MUFON: Invading ET/Alien fleet detected near Saturn?
Topic started on 16-1-2010 @ 03:08 AM by Imagir
What to think about these declarations brought back from the MUFON? It is possible to verify the presence of these presumed objects in the orbit of Saturn and approach to the Earth?
Can some astronomer verify if, on these RA/Dec coordinates, there are anomalous presences of objects not identified?

A confirm of previous announce?
MUFON Report: Very large Mothership or planetary 20-mile structure coming in 18 degrees RA of Neptun
MUFON報告:非常大的母艦或20英里行星性的構造在海皇星18度RA來緊MUFON Report: Very large Mothership or planetary 20-mile structure coming in 18 degrees RA of Neptun
I think that there is urgent need of astronomers!!
“It avails little if you laugh. The words of Mr. Alex Collier of 20-mile ship at 1.5 mln miles off South Pole were proved by a strange craft recorded on WWT and before January 1st. (together with some smaller objects). After New Year's Day (exact day unknown)were recorded additional several big objects and smaller ones, again on both WWT and sky-map. Google sky does not support the polar regions anyway. below are the coordinates, starting with the first object. I am attaching some more impressive photos. You would do better to download WWT worldwide online telescope and to continue monitoring the South pole region for newly appeared objects. There is nothing good in those ships, if you go thru all the ET stuff on Project Camelot. Most likely they are from either Orion or Draco empires, both reptiles and hostile. The human-looking Pleiadians and Andromedans seem still do not intervene and are somewhere beyond Mars, most probably in Saturn system. For more, check Project Camelot.”
Coordinates RA, Dec
19 25 12, -89 46 03 - first big object recorded
16 19 35, -88 43 10 - cylindrical object
02 26 39, -89 43 13 - circular
08 50 47, -89 38 09 - curved
14 38 50, -88 40 42 - curved
14 59 06, -88 21 24 - curved
23 13 00, -88 53 11 - curved
19 26 51, -88 42 38 - cylindrical, looking like ship with traces
Alex Collier's statements of 3 different objects:
1. Cassini project classified, because of all the mothership activity filmed in Saturn system.
2. a 1.5 mln miles off the South pole a 20 mile craft that is sat in a stationary. NASA and other organizations telescopes have been monitoring it for 8 months, they watch its trajectory to us. It is now
stationary and are craft going in and out of this 20-mile structure.
3. very large planetary structure coming in 18 degrees RA of Neptune's orbit. it should be visible sometimes next year.
“It avails little if you laugh. The words of Mr. Alex Collier of 20-mile ship at 1.5 mln miles off South Pole were proved by a strange craft recorded on WWT and before January 1st. (together with some smaller objects). After New Year's Day (exact day unknown)were recorded additional several big objects and smaller ones, again on both WWT and sky-map. Google sky does not support the polar regions anyway. below are the coordinates, starting with the first object. I am attaching some more impressive photos. You would do better to download WWT worldwide online telescope and to continue monitoring the South pole region for newly appeared objects. There is nothing good in those ships, if you go thru all the ET stuff on Project Camelot. Most likely they are from either Orion or Draco empires, both reptiles and hostile. The human-looking Pleiadians and Andromedans seem still do not intervene and are somewhere beyond Mars, most probably in Saturn system. For more, check Project Camelot.”
Coordinates RA, Dec
19 25 12, -89 46 03 - first big object recorded
16 19 35, -88 43 10 - cylindrical object
02 26 39, -89 43 13 - circular
08 50 47, -89 38 09 - curved
14 38 50, -88 40 42 - curved
14 59 06, -88 21 24 - curved
23 13 00, -88 53 11 - curved
19 26 51, -88 42 38 - cylindrical, looking like ship with traces
Alex Collier's statements of 3 different objects:
1. Cassini project classified, because of all the mothership activity filmed in Saturn system.
2. a 1.5 mln miles off the South pole a 20 mile craft that is sat in a stationary. NASA and other organizations telescopes have been monitoring it for 8 months, they watch its trajectory to us. It is now
stationary and are craft going in and out of this 20-mile structure.
3. very large planetary structure coming in 18 degrees RA of Neptune's orbit. it should be visible sometimes next year.
A strange elongated object near one of the rings
In-transit Unidentified Flying Objects near the Rings of Saturn By Lunar Explorer Italia
INCREDIBLE FLYING OBJECTS approaching our PLANET. You watch and decide.