Amazing creatures of deep polar waters


In this undated photo released by the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Census of Marine Life, is shown a marble-sized jellyfish, calycopsis borchgrevinki, which is one of the more common hydromedusae encountered in Antarctic waters

In this undated photo released by the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Census of Marine Life, is shown a ghost-like sea-angel, platybrachium antarcticum, going through the deep Antarctic waters hunting the shelled pteropods (another type of snail) on which it feeds

In this undated photo released by the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Census of Marine Life, is shown a bean-sized swimming snail, limacina helicina, occurring in both Arctic and Antarctic waters. It spins a mucus-net off its paddle-like foot-wings to trap algae and other small particles on which it feeds

In this undated photo released by the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Census of Marine Life, is shown a shell-less pteropod or swimming snail, clione limacina, found in both Arctic and Antarctic waters, which preys exclusively on its fellow shelled pteropods
在此阿拉斯加費爾班克斯大學海洋生物普查公佈的未註明日期照片中,顯示一無殼的翼足類動物或游泳的蝸牛 clione limacina,均發現在北極和南極水域,專門捕食其同胞有瑴的翼足類動物

In this undated photo released by the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Census of Marine Life, is shown a nemertean pelagonemertes rollestoni hunting for zooplankton prey that it will harpoon with a dart attached to the tongue coiled within it. Its yellow stomach reaches out to feed all parts of the body
在此阿拉斯加費爾班克斯大學海洋生物普查公佈的未註明日期照片中,顯示一nemertean pelagonemertes盤車的浮游動物狩獵獵物,它將以連接到舌頭纏繞其中的飛鏢叉魚,它的黃色胃伸出去飼養身體的各部份

In this undated photo released by the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Census of Marine Life, is shown a chionodraco hamatus, one of the Antarctic’s ice fish, which can withstand temperatures that freeze the blood of all other types of fish
在此阿拉斯加費爾班克斯大學海洋生物普查公佈的未註明日期照片中,顯示一chionodraco hamatus,南極的冰魚之一,它可以承受的溫度,是足以凍結所有其它類型的魚的血液

In this undated photo released by the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Census of Marine Life, is shown a sand-flea hyperoche capucinus, a common predator swimming in polar waters
在此阿拉斯加費爾班克斯大學海洋生物普查公佈的未註明日期照片中,顯示一沙蚤hyperoche capucinus,一個普通的食肉動物在極地水域中游泳