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Biological Terror on 12th Jan 2010?
Topic started on 4-1-2010 @ 04:16 PM by jameshawkings
Will there be a major terror attack on Tuesday 12th January 2010? Let's consider:
All the signs are that the next major false flag attack is near. Almost all the Swine Flu vaccines have arrived in Europe and the US, yet it's classified by the EU as a Biological Weapon. Not many people have received it or want to receive it. Swine Flu is calming down and is known to be a mild flu (apart from in the morbidly obese i.e. over 40 BMI)
We're constantly being warned of a coming biological attack, there are imminent bio-attack drills in USA and Israel, you can even sign up to bio-attack training courses.
What will be the catalyst to force this weaponized jab upon us? When will it happen?
There are various key points to consider. The people who want to attack Iran (and other oil rich nations) are also the same people who want you to be injected with the vaccine (bioweapon). To kill two birds with one stone it's best for them to tie the two things together i.e. the fictional Al Qaeda will release the bird flu virus (or a worse one). Remember the generous pharmaceuticals had the foresight to throw in free bird flu immunity with the swine flu vaccine; buy one get one free. Do you think they are really have such a generous nature?
As for when it will happen, you may already be aware that all the biggest terror attacks happen on dates that are also emergency phone numbers. Let's take a look:-
至於它會何時發生,你可能已經覺察到,所有最大的恐怖襲擊,發生的日期亦是緊急電話號碼,讓我們來看一看: -
911 New York - Tuesday 11th September 2001
311 Madrid - Thursday 11th March 2004
77 London - Thursday 7th July 2005
911 is the US emergency helpline
311 is the US urgent helpline (non life threatening incidents)
77 In many states #77 gets you through directly to police
One of the biggest and most important emergency numbers that hasn't been used as a fake terror date yet is the number of the European Union, it works over all European Union countries. This number is 112. They advertise it as SOS 112. In date form this can be January 12th.
If there is an false flag attack on January 12th and they start trying to scare us into receiving the toxic vaccine, the most important thing is to remain calm and not to believe what's on the TV or in the papers; the vaccine will be the true killer. It's possible Obama will take the Internet down too, he will claim that he had to do this because of a cyber attack from the Iranian Cyber Army. In reality humanity is seen as the enemy so our communications will be taken down; this war is a war of information.
For those who don't know why this is happening, it's all part of a World Takeover from Rockefeller and Co; the citizens of the powerful democracies are being poisoned so as we cannot resist a communist world takeover by the UN.
Biological Terror on 12th Jan 2010?
Topic started on 4-1-2010 @ 04:16 PM by jameshawkings
Will there be a major terror attack on Tuesday 12th January 2010? Let's consider:
All the signs are that the next major false flag attack is near. Almost all the Swine Flu vaccines have arrived in Europe and the US, yet it's classified by the EU as a Biological Weapon. Not many people have received it or want to receive it. Swine Flu is calming down and is known to be a mild flu (apart from in the morbidly obese i.e. over 40 BMI)
We're constantly being warned of a coming biological attack, there are imminent bio-attack drills in USA and Israel, you can even sign up to bio-attack training courses.
What will be the catalyst to force this weaponized jab upon us? When will it happen?
There are various key points to consider. The people who want to attack Iran (and other oil rich nations) are also the same people who want you to be injected with the vaccine (bioweapon). To kill two birds with one stone it's best for them to tie the two things together i.e. the fictional Al Qaeda will release the bird flu virus (or a worse one). Remember the generous pharmaceuticals had the foresight to throw in free bird flu immunity with the swine flu vaccine; buy one get one free. Do you think they are really have such a generous nature?
As for when it will happen, you may already be aware that all the biggest terror attacks happen on dates that are also emergency phone numbers. Let's take a look:-
至於它會何時發生,你可能已經覺察到,所有最大的恐怖襲擊,發生的日期亦是緊急電話號碼,讓我們來看一看: -
911 New York - Tuesday 11th September 2001
311 Madrid - Thursday 11th March 2004
77 London - Thursday 7th July 2005
911 is the US emergency helpline
311 is the US urgent helpline (non life threatening incidents)
77 In many states #77 gets you through directly to police
One of the biggest and most important emergency numbers that hasn't been used as a fake terror date yet is the number of the European Union, it works over all European Union countries. This number is 112. They advertise it as SOS 112. In date form this can be January 12th.
If there is an false flag attack on January 12th and they start trying to scare us into receiving the toxic vaccine, the most important thing is to remain calm and not to believe what's on the TV or in the papers; the vaccine will be the true killer. It's possible Obama will take the Internet down too, he will claim that he had to do this because of a cyber attack from the Iranian Cyber Army. In reality humanity is seen as the enemy so our communications will be taken down; this war is a war of information.
For those who don't know why this is happening, it's all part of a World Takeover from Rockefeller and Co; the citizens of the powerful democracies are being poisoned so as we cannot resist a communist world takeover by the UN.
歐洲緊急電話 112 現在所有歐盟成員國 採用
European emergency number 112 now works in all EU Member States
Brussels, 15 December 2008
1 則留言:
可能是廢的 /___\
成報 2009-12-27
A02 | 要聞
2001 年9 月11 日:9.11 恐怖襲擊
紐約和華盛頓超過3000 人死亡
1985 年6 月23 日:印航炸彈恐怖襲擊
印度航空182 號班機波音747-237B型客機在愛爾蘭以南的大西洋中爆炸329 人罹難
1993 年3 月12 日:印度連環爆炸案
孟買連續發生13 宗炸彈襲擊300 人死亡
1988 年12 月21 日:泛美103 航班爆炸案
一枚炸彈在美航103 班機上在洛克比上空被引爆機上259 人和地面11 人遇難
1998 年8 月7 日:美國大使館爆炸案
基地組織用炸彈襲擊了美國在肯尼亞首都內羅畢和坦桑尼亞港口城市達累斯薩拉姆的大使館253 人死亡
2002 年10 月12 日:峇厘島連環爆炸案
峇厘島發生兩宗炸彈爆炸202 人死亡
2004 年3 月11 日:馬德里地鐵連環爆炸案
馬德里200 人死、1500 多人傷
1995 年4 月19 日:俄克拉荷馬州爆炸案
美國俄克拉何馬州169 人遇難
1996 年11 月23 日:埃塞阿比亞民航班機空難
劫持者強迫一架埃塞阿比亞民航班機衝進印度洋127 人喪命
1999 年9 月13 日:莫斯科爆炸案
一枚威力強勁的炸彈將莫斯科的一個居民區摧毀118 人死