Sexual assault reports surge in US military
Wed, 17 Mar 2010 11:17:32 GMT

The Pentagon has announced that the number of reports of sexual assault in the US military has jumped by 11 percent in fiscal year 2009.
The Defense Department said Tuesday it has so far recorded some 3,230 complaints which involve members of the military, both as victims and perpetrators.
The number compared to the 2,908 recorded in 2008 has witnessed a dramatic rise.
The alarming data was released by The Pentagon in an attempt to raise awareness of the problem, which has been under-reported.
Victims of abuse in the military are allowed to report the crime without notifying their commanding officers or police.
However, this "restricted" reporting means that the case does not trigger an investigation or a military trial.
The latest figures also show that only in 983 cases out of 2,284 sexual assault investigations, the accused were punished, and of those just 42% were prosecuted under a court-martial.
Last week in another shocking report by the Pentagon, it was revealed that over 3,500 female veterans were raped in the US military during 2009.
上週五角大樓的另一樁駭人聽聞的報告,它透露在2009年美軍中有超過 3,500女性後備軍人被強姦。
This means that women who join the military to help fight in Iraq and Afghanistan are more likely to be raped by a fellow American soldier than getting killed by enemy fire.
However, even though President Barack Obama's administration is quite aware of the problem of sexual assault in the US military, it has been very slow in addressing the issue, and has only asked the Congress to advance more money for more prevention programs.
韓國軍方接連爆出性侵犯醜聞 軍隊紀律遭質疑