The Brand New Micro-Particle Home Colloidal Silver Generator --
全新微粒子家庭膠狀銀發電器--Over a year and a half in development, this brand new model has been specifically designed to produce micro-particles of colloidal silver as small as .0008 microns (i.e., eight ten-thousandths of a micron) in size - so small they are completely invisible to the naked eye and barely visible even when you shine a laser light through the solution. In fact, it takes a powerful electron microscope operating at 175,000x magnification to measure them! That is just about as close to "dissolved" silver particles as you can get. The new Micro-Particle generator is designed to produce ultra-small silver particles capable of deep penetration into the cells and tissues of the human body where certain "stealth pathogens" such as those in the mycoplasmas family are said to hide. According to Dr. Garth Nicolson, M.D. of the Institute for Molecular Medicine in Huntington Beach, CA, and other noted researchers, these debilitating "stealth pathogens" are now implicated in the onset of numerous chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Crohn's colitis, Type II diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Wegener's disease, and collagen-vascular diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer's. It has been widely reported that Dr. Darryl See, M.D., former co-director of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Clinic at the University of California at Irvine has had incredible success using micro-particle colloidal silver to treat patients with chronic degenerative diseases suspected of being caused by the mycoplasmas pathogens. In published reports Dr. See says he has witnessed the DNA-PCR tests of patients with known mycoplasmas infections turn from positive to negative with the use of ultra-small particle colloidal silver (see Arthritis and Infections: The Hidden Link, Health Sciences Institute, Vol. 2, #10, April 1998.) This offers profound hope to millions who suffer from such debilitating hidden infections and the subsequent chronic degenerative diseases these insidious microorganisms can cause. The brand new Micro-Particle Home Colloidal Silver Generator is designed to produce minute silver particles with dramatically better penetration capabilities than standard colloidal silver. Micro-particle colloidal silver can be used for everything standard colloidal silver is used for. But because of its dramatically smaller particle size and deeper penetration capabilities, it can also be used in situations where it is suspected that deep-seated infections caused by "stealth pathogens" such as those from the mycoplasmas family may be contributing to acute, long-term chronic degenerative disease. This unit makes one full quart of high quality 7-10 ppm Micro-Particle colloidal silver solution per batch. An automatic timer is provided so you get a perfect batch every time. This unit is extremely easy to use. You simply place the generator on top of a quart jar of distilled water, set the timer for three hours, plug the unit in, and walk away. It makes a perfect batch of micro-particle colloidal silver every time, and shuts itself off when the batch is finished. And as with all of our generators, it comes complete with simple, step-by-step printed Operating Instructions and two six-inch strands of pure .999 fine 12 gauge silver wire. (For those who prefer visual rather than printed Operating Instructions, a studio-quality, 12-minute, step-by-step video guide can be purchased separately for only $9.95 – just enough to cover our costs. Click the link below to see a short 3-minute excerpt from the video, and to learn more about it.) The new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator is regularly priced at only $339.95, but if you act within the next 15 days you pay only $239.95 -- a whopping $100 savings! Or, purchase two of these amazing new units and get each one for only $219.95 per unit. That's a total of only $439.90 for two units -- an incredible savings of $120 per unit over the regular retail price! But you must act within the next 15 days to reap this very special savings! (Click here for shipping and handling chart.)

The Battery Operated Home Colloidal Silver Generator --
電池動力家庭膠狀銀發電器 --
For years this has been our most popular model. Its unique slim-line design (about the size of a small transistor radio; fits easily into a shirt pocket) is made for easy portability when traveling. It runs on three standard 9-volt batteries, so no matter where you go you never have to worry about finding a power source. The batteries come installed, but must be replaced every six to eight months. (They are readily available in any hardware store or Wal-Mart for $1 apiece or less.) This unit is so simple to run a child can do it. It makes 16 oz. of pure high-quality colloidal silver per batch. It is calibrated to produce a concentration of 1 ppm colloidal silver for each minute you leave the generator running. Therefore, if you want a good high-quality concentration of 10 ppm, you just leave the generator running for about 10 minutes. If you want a stronger concentration of 20 ppm, you leave the generator running for about 20 minutes. You can even make highly concentrated batches of colloidal silver, in the 100 to 500 ppm range, by letting the generator run longer. You get full printed instructions with each generator explaining how to make any concentration you choose. Unlike the cheap little "throw-away" models and "mudmakers" distributed by other companies (you always get what you pay for), these wonderful little units include special electronics that properly balance the voltage against the amperage in order to produce a high-quality colloidal silver solution with particles as low as .05 microns (i.e., five one-hundredths of a micron) in size - far smaller than an average human blood capillary of 7 to 10 microns! Inferior models distributed by other companies can produce overly large silver particles. No other manufacturer of battery operated home colloidal silver generators we know of goes to the expense of adding these extra electronics so you get a stable colloidal silver solution in a particle size range that is more easily assimilated by the human body. This is why we have chosen to distribute this particular unit. Additionally, because of the special electronics the manufacturer has included in each unit, your colloidal silver solution will not "burn" after 15 or 20 minutes of running time as happens frequently with inferior models distributed by other companies. Instead, you get a beautiful, silvery-clear colloidal silver solution every time! The battery-operated unit comes complete with simple, step-by-step printed Operating Instructions and two six-inch strands of pure .999 fine 14 gauge silver wire that should last for up to a year under normal usage. The Battery Operated Home Colloidal Silver Generator is regularly priced at only $149.95, but if you act within the next 15 days you pay only $129.95 -- a full $20 savings. Or, purchase two of these amazing new units and get each one for only $99.95. That's a total of $199.90 for two units, a savings of $50.00 per unit from the regular retail price. But you must act within the next 15 days while this special offer is still valid! (Click here for shipping and handling chart.)

The AC/DC Dual-Powered Home Colloidal Silver Generator --
We have nicknamed this the "Practitioner's Model," because so many doctors purchase it. This model gives you the option of running on standard 110/115 volt household current, or on three 9-volt batteries. (Batteries come installed, as with the unit above.) You can use the generator with your household AC current, or switch to DC battery power any time you choose. Unlike inferior AC/DC generators distributed by other companies, there are no confusing switches or dials to operate on this unit. Proprietary "smart electronics" makes it all automatic. If you plug the unit in to your standard 110/115 volt household current, it automatically switches to the AC electrical current mode. And if you don't plug the unit in to household electrical current when making colloidal silver, it automatically switches to the DC battery power mode. What's more, if you are using household electricity and your power goes off for some reason while you are making colloidal silver, the generator automatically senses the loss of household electrical power and switches over to battery power to continue making colloidal silver without missing a beat. Like the battery-operated unit it makes 16 ounces of pure high-quality colloidal silver per batch. It is calibrated to make 1 ppm colloidal silver per minute using the saline starter solution, or 10 ppm per hour without the saline starter solution. It is extremely simple to use - no special skills required. And it comes complete with simple, step-by-step printed Operating Instructions and two six-inch strands of pure .999 fine 14 gauge silver wire. The AC/DC Dual-Powered Home Colloidal Silver Generator is regularly priced at only $179.95, but if you act within the next 15 days you pay only $159.95 -- a full $20 savings! Or, purchase two of these amazing new units and get each one for only $139.95. That's a total of $279.90 for two units, a savings of $40.00 per unit from the regular retail price. But you must act within the next 15 days while this special offer is still valid! (Click here for shipping and handling chart.)
Read our response to the TGA Adverse Drug Reactions Bulletin.
Click here
Are you skeptical about colloidal silver? Are you wondering if it's based on science, or is it just wishful thinking?
Stop wondering. Here's a list of over 100 medical and scientific documents that prove that
silver has
antimicrobial properties.
Research Here.
What about claims that CS has serious side effects?
Take a few minutes to gather some simple facts.
Read why some people drink way too much silver and get argyria. The mistake they make is easy
to avoid.
(註:Argyria徵狀皮膚變藍灰,如Argyria Photos圖:
http://rosemaryjacobs.com/argyria_photos_intro.html )
You've heard of Paul Karosan?..the famous Blue Man. Read what they don't tell you in the
TV interviews.
Click here to learn more.
Colloidal Silver Gel Kits
Just add this to your own home-made colloidal silver water and make up to 3 litres of Colloidal Silver Gel. Ready-made CS Gel sells for up to $40 for just 250 mls! Now you can make your own for a fraction of the price. Click the Kits/Prices/Orders button (top left) to go to the buy page

Colloidal Silver in health food stores is now $40 to $50 a litre. With the generator you can EASILY make Colloidal Silver at home that's as good or better than the CS you buy in the shops.
Use as disinfectant (Wikipedia)
Handforged silver wine goblets. Usage of silverware was encouraged by the antibiotic action of silver
The Phoenicians are said to have stored water, wine, and vinegar in silver bottles to prevent spoiling.[36] In the early 1900s people would put silver dollars in milk bottles to prolong the milk's freshness.[36]
Electrolytically dissolved silver has been used as a water disinfecting agent. Silver was added as a disinfectant to the drinking water supplies of Russian Mir orbital station and the International Space Station.[39] The World Health Organization includes silver in a colloidal state produced by electrolysis of silver electrodes in water, and colloidal silver in water filters as two of a number of water disinfection methods specified to provide safe drinking water in developing countries.[40] Along these lines, a ceramic filtration system coated with silver particles has been created by Ron Rivera of Potters for Peace and used in developing countries for water disinfection.[41][42][43]
膠狀銀的好壞 觀點
必讀: 銀之寶貴 能殺死 650種致病微生物
全新微粒子家庭膠狀銀發電器--Over a year and a half in development, this brand new model has been specifically designed to produce micro-particles of colloidal silver as small as .0008 microns (i.e., eight ten-thousandths of a micron) in size - so small they are completely invisible to the naked eye and barely visible even when you shine a laser light through the solution. In fact, it takes a powerful electron microscope operating at 175,000x magnification to measure them! That is just about as close to "dissolved" silver particles as you can get. The new Micro-Particle generator is designed to produce ultra-small silver particles capable of deep penetration into the cells and tissues of the human body where certain "stealth pathogens" such as those in the mycoplasmas family are said to hide. According to Dr. Garth Nicolson, M.D. of the Institute for Molecular Medicine in Huntington Beach, CA, and other noted researchers, these debilitating "stealth pathogens" are now implicated in the onset of numerous chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Crohn's colitis, Type II diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Wegener's disease, and collagen-vascular diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer's. It has been widely reported that Dr. Darryl See, M.D., former co-director of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Clinic at the University of California at Irvine has had incredible success using micro-particle colloidal silver to treat patients with chronic degenerative diseases suspected of being caused by the mycoplasmas pathogens. In published reports Dr. See says he has witnessed the DNA-PCR tests of patients with known mycoplasmas infections turn from positive to negative with the use of ultra-small particle colloidal silver (see Arthritis and Infections: The Hidden Link, Health Sciences Institute, Vol. 2, #10, April 1998.) This offers profound hope to millions who suffer from such debilitating hidden infections and the subsequent chronic degenerative diseases these insidious microorganisms can cause. The brand new Micro-Particle Home Colloidal Silver Generator is designed to produce minute silver particles with dramatically better penetration capabilities than standard colloidal silver. Micro-particle colloidal silver can be used for everything standard colloidal silver is used for. But because of its dramatically smaller particle size and deeper penetration capabilities, it can also be used in situations where it is suspected that deep-seated infections caused by "stealth pathogens" such as those from the mycoplasmas family may be contributing to acute, long-term chronic degenerative disease. This unit makes one full quart of high quality 7-10 ppm Micro-Particle colloidal silver solution per batch. An automatic timer is provided so you get a perfect batch every time. This unit is extremely easy to use. You simply place the generator on top of a quart jar of distilled water, set the timer for three hours, plug the unit in, and walk away. It makes a perfect batch of micro-particle colloidal silver every time, and shuts itself off when the batch is finished. And as with all of our generators, it comes complete with simple, step-by-step printed Operating Instructions and two six-inch strands of pure .999 fine 12 gauge silver wire. (For those who prefer visual rather than printed Operating Instructions, a studio-quality, 12-minute, step-by-step video guide can be purchased separately for only $9.95 – just enough to cover our costs. Click the link below to see a short 3-minute excerpt from the video, and to learn more about it.) The new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator is regularly priced at only $339.95, but if you act within the next 15 days you pay only $239.95 -- a whopping $100 savings! Or, purchase two of these amazing new units and get each one for only $219.95 per unit. That's a total of only $439.90 for two units -- an incredible savings of $120 per unit over the regular retail price! But you must act within the next 15 days to reap this very special savings! (Click here for shipping and handling chart.)

The Battery Operated Home Colloidal Silver Generator --
電池動力家庭膠狀銀發電器 --
For years this has been our most popular model. Its unique slim-line design (about the size of a small transistor radio; fits easily into a shirt pocket) is made for easy portability when traveling. It runs on three standard 9-volt batteries, so no matter where you go you never have to worry about finding a power source. The batteries come installed, but must be replaced every six to eight months. (They are readily available in any hardware store or Wal-Mart for $1 apiece or less.) This unit is so simple to run a child can do it. It makes 16 oz. of pure high-quality colloidal silver per batch. It is calibrated to produce a concentration of 1 ppm colloidal silver for each minute you leave the generator running. Therefore, if you want a good high-quality concentration of 10 ppm, you just leave the generator running for about 10 minutes. If you want a stronger concentration of 20 ppm, you leave the generator running for about 20 minutes. You can even make highly concentrated batches of colloidal silver, in the 100 to 500 ppm range, by letting the generator run longer. You get full printed instructions with each generator explaining how to make any concentration you choose. Unlike the cheap little "throw-away" models and "mudmakers" distributed by other companies (you always get what you pay for), these wonderful little units include special electronics that properly balance the voltage against the amperage in order to produce a high-quality colloidal silver solution with particles as low as .05 microns (i.e., five one-hundredths of a micron) in size - far smaller than an average human blood capillary of 7 to 10 microns! Inferior models distributed by other companies can produce overly large silver particles. No other manufacturer of battery operated home colloidal silver generators we know of goes to the expense of adding these extra electronics so you get a stable colloidal silver solution in a particle size range that is more easily assimilated by the human body. This is why we have chosen to distribute this particular unit. Additionally, because of the special electronics the manufacturer has included in each unit, your colloidal silver solution will not "burn" after 15 or 20 minutes of running time as happens frequently with inferior models distributed by other companies. Instead, you get a beautiful, silvery-clear colloidal silver solution every time! The battery-operated unit comes complete with simple, step-by-step printed Operating Instructions and two six-inch strands of pure .999 fine 14 gauge silver wire that should last for up to a year under normal usage. The Battery Operated Home Colloidal Silver Generator is regularly priced at only $149.95, but if you act within the next 15 days you pay only $129.95 -- a full $20 savings. Or, purchase two of these amazing new units and get each one for only $99.95. That's a total of $199.90 for two units, a savings of $50.00 per unit from the regular retail price. But you must act within the next 15 days while this special offer is still valid! (Click here for shipping and handling chart.)

The AC/DC Dual-Powered Home Colloidal Silver Generator --
We have nicknamed this the "Practitioner's Model," because so many doctors purchase it. This model gives you the option of running on standard 110/115 volt household current, or on three 9-volt batteries. (Batteries come installed, as with the unit above.) You can use the generator with your household AC current, or switch to DC battery power any time you choose. Unlike inferior AC/DC generators distributed by other companies, there are no confusing switches or dials to operate on this unit. Proprietary "smart electronics" makes it all automatic. If you plug the unit in to your standard 110/115 volt household current, it automatically switches to the AC electrical current mode. And if you don't plug the unit in to household electrical current when making colloidal silver, it automatically switches to the DC battery power mode. What's more, if you are using household electricity and your power goes off for some reason while you are making colloidal silver, the generator automatically senses the loss of household electrical power and switches over to battery power to continue making colloidal silver without missing a beat. Like the battery-operated unit it makes 16 ounces of pure high-quality colloidal silver per batch. It is calibrated to make 1 ppm colloidal silver per minute using the saline starter solution, or 10 ppm per hour without the saline starter solution. It is extremely simple to use - no special skills required. And it comes complete with simple, step-by-step printed Operating Instructions and two six-inch strands of pure .999 fine 14 gauge silver wire. The AC/DC Dual-Powered Home Colloidal Silver Generator is regularly priced at only $179.95, but if you act within the next 15 days you pay only $159.95 -- a full $20 savings! Or, purchase two of these amazing new units and get each one for only $139.95. That's a total of $279.90 for two units, a savings of $40.00 per unit from the regular retail price. But you must act within the next 15 days while this special offer is still valid! (Click here for shipping and handling chart.)
Read our response to the TGA Adverse Drug Reactions Bulletin.
Click here
Are you skeptical about colloidal silver? Are you wondering if it's based on science, or is it just wishful thinking?
Stop wondering. Here's a list of over 100 medical and scientific documents that prove that
silver has
antimicrobial properties.
Research Here.
What about claims that CS has serious side effects?
Take a few minutes to gather some simple facts.
Read why some people drink way too much silver and get argyria. The mistake they make is easy
to avoid.
(註:Argyria徵狀皮膚變藍灰,如Argyria Photos圖:
http://rosemaryjacobs.com/argyria_photos_intro.html )
You've heard of Paul Karosan?..the famous Blue Man. Read what they don't tell you in the
TV interviews.
Click here to learn more.
Colloidal Silver Gel Kits
Just add this to your own home-made colloidal silver water and make up to 3 litres of Colloidal Silver Gel. Ready-made CS Gel sells for up to $40 for just 250 mls! Now you can make your own for a fraction of the price. Click the Kits/Prices/Orders button (top left) to go to the buy page

Use as disinfectant (Wikipedia)

Handforged silver wine goblets. Usage of silverware was encouraged by the antibiotic action of silver
The Phoenicians are said to have stored water, wine, and vinegar in silver bottles to prevent spoiling.[36] In the early 1900s people would put silver dollars in milk bottles to prolong the milk's freshness.[36]
Electrolytically dissolved silver has been used as a water disinfecting agent. Silver was added as a disinfectant to the drinking water supplies of Russian Mir orbital station and the International Space Station.[39] The World Health Organization includes silver in a colloidal state produced by electrolysis of silver electrodes in water, and colloidal silver in water filters as two of a number of water disinfection methods specified to provide safe drinking water in developing countries.[40] Along these lines, a ceramic filtration system coated with silver particles has been created by Ron Rivera of Potters for Peace and used in developing countries for water disinfection.[41][42][43]
膠狀銀的好壞 觀點
必讀: 銀之寶貴 能殺死 650種致病微生物
1 則留言:
文章編號: 200906108820136
Source: WiseLearning/ Wisenews