Makarov: US anti-missile shield targets Russia
Wed, 10 Feb 2010 16:12:26 GMT
Nikolai Makarov, the chief of Russia's general staff, brushes aside Washington's statements of reassurance regarding US plans to deploy an anti-missile shield in Europe, saying the system is aimed at targeting Russia.
"The American anti-missile shield targets Russia, despite the official statements from Washington," Makarov said on Tuesday.
According to the Russian official, the development and the implementation of the defense system are actions that threaten Russia.
“It is natural that we view this very negatively, because this to some extent can weaken our missile capability,” he said.
Makarov further pointed out that the US anti-missile system undermines Russia's strategic plans irrespective of what American officials declared.
Despite efforts to improve relations that suffered a post-Cold War low during the Bush administration, Moscow and Washington failed to renew the 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) before it expired on December 5, 2009.
Washington's new plan for the defense system's deployment, originally introduced by George W. Bush, has changed the location of the system, but has done little to ease Russia's concerns that the system is a threat to the country.
"The American anti-missile shield targets Russia, despite the official statements from Washington," Makarov said on Tuesday.
According to the Russian official, the development and the implementation of the defense system are actions that threaten Russia.
“It is natural that we view this very negatively, because this to some extent can weaken our missile capability,” he said.
Makarov further pointed out that the US anti-missile system undermines Russia's strategic plans irrespective of what American officials declared.
Despite efforts to improve relations that suffered a post-Cold War low during the Bush administration, Moscow and Washington failed to renew the 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) before it expired on December 5, 2009.
Washington's new plan for the defense system's deployment, originally introduced by George W. Bush, has changed the location of the system, but has done little to ease Russia's concerns that the system is a threat to the country.
「推特」外交 俄大使嗆聲要「狠踢」美國屁股
(法新社)2010年2月11日 星期四 09:05
(法新社莫斯科 10日電) 俄羅斯 駐北大西洋公約組織(NATO)大使今天在微網誌「推特」(Twitter)推文說,若是美國 新的飛彈防禦系統針對俄國,著名的「俄國熊」將會「狠踢美國及其盟國的屁股」。
近來報導指出,俄國冷戰時期的同盟羅馬尼亞已經同意在境內部署攔截飛彈,屬於美國更新飛彈防禦系統的一部份。大使羅戈辛(Dmitry Rogozin)隨後張貼這則推文回應。