H1n1 swine flu: natural remedies
January 9, 8:19 AMColorado Springs Christian Spirituality Examiner
If you contract the flu (any version of the virus, whether you have received flu shots or not), be prepared. Prepare BEFORE you experience any of the typical flu symptoms (and forget the over-the-counter flu "medications," which only treat the symptoms, and cripple the body in its very fight against the virus).
Note: All versions of the flu are dangerous, and potentially lethal. Take the flu seriously, in all cases, with all individuals, especially children.
Please consider the following everyday natural remedies, all of which have been proven effective in fighting the flu, including the novel h1n1 swine flu strain of the virus:
Vaporizer. 蒸餾器 Use a hot-steam vaporizer, and keep it running for the duration of the illness. Upon each refill of the water reservoir, place freshly chopped onion bits in the steamer dish (the receptacle just beneath the steam spout). There is direct proof that the influenza virus does not appreciate humidity, and using onions jointly with the vaporizer also spreads sulfur through the air.
Elderberry. 接骨木屬植物Elderberry, or Sambucus, has been tested against the h1n1 virus, and proved effective. Obtain lozenges and syrups at any health-food store. Safe for children.
Respiratory Herbs 呼吸性草藥: These can be used in the powdered spice form, or in fresh form, including ginger, oregano, elderberry, onion and garlic. These herbs, proven effective in treating conditions of the lung, can be obtained in capsule form. A powerful form of oregano is the oil Oreganol.
Onions洋葱. Place freshly-cut onions in every populated room of the house, especially in the "sick room." This practice is not for the folkloric alleged benefit of "attracting and trapping the virus," but in releasing the sulfuric content of the onions into the air that is breathed. Working together with humidity (vaporizer), the flu is hampered in its attempt to spread. Currently, onions are very cheap. Place bits of onion in the steamer cup of the vaporizer.
NeilMed Nasal Irrigation尼爾醫學噴鼻沖洗. Or Netipot. Flush out the nasal cavity with warm salty water. Used in conjunction with the salt-water gargle, attacks the two most prominent locations the flu proliferates in the body, the nose and throat. This device can be obtained at either Walgreens or Walmart, for about $10-$12. The best tool for fighting nasal infections, and the lowest price possible.
H1n1 swine flu: natural remedies
January 9, 8:19 AMColorado Springs Christian Spirituality Examiner
If you contract the flu (any version of the virus, whether you have received flu shots or not), be prepared. Prepare BEFORE you experience any of the typical flu symptoms (and forget the over-the-counter flu "medications," which only treat the symptoms, and cripple the body in its very fight against the virus).
Note: All versions of the flu are dangerous, and potentially lethal. Take the flu seriously, in all cases, with all individuals, especially children.
Please consider the following everyday natural remedies, all of which have been proven effective in fighting the flu, including the novel h1n1 swine flu strain of the virus:
Vaporizer. 蒸餾器 Use a hot-steam vaporizer, and keep it running for the duration of the illness. Upon each refill of the water reservoir, place freshly chopped onion bits in the steamer dish (the receptacle just beneath the steam spout). There is direct proof that the influenza virus does not appreciate humidity, and using onions jointly with the vaporizer also spreads sulfur through the air.
Elderberry. 接骨木屬植物Elderberry, or Sambucus, has been tested against the h1n1 virus, and proved effective. Obtain lozenges and syrups at any health-food store. Safe for children.
Respiratory Herbs 呼吸性草藥: These can be used in the powdered spice form, or in fresh form, including ginger, oregano, elderberry, onion and garlic. These herbs, proven effective in treating conditions of the lung, can be obtained in capsule form. A powerful form of oregano is the oil Oreganol.
Onions洋葱. Place freshly-cut onions in every populated room of the house, especially in the "sick room." This practice is not for the folkloric alleged benefit of "attracting and trapping the virus," but in releasing the sulfuric content of the onions into the air that is breathed. Working together with humidity (vaporizer), the flu is hampered in its attempt to spread. Currently, onions are very cheap. Place bits of onion in the steamer cup of the vaporizer.
NeilMed Nasal Irrigation尼爾醫學噴鼻沖洗. Or Netipot. Flush out the nasal cavity with warm salty water. Used in conjunction with the salt-water gargle, attacks the two most prominent locations the flu proliferates in the body, the nose and throat. This device can be obtained at either Walgreens or Walmart, for about $10-$12. The best tool for fighting nasal infections, and the lowest price possible.
Honey蜜糖. One of the healthiest natural foods that has been used in healing, mentioned as early as the writings of Homer. Add to tea, oatmeal, and even to a hot dish of sauerkraut. Click here for more honey information.
Sauerkraut酸菜. A refreshing dish when fighting the flu, lifts the spirits and the immune system. Has already been tested positively against Bird Flu. Cook with ginger, oregano, onions, garlic and honey.
Green Tea. Hydrate with green tea. Aids in establishing a negative environment for the flu. Obtain green tea with lemongrass.
Tofu Noodle Soup豆腐麵湯. Wonderfully comforting, and healthy, replete with onions, garlic, ginger and oregano. Similar to "chicken noodle soup," but better in every way (plus no dead bird is involved).
Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE)西柚種籽精華. Fights bacteria and viruses. Also, purchase a tube of Vita-Myr Toothpaste牙膏, which contains GSE and Zinc, wonderful for disinfecting the mouth.
Ginger and Oregano.生薑和牛至 Incredibly powerful virus and bacteria fighters, these two herbs work better together than apart. More info on Ginger. More info on Oregano.
Pneumonia Information. Natural remedies.
Note, as of mid-January 2010, the second wave has not yet occurred. The world is celebrating that "it is over, the virus has been vanquished, easily." But if they are wrong, the experts of the health industry and the governments of the world, then serious trouble lurks near at hand.
Look into the alternatives to a vaccine created for the first wave and which will do little good in protecting against a more lethal virus in a second wave. And please, please look into the alternatives to doing absolutely nothing (and unfortunately, the vaccine is the same thing as "doing nothing").
Keep your spirits high, and fight the flu. None of these measures are expensive and all are available at a variety of stores near you, or online. These are not "scams" but simple, natural remedies. If you do nothing else, invest about $50 in a stockpile of natural remedies, especially onions, elderberries, garlic, ginger and oregano.
Fighting the flu is a better alternative to doing nothing, or spending money on over-the-counter treatments which only treat the symptoms, and not the illness itself.
Fight the flu, and rest, and recover fully. Don't give up. It is a battle. And you will win it.
Related Articles/ Resources:
Honey, I love you...
H1N1 Second Wave Defined
Naturally battling Swine Flu
Swine Flu: Real Cause
Ukraine Pandemic Fears
The Flu HQ: Fight the Flu
Swine Flu: Lust for Flesh
Flu Immunity and
Cytokine Prevention
5 則留言:
接木骨/接骨木汁我飲過, ikea有得賣, 幾好飲架! 佢本身有咩用我就唔知喇!
酸菜, 唔知係咪講緊kimchi之類, kimchi的確係有研究話, 有預防作用, 不過見到南韓都有咁多case, 就知作用不大
生薑, 我想提議大家, 有生薑粉可作為沖劑飲, 賣台灣食品既地方有, 永安唔sure有無, 荃灣有!
牛至...... 係咪牛黃??? 定係另一樣野??
如果係牛黃的話, 係對炎症有好大幫助, 但真正牛黃唔係植物(我見你既資料好似係植物), 牛黃係牛既肉臟製過而成, 好苦, 仲好貴! 幾百蚊一支/一粒
唔係我料呀師兄, 係因為病過食過所以知少少咋!
最簡單基本係 維他命C 同維他命D。
曾有一博士得諾貝爾醫學獎,都係發現一生都不會得感冒的秘訣 --- 就係每天攝取10g,即10000mg的維他命C,前提係要飲夠水啦。