


哥斯達黎加遭受大量的噴灑拖曳 在“選舉”當天和大眾豬流感疫苗接種運動前,報告哥迪婭卡爾沃
Costa Rica suffers massive chemtrail spraying on day of "elections" and ahead of mass swine flu vaccination campaign, reports Claudia Calvo

Tuesday, 09 February 2010 11:00
News - Highlighted News
Feb 8, 2010.

Yesterday was Election Day in Costa Rica. February is an extremely dry month, in the heart of the dry season, and it had been very sunny in San José for close to a month, without any strong wind to bring us clouds from the Continental Divide: the weather was clear all over. Yet on the 6, we had a massive chemtrail spraying all over the Central Valley (where most Costaricans live). All morning long, planes were making a crisscross grid of “cloud” lines, and when a friend called me to warn me, it was already high noon, with a tremendous Sun. We filmed them with a cell phone, and even with the huge amount of light… they still came out pretty impressive. The pictures and video are of the sky in Curridabat, (east of San José) at 12 noon for the many twisted trails, and at 12.35 for the one in a straight line, over in the south. (We couldn’t catch the plane, unfortunately, since the area is highly populated and it was too low on the horizon to see it through the roofs.)
昨天是哥斯達黎加的選舉日, 在旱季的心臟,2月是一個非常乾燥的月份,在聖何塞接近一個月它己非常陽光,沒有任何強風給我們從大陸分水嶺帶來雲層:各地的天氣是晴朗。然而在6號,我們在中央山谷(那裡大多數Costaricans居住)的上空,有一個大規模的噴灑拖曳;整個上午,飛機做出縱橫交錯的網格“雲”線。當一個朋友打電話聯絡我去警告我,那已經是有一個巨大太陽的中午,我們以手機拍下它們,和甚至有大量的光...它們仍出來得相當感人。照片和視頻是Curridabat(聖何塞的東部)的天空,在中午12時有許多扭曲的拖曳,和在 12時 35分一條直線內的一個,在南部的上空。 (不幸的是,我們無法趕上飛機,因為這個地區人口高度密集,而且它是太低的在地平線上看它經過屋頂。)
The impressive part of the thing is… by 2:30 pm, the sky (which couldn’t be bluer, except for the trails, as you can see in the pictures) had become completely overcast over the whole valley –which is about 90 km long! Election Day was totally cloudy, and in the early evening, it started to rain softly through the entire night, and into the morning until noon today (not something to expect in the Central Valley, except for October). It is still heavily overcast. Today, I went to a butterfly garden up in the mountains, where the insects were completely dazed and wouldn’t fly (great photo ops, of course, since they were happy to climb on your finger… but certainly not a normal behavior!) Birds were also flying low and chirping more than usual… and surprisingly, we found a blue-gray tanager dead at the base of a wooden pillar en the entrance of the restaurant, where it had obviously smashed into the wood. These birds are extremely familiar in central Costa Rica, like sparrows in other countries, and it isn’t normal for them to crash into obstacles: they are quite used to buildings.

The thing is, two weeks ago, our government issued a decree by which whoever they summon to be vaccinated for H1N1 -HAS to go mandatorily, and will be forced to comply, by the police if necessary (they have not enforced that part yet, as many people have politely declined the shot). We are just hoping (knowing what happened in the Ukraine last year) that they didn’t spray something that affected more than butterflies, birds and clouds on Saturday… because the officialist party won the elections, meaning our health policies will not change one bit.

Which is why, very respectfully, we would like to let you know about it in advance, so -just in case the Health Minister comes up with the notion that “Swineflu is really deadly, do you see now why we must vaccinate all of you?”… We can answer straight on, and with enough proof for a good time in advance that: “Maybe it is, after all… assuming pigs ride airplanes”.

Thank you for your attention, and wish us luck.
Claudia Calvo, Curridabat, Costa Rica.

