The decision does not involve any new disbursement by the IMF.
IMF agrees to Ukraine's request to use up to $2 billion
Today at 11:07 Interfax-Ukraine Washington, December 31 (Interfax) -
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has agreed to modify Ukraine's performance criterion on Net International Reserves (NIR) to lower the NIR floor as of the end of December by about $2 billion to help the country honor its external financial obligations, Max Alier, the IMF resident representative for Ukraine, said in a statement.
"On Dec. 30, 2009, the IMF Executive Board agreed to the government's request to modify the performance criterion on Net International Reserves (NIR), as specified in the current Stand-By Arrangement, to lower the end-December NIR floor by about $2 billion," Alier said in his statement.
"This important step will enable the Ukrainian authorities to use existing resources to make external payments due - including gas payments - within the framework of Ukraine's program with the Fund," Alier said.
The IMF mission has been continuing to work with the Ukrainian authorities over the holiday period on a range of outstanding issues, he said.
"The IMF continues to discuss, within the context of formulating a 2010 budget, how to ensure that the Ukrainian economy is placed on a sustainable growth path and, particularly, that the most vulnerable groups in society will be protected," Alier said.
"Agreement with the authorities on a 2010 budget, with the assurance of broad political support, would provide the basis for renewed progress and a resumption of disbursements under the Fund-supported program," the statement says.

IMF Agrees Lower By USD 2 Billion Ukraine's NIR Performance Criterion
(09:38, Thursday, December 31, 2009)
Ukrainian News Agency
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) agreed to lower by USD 2 billion Ukraine's NIR performance criterion, the Fund has announced in a statement.
"On December 30, 2009, the IMF Executive Board agreed to the government's request to modify the performance criterion on Net International Reserves (NIR), as specified in the current Stand-By Arrangement, to lower the end-December NIR floor by about USD 2 billion," the statement reads.
The Fund also says that this important step will enable the Ukrainian authorities to use existing resources to make external payments due - including gas payments - within the framework of Ukraine's program with the Fund. It does not involve any new disbursement by the IMF.
As Ukrainian News earlier reported, the International Monetary Fund in September projected the National Bank of Ukraine monetary gold reserves at USD 30 billion by the end of 2009.
This forecast is better than that of the previous revision of the Ukraine-IMF cooperation programme (then the amount of these reserves was estimated at USD 29.311 billion).
So, the IMF experts suppose that for September-December 2009 the NBU monetary gold reserves will grow by USD 1.129 billion from USD 28.871 billion (as of August 31) to USD 30 billion.
The fund estimates the NBU Net International Reserves at USD 31.024 billion by the end of 2010, USD 31.794 billion by the end of 2011, USD 33.790 billion by the end of 2012, USD 32.071 billion by the end of 2013, USD 33.257 billion by the end of 2014.