


Poland to hold EU Presidency in 2011: death of elite will impact on policies
Monday, 12 April 2010 13:22


On 1 July 2011, Poland will hold the Presidency in the Council of the European Union. We have two years left to prepare for the Polish Presidency and to efficiently carry out the tasks entrusted to us. The first steps have been taken: on 15 July 2008 the Council of Ministers adopted a regulation on the Government Plenipotentiary for the Preparation of Governmental Administrative Bodies and the Republic of Poland's Presidency of the EU Council. On 13 January 2009 the Programme of the preparations for the Presidency in the EU Council was adopted as a result of the Government Plenipotentiary and his team's work, and with the involvement of ministries and offices.
在2011年7月1日,波蘭將在歐洲聯盟委員會中負責主席國。我們只剩兩年準備波蘭總統並有效執行交給我們的任務。頭幾步已採取措施:2008年7月15日部長理事會通過了一項條例,對政府全權代表準備政府的行政機構,和波蘭共和國的歐盟理事會主席國。 在2009年1月13日,歐盟輪值主席國的籌備計劃已被採納,由於政府的全權代表結果和他的團隊工作,及有各部委的參與。

What is the Presidency

Every six months a different member state of the European Union holds the Presidency presiding over the work of the Council of the European Union. At the same time the state holding the Presidency becomes the host of most of the Union's events and plays a key role in all the fields of activity of the European Union. It is responsible for the organization of EU meetings, sets the Union's political direction and ensures its development, integration and security.
From 1 July 2011 Poland will hold the Presidency in the Council of the European Union.
每6個月一個不同的歐洲聯盟會員國負責主席國,主持歐洲聯盟委員會的工作。同時,輪值主席的國家成為歐盟大部分活動的主人,和飾演關鍵角色在所有歐洲聯盟的活動領域。它負責組織歐盟會議,訂定聯盟的政治方向,和確保它的發展,集成和安全。從 2011年7月1日,波蘭將會在歐洲聯盟的委員會中握有主席國。

反對歐元和豬流感疫苗的頂層波蘭領導人 在神秘的飛機墜毀中被消滅
