20.Domene Isere, France - January 5th, 1976:

19.Harlingen, Texas - January 1st, 1976:

18.Morales, San Luis Potosi, Mexico - October 1965:

17.Arequipa, Peru - August 30th, 1965:

16.Renton, Washington - August 13th, 1965:

15.Torrent Corrientes, Argentina - February 11th, 1965:

14.Rio Claro, Brazil - 1965

13.Evans City, Pennsylvania - April 14th, 1971:

12.Brooksville, Florida - February 26th, 1971:

11.Neston, England - July 1857:

10.Quarouble,France -1954:

9.Nouatre, Indre-et-Loire, France - September 30th, 1954.

8.U.S. Secretary of State (and Nobel prize winner) sees aliens

7.Bahia Blanca, Argentina, 1950 -Dr Bottta Enters Flying Saucer

6.The Manhattan Abduction,Linda Cortile Napolitano - November 30, 1989

5.The Controller
Drawing by Ken Rose for Howe in February 1992, and © 1998 by Linda Moulton Howe in Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. II: High Strangeness.

4.Drawing by Josi Galante © 1996 for Jim Sparks.

2.Plaine des Caffres, La Réunion, July 31, 1968

1.The Charles Hall Humanoid Encounters old Indian Springs range, Nevada May 1965
UFO住客:非人類報告 畫集4http://autumnson-nwo.blogspot.com/2010/01/ufo-4.html
揭秘UFO出現時的8種怪象 外星人照片震驚世界