

CERN 重新啟動 己毁滅世界?

CERN 己毁滅世界?
Has CERN Killed The World?

Topic started on 28-2-2010 @ 03:01 AM by aristocrat2

If CERN accidentally had created a stable black hole or particle capable of doing so, it would quickly gain weight and fall to the centre of the planet. If this occurred, once beyond our reach, it would gorge itself on magma, getting bigger the fatser it ate and eating faster the bigger it got.
If this occurred, the earth would not immediately collapse, there would be a period of several weeks, months or even years before the final collapse.
The symptoms of doom would be:-
末日的症狀是: -
1. Messed up weather
2. A spate of earthquakes on fault lines and tsusami that just would not stop
一連串的斷層 地震和海嘯,僅將不會停止。
3. A spate of earthquakes on long dead or inactive fault lines like in Haiti where there hasn't been one for hundreds of years.
4. A growing emission of X-rays which would be hard for the Government to cover up without putting X-Ray machines all over the place.
X射線排放增加,它 將令政府難以掩蓋,難把X光機放在所有的地方。
5. Government clamping down on security and building escape craft in secret bunkers all over the place.
6. Government spending money like its going out of business...as it would be?
政府使錢像倒水 ...芷如它會?

Sound familiar.
7. Finally massive continent busting earthquakes and a final collapse in a minute or two to nothing.

在歐洲核子研究中心的大爆炸對撞機重新啟動 企圖發現宇宙的起源
Big Bang Collider restarts at Cern in bid to discover origins of the universe

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 11:21 AM on 01st March 2010

Scientists have restarted the world largest atom smasher over-night, in a fresh bid to uncover the secrets of the universe.
The European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, sent low energy beams of protons in both directions around the 17-mile particle accelerator under the Swiss-French border at Geneva.
歐洲核研究組織,或CERN,在瑞士-法國邊境的日內瓦下,發出低能量的質子束,從兩個方向圍繞大約 17哩長的粒子加速器。

Technicians install electric cables at the heart of the ATLAS detector, part of the Large Hadron Collider, which was restarted last night

After a cautious trial period, CERN plans to ramp up the energy of the beams to unprecedented levels and start record-setting collisions of protons by late March, spokeswoman Christine Sutton said.

The restart follows a 10-weeks winter shutdown during which scientists made improvements and checked out the smasher's ability to collide protons at energies three times greater than has ever been achieved before.

The Large Hadron Collider was built to examine suspected phenomena such as dark matter, antimatter and ultimately the creation of the universe billions of years ago, which many believe occurred in an explosion known as the Big Bang.

It was originally launched amid great fanfare and controversy on September 10, 2008. Some critics led by scientist Otto Rossler, claimed the machine would spawn a shower of mini-black holes.
Within four years, they said one of these 'celestial vacuums' could have swollen to such a size that it is capable of sucking the Earth inside-out - a claim vehemently denied by CERN.
In the event, the machine was shut down just nine days after launch, when a badly soldered electrical splice overheated and set off a chain of damage to the magnets and other parts of the collider.
The LHC will blast particles both ways around a 17-mile circulur tunnel

CERN had to undertake a £26million program of repairs and improvements over 14 months before it was ready to retry the machine at the end of November. Then the the collider performed almost flawlessly, giving scientists valuable data in the four-week run before Christmas.

Specialists have checked out and improved electrical connections and other parts of the machine since the shutdown, but still want to take further steps to make sure the Large Hadron Collider is ready to operate at higher energy.

'There's a long way to go between getting the first bunches of protons to go around and actually getting the machine to its top working levels,' Ms Sutton said.
'It's a lot like having designed a Formula One racing car. The first time you send it out, the guy doesn't go round the circuit as fast as he can. You have to learn about the controls, how the car handles.'

The long-term goal will be to run the proton beams at 7 TeV in each direction, but CERN has decided that it will continue its cautious approach and run at 3.5 TeV for 18 to 24 months.

Then a long shutdown will allow for further improvements for operation at the full design energy.

CERN的LHC要關閉一年 以解決安全問題


The moment Large Hadron Collider breaks energy record
Published: 6:09PM GMT 19 Mar 2010

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