閃爍的秘密 為您的健康它使銀寶貴
Shining secret that makes silver precious for your health
By Anastasia Stephens
Last updated at 10:00 PM on 27th February 2010

在超過 一千個醫學研究中所示,銀具有強大的抗菌和傷口癒合作用,到底什麼是這一寶貴金屬的健康秘密?
'研究表明,銀是一種有力的抗菌劑,是無刺激性和無毒,'曼徹斯特城市大學微生物學教授瓦萊麗愛德華瓊斯說。 '最近的研究表明,銀能殺死 650種致病微生物。
'那金屬含有數以千計的細小銀離子,'她說。 '這些防止細菌、病毒和真菌的擴散,進入細胞和撤銷蛋白質,微生物無法繁殖和死亡,因此防止傳播感染。
與英格蘭NHS信託基金會的心的研究發現,銀納入在醫院家具設備表面,可減少細菌水平約99%,'一間狼隊公司對 BioCote的微生物學家黑斯廷斯理查德博士說,它製造具銀醫療產品。
'銀亦能戰鬥皮膚條件,如濕疹和牛皮癬 - 藥膏含有百分之一的銀,能抑制在過敏條件的皮膚發現的炎症。
和銀亦可能有一天被用來作為內部抗生素,在德州大學的研究內,銀粒子100%殺死在3小時內愛滋病毒,它還殺死流感病毒以及抗生素抗藥性的超級細菌,葡萄球菌。然而需要進行更多的研究,在內部使用銀被認為是安全的, '當內服時的一種副作用,是你能發展藍色的變色在皮膚下,'愛德華茲瓊斯教授說。
Before the discovery of antibiotics, surgeons used to stitch wounds with thread woven with silver as they believed it helped to prevent infection.
Meanwhile, bandages were laced with silver in the First World War, as it was thought to help save lives. And they were right.
As shown in more than a thousand medical studies, silver has powerful antiseptic and wound-healing properties. So just what are the health secrets of this precious metal?
'Research has shown that silver is a powerful antimicrobial agent that is non-irritating and non-toxic,' says Valerie Edwards Jones, professor of microbiology at Manchester Metropolitan University. 'Recent studies have shown that silver can kill up to 650 species of pathogenic microbes.
'The metal consists of thousands of tiny silver ions,' she says. 'These prevent bacteria, viruses and fungi from spreading by entering the cell and deactivating proteins. The microbes cannot reproduce and die, so the spread of infection is prevented.'
There has been a resurgence of medical interest in silver, according to Prof Edwards Jones, because it effectively kills antibiotic resistant bacteria such as MRSA.
In 2007, the NHS spent more than £23million on silver dressings for leg ulcers and the Health Protection Agency has recommended that silver-coated catheters be introduced for the prevention of urinary tract infections.
Indeed, silver is set to be increasingly added to medical equipment and hospital furniture as a way of preventing hospital-based infections.
'Research with the Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust has found that silver, incorporated in the surfaces of hospital equipment furniture, can reduce bacterial levels by 99 per cent,' says Dr Richard Hastings, microbiologist for BioCote, a Wolverhampton company that makes silver-based medical products.
'This, in turn, cuts infection risk from superbugs such as MRSA, E. coli and salmonella.'
Silver is also emerging as an effective tool for the treatment of skin conditions, burns and wounds.
'Silver dressings are now widely used to aid wound healing. In the treatment of burns, where there is a high risk of irritation and infection, it has been very successful,' says Prof Edwards Jones.
Silver could also combat skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis - topical cream containing one per cent silver can suppress the kind of inflammation found in these allergic skin conditions.'
And silver may also one day be used as an internal antibiotic-In a study at the University of Texas, silver particles killed 100 per cent of the HIV virus within three hours. It also killed the flu virus as well as the antibiotic resistant superbug, MRSA.
However, more research needs to be conducted for the internal use of silver to be considered safe. 'A side effect when taken internally, is that you can develop blue discolouration beneath the skin,' says Prof Edwards Jones.
' Researchers would need to know more about this and any other adverse effects before it is used in this way.'
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