Aspartame exposed - GM Bacteria used to create deadly sweetener
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
by: Anthony Gucciardi, citizen journalist
Translation by Autumnson Blog

(NaturalNews)世界上最風行甜味劑的製造商有一個秘密,和它並不是甜蜜的一種。阿斯巴甜是一種人做甜味劑在世界範圍內的成千上萬產品中被發現,亦已被發現是用轉基因(GM)細菌創造,更令人震驚的東西是這資料已被知道多久。在一篇由獨立報 的1999年文章是第一個去揭露那可惡的阿斯巴甜被創造過程。諷刺的是,發現出現在大約的同一時間,當世界各地的富有領導人在八國集團首腦會議上會晤,去討論轉基因食品的安全。
The 1999 investigation found that Monsanto, the largest biotech corporation in the world, often used GM bacteria to produce aspartame in their US production plants. The end result is a fusion between two of the largest health hazards to ever hit the food industry -- artificial sweeteners and an array of genetically altered organisms. Both have led to large-scale debate, with aspartame being the subject of multiple congressional hearings and scientific criticism. Scientists and health advocates are not the only ones to speak out against aspartame, however. The FDA received a flurry of complaints from consumers using NutraSweet, a product containing aspartame. Since 1992, the FDA has stopped documenting reports on the subject.
1999年的調查發現孟山都 - 世界上最大的生物技術公司,經常在美國的生產工廠使用轉基因細菌去生產阿斯巴甜。最終的結果是有史以來打擊食品工業中兩種最大的健康危害的融合 - 人工甜味劑和一系列的轉基因生物。兩者都已導致大規模的辯論,以阿斯巴甜作為多個國會聽證會和科學批評的主題,然而,科學家和健康鼓吹者不是唯一說出針對阿斯巴甜的話。美國食品藥物管理局收到來自使用紐特(一種含有阿斯巴甜的產品)的消費者的混亂投訴。自1992年以來,FDA已經停止記錄該主題的報告。
The process in which aspartame is created involves combining an amino acid known as phenylalanine with aspartic acid. First synthesized in 1965, aspartame requires bacteria for the sole purpose of producing phenylalanine. Monsanto discovered that through genetically altering this bacteria, phenylalanine could be created much more quickly. In the report by The Independent, Monsanto openly admitted that their mutated bacteria is a staple in the creation process of aspartame.
"We have two strains of bacteria - one is traditionally modified and one is genetically modified," said the source from Monsanto. "It's got a modified enzyme. It has one amino acid different."
Multiple studies have been conducted regarding genetic manipulation, with many grim conclusions. One study found that the more GM corn was fed to mice, the fewer babies they had. Another study, published in the International Journal of Biological Sciences, found that the organs that typically respond to chemical food poisoning were the first to encounter problems after subjects consumed GM foods. The same study also states that GM foods should not be commercialized.
"For the first time in the world, we've proven that GMO are neither sufficiently healthy nor proper to be commercialized. [...] Each time, for all three GMOs, the kidneys and liver, which are the main organs that react to a chemical food poisoning, had problems," indicated Gilles-Eric Seralini, an expert member of the Commission for Biotechnology Reevaluation.
Consumer groups are now curious as to whether or not other products secretly contain genetically modified ingredients. Due to the fact that the finished product`s DNA does not change when using genetically modified bacteria, it is hard to know for sure. With the FDA ruling against the labeling of GM salmon, it is becoming more of a challenge to determine whether or not a product contains GM ingredients. Consumers are voicing their opposition for GM ingredients going incognito, with the largest growing retail brand being GMO-free products.
"The public wants to know and the public has a right to know," said Marion Nestle, a professor in the Nutrition, Food Studies and Public Health Department at New York University.
Unveiling the secret process in which aspartame is created acts as yet another reminder to stay away from artificial sweeteners, and one should choose natural alternatives such as palm sugar, xylitol, or stevia.
[Editor`s Note: NaturalNews is strongly against the use of all forms of animal testing. We fully support implementation of humane medical experimentation that promotes the health and wellbeing of all living creatures.]
Sources: (PDF)
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