當網民試圖登錄百度首頁時,會出現一段英文,大意是「這個網頁已經被伊朗網軍(IRANIAN CYBER ARMY)黑了」。
據報道,這個伊朗網軍IRANIAN CYBER ARMY曾在去年12月攻擊過美國Twitter官方網站,手法和攻擊百度的相同。
(明報)2010年1月12日 星期二 19:45
新華社稱,百度公司表示,百度網站出現登入故,原因是百度網站(www.baidu.com)的域名在美國域名註冊商處被非法篡改。公司正在積極處理,用戶可改由「www.baidu.com.cn」登入。 目前,百度網站已恢復正常。
當網友早上登入百度時,一幅百度主頁被黑的截圖出現,並有伊朗國旗和伊朗網軍(iran cyber army)字樣。有西方媒體猜測是伊朗網軍對百度的攻擊,但有中國專家對此說法相對存疑。
當網民試圖登錄百度首頁時,會出現一段英文,大意是「這個網頁已經被伊朗網軍(IRANIAN CYBER ARMY)黑了」。
據報道,這個伊朗網軍IRANIAN CYBER ARMY曾在去年12月攻擊過美國Twitter官方網站,手法和攻擊百度的相同。
(明報)2010年1月12日 星期二 19:45
新華社稱,百度公司表示,百度網站出現登入故,原因是百度網站(www.baidu.com)的域名在美國域名註冊商處被非法篡改。公司正在積極處理,用戶可改由「www.baidu.com.cn」登入。 目前,百度網站已恢復正常。
當網友早上登入百度時,一幅百度主頁被黑的截圖出現,並有伊朗國旗和伊朗網軍(iran cyber army)字樣。有西方媒體猜測是伊朗網軍對百度的攻擊,但有中國專家對此說法相對存疑。

The popular microblogging site Twitter was briefly shut down after a group apparently calling themselves the Iranian Cyber Army launched attack on the
Visitors to the site found that Twitter's homepage had been replaced by a page showing a green flag under red text reading "This site has been hacked by Iranian Cyber Army."
The website's official blog acknowledged the disruption on Friday, but gave no details as to how the site had been been hacked and who had carried out the attack.
Biz Stone, the site’s co-founder, wrote on the blog: "As we tweeted a bit ago, Twitter's DNS [Domain Name Service] records were temporarily compromised tonight but have now been fixed."
"We will update with more information and details once we've investigated more fully," he said.
Technology blogs including TechCrunch said Twitter went down around 06:00 GMT for about an hour.
Internet control
Screengrabs posted on the Flickr photosharing site showed text on the Iranian Cyber Army's replacement page which seemed to criticise reported efforts by the US state department to influence Twitter to postpone maintenance work during recent protests against the Tehran government.
"USA think they controlling and managing internet by their access [sic], but they don't, we control and manage internet by our power," the text said.
"Now which country in embargo list? Iran? USA? We push them in embargo list. Take care," it read.
Iranian demonstrators protesting against the results of June presidential elections used Twitter extensively, both to organise marches and to release information about their movement.
Their use of the microblogging site led some to dub the action against Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the re-elected Iranian president, a "Twitter revolution" and made the Iranian election one of the top "trends" on the site this year.
Twitter 'interference'
TechCrunch reported that the disruption also affected Google searches for Twitter.
It posted a screengrab showing that searches for a time returned a result reading "This website has been hacked by Iranian Cyber Army," it said.
TechCrunch translated the text as saying that it was a reaction to Twitter's interference in the internal affairs of "my country", which it said the US authorities had ordered.
The Iranian authorities repeatedly criticised the US and its allies for "interfering" in the country's internal affairs as the mass protests took place following the disputed election.
2 則留言:
伊朗網軍是Iranian Cyber Army :)
說起來, 我不懂在這裡貼圖...
P01 | Front Page | headline | By Yan Jie Chen Limin
Hackers attack Baidu
‘Iranian Cyber Army’ says protest against ‘foreign interference’
By Yan Jie and Chen Limin
Baidu, China’s largest Internet search engine, was the target of a four-hour cyber attack yesterday, the most severe since it was established in 1999.
The company said it had restored services for most Internet users by 6 pm.
A hacker group, calling itself Iranian Cyber Army, hijacked Baidu’s home page and left a message in Farsi saying that the act was a protest against foreign involvement in Iran’s domestic politics.
The attack resembles the one that took down Twitter, the US-based microblogging service provider, last month, in which a group also calling itself Iranian Cyber Army claimed responsibility.
“It is unprecedented,” Li Yanhong, CEO and founder of Baidu, said of the incident in a forum run by the company.
In a statement yesterday, Baidu apologized to Chinese netizens for the inconvenience caused by the cyber attack.
It noted that attackers did not try to break into the servers of Baidu but attacked the domain name registrar used by Baidu, which is based in the US. “It is a new phenomenon and sounds an alarm (for online security),” it said.
At about 7:40 am, Baidu went offline and at times displayed an image consisting of Iran’s national flag, words in Farsi and a torn national flag of Israel, a result of Baidu.com being redirected to a website located in the Netherlands.
A screenshot of the defaced site showed an announcement in English that read: “This site has been hacked by Iranian Cyber Army”. The sentence below declared in Farsi the establishment of “Cyber Iran to protest the intervention of foreign and Israeli sites in our internal affairs and distribution of false news”.
The Iranian embassy in Beijing rejected any speculation that the cyber group is related to its government and warned that someone may use the attack to damage the friendly relations between China and Iran.
“We do not have any information about this group,” Mohammad Ali Ziaei, the press officer of the Iranian embassy in Beijing, said, referring to the Iranian Cyber Army.
“It surely doesn’t belong to our government,” said Ziaei. “Hacking is illegal and we condemn this illegal action,” he added.
According to Baidu, hackers ambushed the website by modifying the Domain Name System (DNS) records for the Baidu.com domain after hijacking the servers hosting these records.
Anyone equipped with the right skills could hack websites in this manner and claim to be the Iranian Cyber Army, said Liu Siyu, an engineer at Rising, a Chinese security software company.
Compared with directly infiltrating Baidu’s own heavily-armored servers, experts said this kind of cyber attack is relatively easy, because the server hosting Baidu.com’s DNS records is managed by a New York-based company, Register.com, that hosts companies other than Baidu.
The hackers are believed to have broken through Baidu’s account at Register.com and gained access to alter Baidu’s DNS records, redirecting visitors to another server, apparently the same tactics used to knock Twitter offline last year.
Records at Register.com show that Baidu has been using the company’s services since October 1999, when the search engine provider was established.
Wang Xing contributed to the story
文章編號: 201001135301984
Source: WiseLearning/ WiseSearch
我試咗啦,貼唔到圖;小天使我就瞓,你慢慢玩,thanks for your effort!