


20 reasons Global Debt Time Bomb explodes soon

述評:那一扳機將點着大蕭條 II?
Commentary: Which trigger will ignite the Great Depression II?

Feb. 2, 2010, 12:01 a.m. EST
By Paul B. Farrell, MarketWatch

ARROYO GRANDE, Calif. (MarketWatch) -- Retire? You can fuggetaboutit if the new Global Debt Time Bomb is detonated by any one of 20 made-in-America trigger mechanisms.

Yes, 20. And yes, any one can destroy your retirement because all 20 are inexorably linked, a house-of-cards, a circular firing squad destined to self-destruct, triggering the third great Wall Street meltdown of the 21st century, igniting the Great Depression II that George W. Bush, Ben Bernanke, Henry Paulson and now President Obama have simply delayed with their endless knee-jerk, debt-laden wars, stimulus bonanzas and bailouts.

Wow, what an epic Hollywood blockbuster this will make: You know the drama, can't miss the warnings. The financial press is flooding us with plot lines ... a Forbes cover story focuses on a "Global Debt Bomb: How It Could Wreck Your Life" ... Leaders at the World Economic Forum on Swiss Mt. Davos fear another global meltdown will trigger mass rebellions ... The Economist calls the plot a "Global Asset Bubble," with cheap money fast driving up asset prices.

Plus, Bloomberg BusinessWeek is adding jet fuel to the ticking time-bomb in: "After the Stimulus Binge, a Debt Hangover: Trillions of dollars have been spent keeping the global economy afloat. But now fears about the Great Recession are giving way to worries about something else: The Great Reckoning" when massive debts come due. Then the debt bomb explodes "and the results won't be pretty for investors or elected officials."

Forbes discovered the trigger mechanism in "This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly," by economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff: The "90% ratio of government debt to GDP is a tipping point in economic growth." For 800 years "you increase it over and beyond a high threshold, and boom!" Well guess what? "The U.S. government-debt-to-GDP ratio is 84%." Soon, Ka-Booom! Depression. Kiss your retirement goodbye.

Who knows? Forbes? Bloomberg BusinessWeek? The Economist? Davos-World Economic Forum? True, they're all looking at the same plot line for a Hollywood blockbuster about the "Global Debt Time Bomb."

But the financial press navigates in a fog. There's not just one, but many triggers, all linked in a lethal network. We've reported on it for years. Now you tell us: What triggers this firestorm?

調查:20項大規模殺傷性經濟武器 引爆全球債務計時炸彈
Poll: 20 economic weapons of mass destruction triggering ticking Global Debt Time Bom

1. 聯邦預算赤字炸彈 Federal Budget Deficit Bomb. The Bush/Cheney wars pushed America deep into a debt hole. Federal debt limit was just raised almost 100% with Obama's 2010 budget, to $14.3 trillion vs. $7.8 trillion in 2005. The Congressional Budget Office predicts future deficits around 4% through 2020. Get it? America's debt at 84% of GDP will soon pass that toxic 90% trigger point.

2. 美國外貿炸彈 U.S. Foreign Trade Bomb. Monthly deficits actually dropped from $50 billion per month to roughly $35 billion. But the total continues climbing as $400 billion is added each year. Foreigners now own $2.5 trillion of America, with China holding over $1.3 trillion in Treasury debt.

3. 疲弱美元作為外匯儲備炸彈 Weakening U.S. Dollar as Foreign Reserve Currency Bomb. Fear China and other currencies will replace dollar as main foreign reserves. The dollar's fallen: The main index measuring dollar strength has gone from 120 at the Clinton-to-Bush handoff to below 80 today.

4. 平價銀彈:信用評級下降,利率升高 Cheap Money Bomb: Credit Ratings Down, Rates Up. Economists at S&P, Fitch and Moody's were totally co-conspirators of Fat Cat Bankers, misleading investors before meltdown: Soon, debt up, ratings down, interest rates soar.

5. 全球房地產炸彈 Global Real Estate Bomb. Dubai Tower, new "world's tallest building" is empty. BusinessWeek warns that China's housing collapse could be worse than America's. Plus the U.S. commercial real estate bubble is now $1.7 trillion, a "ticking time bomb" bloating 25% of bank balance sheets.

6. 石油與人口峰值炸彈 Peak Oil and the Population Bomb. China and India each need 500 new cities. The United Nations estimates world population exploding 50% from 6 billion to 9 billion by 2050: Three billion more humans demanding more automobiles, exhausting more resources to feed their version of the gas-guzzling "America Dream."

7. 社會保障炸彈 Social Security Bomb. We have no choice; eventually we must either cut benefits or raise taxes. Politicians hate both, so they'll do nothing. Delays worsen solutions. Without action, by 2035 Social Security and Medicare benefits will eat up the entire federal budget other than defense.

8. 醫療保險:核彈 Medicare: A Nuclear Bomb. Going broke faster than Social Security. Prescription drug benefit added an unfunded $8.1 trillion. In 5 years estimates rose from about $35 trillion to over $60 trillion now.

9. 健保險炸彈 Health-care Insurance Bomb. Burden increasingly shifted to employees. Costs rising faster than inflation. Recent Obamacare plan would have cost $90 billion annually, paid to Big Pharma and insurers.

10. 州和地方政府的財政預算案炸彈 State and Local Government Budget Bombs. Deficits of $110 billion in 2010, $178 billion in 2011on top of more that $450 billion in underfunded state and municipal employee pension funds.

11. 資金不足的企業退休金炸彈 Underfunded Corporate Pensions Bomb. From $60 billion surplus in 2007 to $409 billion deficit in 2009. And a whopping 92% of the pension plans of companies are now underfunded. Defaults are guaranteed by taxpayers.

12. 消費者債務炸彈 Consumer Debt Bomb. Americans are still living beyond their means. Even with a downturn, consumer debt rose from about $2.3 to $2.5 trillion. Fat Cat Bankers love it -- yes love making matters worse by gouging cardholders and mortgagees, blocking help in foreclosures and bankruptcies.

13. 個人儲蓄炸彈 Personal Savings Bomb. Before the 2008 meltdown savings rate dropped from about 10% in the early 1980s to below zero. Now it's increasing, slowing retail recovery. Today, government's the big "unsaver."

14. 戰爭和軍事防禦赤字 War and Military Defense Deficits. Costs of Iraq and Afghanistan wars -- $200+ billion annually, $3 trillion minimum, with massive long-term costs for veteran medical care, equipment renewal, recruitment.

15. 國土不安全炸彈 Homeland Insecurity Bomb. Security at airports, seaports, borders, vulnerable chemical plants all increase budgets.

16. 聯儲 /財政部緊急救助炸彈 Fed/Treasury Bailout Bombs. Tax credits, loans, cash and purchase of toxic assets from Wall Street banks estimated at $23.7 trillion as new debt was shifted from too-big-to-fail Fat-Cat banks to taxpayers.

17. 貪得無厭華盛頓說客炸彈 Insatiable Washington Lobbyists Bombs. Paulson, Goldman, Geithner, Morgan and Wall Street banks, through their lobbyists and former employees working inside now have absolute power over government spending. Democracy and voters are now irrelevant in America's new corporate-socialism.

18. 影子銀行:衍生物炸彈 Shadow Banking: The Derivatives Bomb. Wall Street wants no regulation of this $670 trillion, high-risk, out-of-control casino that's highly leveraged versus the $50 trillion total GDP of all nations. We forget that derivatives almost destroyed global economies in 2008-09, finally will by 2012.

19. 兩黨政治的功能失調炸彈 Dysfunctional Two-Party Political Bomb. Polarized partisanship increasing: Every day both parties show zero interest in cooperating for the public good. Instead they fight viciously, resisting everything and anything proposed by opponents. Only goal: Score political points, make the other side look bad.

20. 來臨的人口眾多的叛亂炸彈 The Coming Populous Rebellion Bombs。. Nobody trusts anyone in authority. For good reason. So immediate gratification, short-term betting and a lack of long-term perspective wins for individual investors, consumers and taxpayers as well as Washington, Wall Street and Corporate America CEOs. Today: "Doing what's right for the common good and country" is just empty political rhetoric.

Forbes. The Economist. Davos-World Economic Forum. Bloomberg BusinessWeek. All one voice, one loud, lonely chorus echoing that famous Beatles tune: "Head in a cloud ... The fool on the hill, sees the sun going down ... a thousand voices talking perfectly loud. But nobody ever hears him, or the sound he appears to make ... And the eyes in his head, see the world spinning 'round ...ooh, round and round and round."

Historians and behavioral economists tell us most investors are blind optimists. Investors cannot see bubbles from inside their bubble. Nor Fat Cat Bankers from inside their mega-bonus-bubble. Nor politicians from inside the beltway bubble.

Why? The optimist's brain filters out bad news. They know their dreams of prosperity will come true. Then, when they finally do see that the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train, it's always too late.

I will say it again, gently: A new meltdown is coming. The Great Depression II is coming, soon. And yet, I know your mental filters are working, blocking warnings of a bomb. I can even hear you calling me "the fool on the hill who sees the sun going down, the world spinning round" ... sees you kissing your retirement goodbye.

我將輕輕地再說一遍:新的危機即將到來,大蕭條II在來臨中 - 很快。然而我知道你的精神過濾器正在工作,隔阻一個炸彈的警告。我什至能聽到你叫我“山上的蠢材在看着太陽下降、世界氹氹轉”...見你在吻別你的退休。


(明報)2010年2月6日 星期六 05:10

美元成避風港 歐元受壓





《紐約時報》專欄作家諾里斯(Floyd Norris)認為,問題的核心是歐洲各國不願真正統一或分開,只想在經濟上統一,但保持各國決策獨立。諾里斯質疑,若歐盟大國真的拯救PIIGS,PIIGS要放棄多少政策主權?諾里斯亦質疑德國會否出手相救,因東西德統一時,西德人亦不願拯救東德人。若歐洲央行不出手拯救只有兩個結果:一是希臘宣布破產,二是希臘退出歐盟。這兩個結果都會對歐盟、歐元和全球經濟帶來極大震盪。


希臘爆工潮減赤路難行 葡萄牙國會向緊縮經濟說不
(明報)2010年2月6日 星期六 05:10
【明報專訊】歐洲債務危機惡化,減赤已成當前要務,但身處危機中心的希臘 和葡萄牙 卻因為國內政治壓力,在大幅減赤上舉步為艱。希臘政府大幅削減開支計劃,掀起了全國罷工浪潮;葡萄牙國會昨晚更向政府的緊縮經濟計劃說不,通過一項允許地方自治區自由運用財政權的議案,都令市場擔心兩國減赤措施將遇極大阻力。

希臘目前內外交困,既要應付投資者和歐盟 要求減赤的壓力,又要平息工人和公務員對政府大減開支的怒火。希臘政府去年財赤佔GDP比例高達12.7%,為確保將此比例降至3%或以下的水平,以符合歐盟的標準,希臘總理帕潘德里歐(George Papandreou)宣布凍結公務員薪酬、上調退休年齡和增加汽油稅。



捲入債務風暴的西班牙 昨公布,去年第4季GDP收縮0.1%,仍未走出衰退。西班牙政府上周宣布,去年政府財赤佔GDP比例高達11.4%,比歐盟要求的3%上限,高出近3倍。為減赤字,該國宣布為期4年、旨在減少500億歐元支出的財政緊縮計劃。西班牙財長薩加多(Elena Salgado)聲稱,該國與希臘不同,其債務問題不會對歐元區構成風險。

紐約 梅隆銀行高級貨幣分析師德里克(Simon Derrick)說﹕「至今希臘還未回答關鍵問題,那就是,在資本市場不領情下,支持希臘和葡萄牙等財困國家的錢從哪裏來?」他認為,德國 不願帶頭領導拯救,最有可能的是國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)出手。IMF曾表示已準備好出手拯救。


1 則留言:

JIMillim 說...

歐洲債務危機「發豬瘟」 歐盟愛理不理