Ties between U.S. and Israel 'at their worst in 35 years' over housing row By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 4:17 PM on 15th March 2010
Relations between America and Israel have sunk to their lowest point in 35 years to derail hopes for peace in the Middle East.
Michael Oren, Israel’s ambassador to the US, dismissed attempts to play down the diplomatic rumpus.
‘Israel’s ties with the United States are in their worst crisis since 1975 – a crisis of historic proportions,’ he was quoted as telling other Israeli diplomats in a briefing from Washington.
His remarks reflect the Obama administration’s fury at Israel’s announcement last week that it was building 1,600 new homes for Jews in occupied East Jerusalem.
Hillary Clinton accused their government of 'insulting' U.S. Vice President Joe Biden during his visit to the Middle East last week.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks as he chairs the weekly cabinet meeting in his offices yesterday
The U.S. Secretary of State said the announcement during Mr Biden's visit that Israel would build new settlements in disputed East Jerusalem was 'very unfortunate'.
Defying the United States, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today rejected placing any curbs on building homes for Jews around Jerusalem.
'For the past 40 years, no Israeli government ever limited construction in the neighbourhoods of Jerusalem,' he said in a speech in parliament.
And he said the construction of homes for Jews in the city's eastern sector 'in no way' hurts Palestinians.
News of the plan wrecked Mr Biden’s first visit to the region and threatens to torpedo talks between Israel and the Palestinians.
The Obama administration, which is trying to build an international coalition to block Iran’s nuclear weapons drive, sees the renewal of the peace process as vital to securing Arab support for sanctions against Iran.
Now the Palestinians say they will boycott the talks unless Israel cancels all new building in East Jerusalem. Both sides regard the disputed city as their capital.
Observers said they could not recall the last time Israel had suffered such withering criticism from the U.S., its closest ally.
Israeli opposition leader Tzipi Livni said Netanyahu was 'a prime minister who does not know what he wants. Israel is paying for its government's failure to make decisions and will continue to pay for it.'
The vice president publicly condemned the Israeli move and the Israeli ambassador was summoned to the State Department for a dressing-down and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton went on television to describe Israel’s actions as 'insulting.'
Her spokesman said the incident had 'undermined trust and confidence in the peace process.'
'The Israeli bilateral relationship with the United States has just become much more difficult,' said Haim Malka at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.
'It is hard to remember a time when a senior U.S. official used the word "condemn" to describe the actions of any ally, let alone a close ally such as Israel.'
Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League, a liberal Jewish group with strong ties to the Democratic Party, said the American administration was guilty of 'a gross overreaction.'
'The administration should have confidence and trust in Israel whose tireless pursuit for peace is repeatedly rebuffed by the Palestinians and whose interests remain in line with the United States,' said Foxman.
The Palestinians, clearly delighted by Israel’s discomfiture, are trying to push home their advantage by demanding a complete building freeze in East Jerusalem as their price for entering the proximity talks. Israeli officials say that was never on the table.
Danny Danon, deputy speaker of the Knesset from Netanyahu’s Likud Party, accused Clinton of 'meddling in internal Israeli decisions regarding the development of our capital Jerusalem.' 'Very unfortunate': Hillary Clinton reacted angrily to news of Israel's plans for new settlement in East Jerusalem
Netanyahu is now caught between the right-wingers in his government and the need to appease the U.S. The last time he alienated the right wing in his previous coalition a decade ago, his government fell.
Meanwhile, Israel battened down the hatches to try and prevent new protests after a tense weekend in and around Jerusalem.
The moves come ahead of celebrations planned for Tuesday, when Israel will re-dedicate the Hurva, the largest synagogue in Jerusalem’s Old City which was destroyed by the Jordanians in 1948.
The army extended its closure on the West Bank, cutting off access to Israel for all but a few Palestinians, and male worshippers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem were limited to those aged over 50.
(法新社)2010年3月16日 星期二 00:20
(法新社耶路撒冷15日電) 以色列 報紙引述該國駐華府大使的話報導,以國要擴大東耶路撒冷屯墾區計畫引發一波爭端,導致以色列和主要盟邦美國 的關係,降到35年來最低點。
以色列「新消息報」(Yedioth Aharonoth)引述該國大使歐倫(Michael Oren)的發言指出:「以色列和美國的關係正面臨1975年以來最重大危機。」歐倫是知名的中東歷史學家,他上週末在電話簡報中,對派駐美國的領事如此表示。
美國於1975年呼籲以色列自當時佔領的埃及 西奈半島(Sinai Peninsula)撤出部分駐軍,引發以、美兩國關係重大危機。
美國副總統拜登(JoeBiden)上週訪問以色列,為以色列和巴勒斯坦 的間接和平談判鋪路,以色列卻選在那時宣布,當局將在東耶路撒冷興建1600棟住宅供猶太屯民居住,引發最新外交風波。
拜登、美國國務卿希拉蕊 (Hillary Clinton)以及歐巴馬的高級顧問艾克塞羅德(David Axelrod)等美國官員,猛烈抨擊以色列擴建屯墾區計畫以及宣布時機。美方指責以色列這項做法是侮辱和破壞和平努力的行徑。(譯者:中央社蔡函岑)
人民網開羅、華盛頓3月15日電 (記者李瀟、溫憲)以色列總理內塔尼亞胡15日表示,以色列將繼續在耶路撒冷等地開展猶太人定居點建設活動。他是在利庫德集團內部一次會議上作出上述表態的。在回答一名議員關於當前以色列和美國緊張關系是否會影響以政府猶太人定居點建設的提問時,內塔尼亞胡說,“(以色列)在耶路撒冷和其他地區的建設活動將會和過去42年一樣照常進行。內閣關於10個月凍結期結束后恢復定居點建設的決定沒有改變”。