Pictures of the year 2009: weird animal pictures

A six-year-old cow with six legs is seen at a zoo in Yichang in Hubei Province, China

A two-headed calf named Jennifer is seen in a stable in Rivera, Colombia

A baby elephant trapped in the manhole of a drainage ditch in Rayong province, eastern Thailand. Rescuers spent 3 hours freeing the animal, who was unharmed, by using a bulldozer to widen the hole

An albino turtle born at the Biological Reserve of Abufari, and presented by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation in Tapaua, Amazonia, Brazil

A rare white turtle which was found at the riverside of Yellow River in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China. The turtle weighs about 6.5 kg and is 40 cm long

A cat called Ugly Bat Boy is seen at his home in a veterinary clinic in New Hampshire, USA. Staff at the veterinary hospital have been forced to put up fliers saying he's perfectly normal, just unattractive

A hairy frogfish which was photographed taking a leisurely walk on the seabed in the Lembeh Straits of Sulawesi, Indonesia, by Choh Wah Ye, an engineer from Malaysia

A recently-discovered fish named 'Psychedelica' is seen in the waters off Ambon island, Indonesia. The froglike fish that bounces on the ocean floor like a rubber ball has been classified as a new species

Drivers on an Austrian expressway could not believe their eyes when they spotted a VW Golf crammed with two calves in its boot. The driver said he had converted his car especially for the purpose of transporting calves from his farm to the pasture

Dawn the monkey rides on top of Dan the border collie at the Fear No Evil Bull Riding Challenge in Houma, Louisiana

Yogi, a Russian bear from the Great World Circus in Valladolid in Spain, visits the Real Valladolid stadium, where he played a trumpet, to the delight of the players

Elvis the cockerel with veterinary nurse Katherine Cooke. The amorous bird has been left without a mate after its partner Berol had to be put to sleep after becoming exhausted by Elvis's constant demands for sex

A fish with a human face is making waves in South Korea. The 'humanoid' carp are attracting attention in the town of Chongju, where they live in a small pond. They are believed to be hybrid descendants of two carp species

A toad clings to a carp at a farm in Taitung county, Taiwan. The farm owner said the toad, which was apparently in heat, had been clinging tightly to the carp for a month despite constant struggles of the fish and the owner's attempts to pull it off

A toad clings to a carp at a farm in Taitung county, Taiwan. The farm owner said the toad, which was apparently in heat, had been clinging tightly to the carp for a month despite constant struggles of the fish and the owner's attempts to pull it off

A hungry Cuban tree frog is all lit up after swallowing a decorative tree light in West Palm Beach,
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「人面錦鯉」非常罕見,因此這條魚的身價已暴升至 4萬鎊( 47.4萬港元)。

「人面錦鯉」非常罕見,因此這條魚的身價已暴升至 4萬鎊( 47.4萬港元)。