




Saturday, 16 January 2010 11:26
News - Highlighted News

Wolfgang Wodarg, the ex SPD parliamentary member who has initiated an investigation into WHO and the influence of big pharma over the swine flu pandemic declaration -at the Council of Europe, has been a strong supporter of WHO and pandemic event measuresn the past, and continues to be so today, according to information in German on his own official website.
His website states that as late as March 2009, shortly before the swine flu outbreak occurred, he was advocating stronger coordination between WHO and the German govenrment, especially the federal states, in the event of a pandemic outbreak as part of an international conference on health diplomacy.

The webpage in German states he thinks the bird flu pandemic of 2005 was "artificial" and highly likely to have been engineered just to sell more medicines, but says that it is "right" that the only protection against health catastrophes involves cooperation with international organisations, which must include WHO.

As a key member of parliamentary health committees up uil 2002, Wodarg must also have been aware of the pandemic action group set up in 2002 to start preparing for mass vaccinations with untested vaccines with adjuvants.

"The Federal government works closely with the 16 states. Together they are working on a national pandemic plan that is regularly reviewed on the basis of new scientific knowledge and experiences from catastrophe exercises," he says on his webpage.

The fact that Wodarg has been, and still is, such a strong supporter of WHO and government pandemic plans including mass vaccination with an untested substance will fuel concerns that he is engaging in a white wash to deflect attention from legal actions brought against the French government by Christian Cotton and Marc Vercoutere by bringing this motion.

The stated aim of his investigation, which will take the form of a debate on Thursday 28th of January, and have absolutely no legal consquences, is to restore the credibiltiy of international and government organisations.

Clearly, this is not a valid goal for any investigation. The aim must be to restore law and order to these bodies. Confidence will flow when the general public sees that they are performing their functions properly.

Uncritical unconfidence in these criminal bodies was the reason why WHO, the German government and other organisations were able to declare a pandemic emergency over a mild swine flu and implement mass vaccinations with an untested substance.

That confidence has now gone - and rightly so. The facts prove that the governments and WHO are deliberately giving people dangerous vaccines on a spurious grounds.

Wodarg appears to be sent into the arena to persuade people it was just a scam for profit - instead of an act of mass murder as doctors such as Jürgen Seefeldt have said.

He is there to persaude people their actions are being taken seriously by the highest authorities - when it was the highest authorities who prepared this crime.

Wodarg will give a stirring speech on January 28th broadcast on the internet as part of a debate while the real hearing occurs on January 26th behind closed doors.

Heads may roll at the WHO and we will be told that order has been restored to this corrupt institution when it has not been.

In the meantime, it is well known that this international corporate crime syndicate involving Freemasons and Aryan supremacy organisations (Aryan includes the Irish in this definition) infilitrates opposition to get control.Wodarg appears to be part of just such an operation and to be part of elaborate plot to cover up a crime, itself a criminal offence.


Gesundheitskatastrophen durch internationale Zusammenarbeit verhindern

07.04.2009: Der heutige (07.04.) Weltgesundheitstag widmet sich Maßnahmen des Gesundheitswesens im Katastrophenfall. Der Abgeordnete Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg betont dabei die Wichtigkeit der Prävention durch internationale Kooperation und Verantwortung

Am 7. April 1948 wurde die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) gegründet. Seit dem wird diese Gründung alljährlich unter einem bestimmten Motto gefeiert. In diesem Jahr steht das Thema "Safe lives - Make hospitals safe in emergencies" im Mittelpunkt. Das Augenmerk liegt also auf Maßnahmen des Gesundheitswesens im Katastrophenfall. "Gesundheitliche Katastrophen sind meist internationale Krisen", betonte der Gesundheitsexperte Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg. "Uns allen ist die Angst vor neuen Seuchen durch das Gespenst der "Vogelgrippe" dramatisierend vor Augen geführt worden. Auch wenn es sich bei dieser Aktion vermutlich um eine künstliche Panik gehandelt hat, die lediglich der Umsatzförderung eines Medikamentes diente, so bleibt es richtig, dass es nur durch enge internationale Zusammenarbeit möglich ist, Gesundheitskatastrophen abzuwenden. Auch hier muss Prävention oberste Priorität haben."

Erst am 18. März hatte sich Dr. Wodarg im Rahmen einer Konferenz zur internationalen Gesundheitsdiplomatie für eine Weiterentwicklung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Ländern stark gemacht. (siehe http://www.wodarg.de/show/2448974.html))

Doch auch für den Fall, dass eine gesundheitliche Katastrophe in internationaler Zusammenarbeit nicht verhindert werden kann und eine Pandemie tatsächlich auch Deutschland erreichen sollte, sei das hiesige Gesundheitssystem gut gerüstet, so Dr. Wodarg. "Die Bundesregierung arbeitet eng mit den sechzehn Ländern zusammen. Gemeinsam wurde ein Nationaler Pandemieplan erarbeitet, der regelmäßig auf der Grundlage neuster wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse und Erfahrungen aus Katastrophenübungen überarbeitet wird."

Alleine wird Deutschland eine effiziente Vorsorge für gesundheitliche Katastrophenfälle allerdings nicht gelingen, bekräftigte der Mediziner Dr. Wodarg. "Wir brauchen internationale Kooperation und Verantwortung, in Europa und auf der ganzen Welt. Die WHO muss hierzu die Plattform bieten und darf sich in Zukunft nicht durch Pharma-Interessen korrumpieren lassen.."

