Green tea prevents eye disease
Saturday, April 17, 2010
by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
(NaturalNews) Recent research out of Hong Kong is indicating that certain substances found in green tea work to penetrate eye tissue and prevent eye disease. Catechins, a type of antioxidant, are one such substance that researchers say helps to prevent ocular degeneration and oxidative stress.
Published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, the paper presented by the research team from the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at the University of Hong Kong explains how eye tissues, such as the lens and retina, actually absorb beneficial nutrients and protect the overall eye structure from disease. The paper is one of the first of its kind to illustrate this specific benefit.
The growing list of health benefits that can be derived from consuming green tea is noteworthy. It is chock full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that protect the body against a host of different ailments. Vitamins C and E, lutein and zeaxanthin, which are all present in green tea, happen to provide specific protection to the eyes against diseases like glaucoma.
For the study, scientists fed laboratory rats green tea for a period of time and later dissected and analyzed their eye tissues. They found that significant amounts of catechins had been absorbed into the rats' eyes. The retina absorbed the most gallocatechins while the aqueous humor absorbed the most epigallocatechins.
Prior to the study, researchers had only speculated about potential ocular benefits from drinking green tea. It was unknown whether or not the nutrients in green tea were actually capable of making their way through a person's system, permeating eye tissue, and offering any substantial benefit. The study has verified that green tea's components are, indeed, capable of spreading throughout the body and into the eye, offering up to 20 hours of protection.
The epigallocatechin-3-gallates (EGCG) in green tea have been shown to stop the growth of malignant cancer cells. A study conducted in China revealed that the more green tea a person drinks, the less risk he or she has of developing stomach, esophageal, prostate, pancreatic and colorectal cancers.
Green tea's catechins also help to prevent blood clots, atherosclerosis, heart disease, diabetes, stroke and dementia, and they effectively lower bad cholesterol levels.
Research seems to indicate that regular consumption of green tea offers the greatest benefits. As opposed to black tea, green tea is unfermented, which for tea means that it contains the highest level of beneficial nutrients and antioxidants.
Sources for this story include:
New evidence that green tea may help fight glaucoma and other eye diseases
February 18, 2010
科學家已證實在綠茶 -- 其強大的抗氧化與對抗疾病的潛力十分著名 -- 中找到的有益健康物質能穿透眼組織。他們的新報告 -- 第一份記載水晶體、視網膜與其他眼組織如何吸收這些物質的文獻 -- 興起了這種可能性:綠茶也許能防止青光眼(glaucoma)與其他常見眼疾。這篇論文出現在 ACS 的 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 上。
Chi Pui Pang 等人指出,所謂的綠茶「兒茶素(catechins)」已名列在一些被認為能保護眼睛之抗氧化劑當中。這些包括維生素 C、維生素 E、葉黃素(lutein)以及玉米黃素(zeaxanthin)。然而,到現在為止沒人知道綠茶中的兒茶素是否能通過胃部與消化道進入眼部組織中。
Pang 等人以喝綠茶的實驗室大鼠在實驗中解決了這種不確定性。眼組織的分析證實,眼部結構吸收了顯著數量的各種兒茶素。例如,視網膜吸收了最高濃度的沒食子兒茶素(gallocatechin),而房水(aqueous humor,房液、水樣液、水狀液)則傾向吸收表沒食子兒茶素(epigallocatechin)。綠茶兒茶素在減少眼中有害氧化壓力的效果上可持續達 20 個小時。報告下結論表示,"我們的結果指出,綠茶消耗有益於眼睛對抗氧化壓力。"
※ 相關報導:
* Green Tea Catechins and Their Oxidative Protection in the Rat Eye
New evidence that green tea may help fight glaucoma and other eye diseases
February 18, 2010

Scientists have confirmed that the healthful substances found in green tea — renowned for their powerful antioxidant and disease-fighting properties — do penetrate into tissues of the eye. Their new report, the first documenting how the lens, retina, and other eye tissues absorb these substances, raises the possibility that green tea may protect against glaucoma and other common eye diseases. It appears in ACS's Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.