its plans to take over the natural resources of a country whilst at the same time spreading radiation aerosols amongst its population to attack the very DNA of its residents. The War in Afghanistan served two purposes it allowed the NWO to take control of the security of the Opium trade and also to facilitate the TAPI pipeline to run through the Southern heart of Afghanistan and onwards to the very lucrative oil/gas markets of Pakistan, India and possibly China.

I was happy to see that despite the extremely strong briefs carried out by the US in Pakistan and India, not to go for the Iranian pipeline (IPI), common sense prevailed and now Pakistan and India will take the pipeline from Iran. This has enraged the US who desperately needed this market for their own imperialistic greed. One can clearly see that the war in Afghanistan is not going completely the way the NWO had wanted and now only leaves them with the opium (which is still extremely lucrative) and is the backbone of the NWO.
We can now see an accelerated programme spear headed by the US, UK, France, Germany and Israel to carry out an attack on Iran at the earliest possible opportunity. The truth is that in a way they are a little scared as to who will initiate this attack as it is distinctly possible that Iran already has a nuke (compliments of the missing nukes that the US and UK lost some years ago). That terrible mistake involved the US and UK Government’s undermining the United Nations in hiding the fact that South Africa had made 10 ready to use Battlefield Bombs (all under the radar). The assassination of dear Dr. David Kelly forms part of this story which we can include in another article.
This terrible mistake cost millions of lives and involved David Cameron, along with two buddies (whom we will just refer too as KW (Now a Knight) and DW). The trio between them earned the Conservative Party (under Thatcher), a huge backhander to the tune of 17.8 million pounds, needless to say the illustrious Mark Thatcher (Maggie’s son) was also involved.
One should also add to this the knowledge and secrets that Tony Blair and Gordon Brown shared on this topic. Tony Blair also received one million pounds from a well known Formula One promoter. We can now start to understand that the Iraq Inquiry was an absolute farce and allowed both to walk away with the arrogance one would expect from members of the New World Order

Sorry, I drifted off the topic a little there so now to get back on track and see who else forms part of this NWO? International bankers and the big pharmaceutical companies as well as other major multinational corporations are the backbone of the establishment as are the Royal Family of England (House of Windsor) who are high level players in the Illuminati. Geographically the City of London), Basel Switzerland, and Brussels (NATO headquarters) are at its heart.
The United Nations, along with all the agencies working under the UN umbrella, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), are full time players in this scheme. Similarly, NATO is a military tool of the NWO.
The leaders of all major industrial countries like the United States, England, Germany, Italy, Australia, New Zealand (members of the “G7/G8”) are all part of the bigger picture. The Illuminati are responsible for certain hand-picked individuals, who are then groomed and selected as Prime Ministers or Presidents.
To finish off Part 2 we can also add the names of some of those involved in the NWO who control Wall Street and the City of London:
US Federal Reserve, Council of Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House London), Rockefeller and Rothschild families and the Bilderberg Group. One can then look at the very powerful Freemasons movement, AIPAC, Christian Zionist and Jewish Zionist the list is endless. We must not forget such evil people as Kissinger, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Bremer, Bolton, Rice and Wolfowitz to name a few who all played their part in the NWO.
In Part 3 we will look at the situation in the UK whereby the manipulation by the NWO under the control of Gordon Brown is clearly eating away at the very foundation of the British Constitution. If you think the other parties are any better, be warned, they also have members linked to the above. There are a group of defenders who work tirelessly on the sedition and treason being carried out by the UK government. Indications show that this started back in 1972 with the government of the day signing the EC Act under the control of Prime Minister Edward Heath.
Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 7/4/2010