Louisiana Cops Plan for “End of the World” Scenario
Kurt Nimmo
February 27, 2010
Police in Louisiana’s Bossier Parish are training for an “end of the world” scenario, according to the Shreveport Times. The program is dubbed “Operation Exodus,” inspired in part from the Book of Exodus in the Bible.
Coming to America? Egyptian cop beats a protester during a demonstration over low wages.
Parish Sheriff Larry Deen told the newspaper the “buck stops” with him. “The liability stops with Larry Deen. I am the chief law enforcement officer in this parish, and it is incumbent upon me [to] protect all of the people in it,” the officer said, referring to himself in the third person.
地方行政區警長拉里迪恩告訴報紙他的“降壓站”。 “那義務停止了 拉里迪恩。我是在這個地方行政區的執法人員主管,它是我義不容辭的責任 [去]保護內裡所有的人,“那官員說,談到自己是第三人。
Deen’s plan is to protect Bossier Parish’s vital resources, like food and gasoline, in the event of a catastrophic event, such as war or a terrorist attack. Deen said he had been thinking of the plan since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, reports Drew Pierson.
Under Deen’s plan, the police will use volunteers, supplemented with active public safety personnel, that will be dispatched to vital areas in Bossier to protect them from looters and rioters. Deen listed as examples grocery stores, gas stations, hospitals and other public meeting places.
在迪恩的計劃下,警方將使用志願人員,輔以積極的公共安全人員,他們將被派往博西爾的重要地區,去從搶劫和騷亂者保護他們。迪恩列例子如雜貨店,加油站,醫院和公共聚會場所。 Police volunteers will have access to a .50-caliber machine gun to put down looters and rioters.
警方志願者將獲得 1 .50口徑機槍,去辣低搶劫和騷亂者。
Instead of normal riot equipment such as shields and batons, the volunteers will be armed with shotguns and have access to a .50-caliber machine gun mounted on a vehicle dubbed “the war wagon.” On February 20, the volunteers were trained in hand-to-hand combat techniques.
代替正常的防暴設備如盾牌和警棍,志願者將配備武裝獵槍,並有權接近安裝在車輛 上的1 .50口徑機槍,被稱為“戰爭馬車。”在2月20日,志願者進行了肉搏戰技術培訓。
“I think every public safety agency should be prepared for disaster response,” said Sandy Davis, director of the Caddo-Bossier Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness.
In 2008, respected trends forecaster Gerald Celente predicted food riots, squatter rebellions, tax revolts and job marches by 2012. “America’s going to go through a transition the likes of which no one is prepared for,” said Celente. “It’s going to be very bleak. Very sad. And there is going to be a lot of homeless, the likes of which we have never seen before. Tent cities are already sprouting up around the country and we’re going to see many more.”
IMF boss Dominique Strauss-Kahn has also warned there will be food riots and unrest in response to what Celente calls The Greatest Depression. “Strauss-Kahn argued that government efforts to tackle the economic downturn so far have been uncertain and largely insufficient, which could lead to severe consequences,” The Guardian reported.
Warfare training drills “are taking place across the country as numerous public figures, including Senator Christopher Dodd, leading economist Nouriel Roubini, top trend researcher Gerald Celente, the head of the International Monetary Fund, the head of the World Trade Organization, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, former national security director Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Director of National Intelligence Dennis C. Blair have all warned of coming civil unrest and global instability,” Paul Joseph Watson wrote on March 2, 2009.
Fox Business: Gerald Celente Predicts Revolution
Celente predicted riots and unrest on during a Fox News broadcast in November, 2008
“Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security,” a study produced by the U.S. Army War College’s Strategic Institute predicted in late 2008. Economic collapse, terrorism and disruption of legal order could require deployment of forces within the U.S., it said.
In response to the report, state and local police in Arizona told the Phoenix Business Journal they have broad plans to deal with social unrest, including trouble resulting from economic distress. “The Phoenix Police Department is not expecting any civil unrest at this time, but we always train to prepare for any civil unrest issue. We have a Tactical Response Unit that trains continually and has deployed on many occasions for any potential civil unrest issue,” Phoenix Police spokesman Andy Hill told the newspaper on December 17, 2008.
Prior to the Super Bowl in December, 2008, Arizona police coordinated training with the Department of Homeland Security and the Pentagon’s Northern Command.
Northern Command is specifically tasked with implementing martial law under Continuity of Government. The Military Commissions Act of 2006 voided restrictions placed on the military to support civilian administration by the Posse Comitatus Act, the latter restricting the military from working with local law enforcement. In addition to the Military Commissions Act of 2006, a 1994 U.S. Defense Department Directive (DODD 3025) allows military commanders to take emergency actions in domestic situations.
The exercise held in Louisiana’s Bossier Parish is but another example that police departments and officials around the country are taking seriously the inevitability of civil unrest as the economy continues to unravel.
Unemployment in the United States is currently over 20% and a record number of people are on food stamps. The share of the unemployed who lost their jobs permanently is at its highest level since at least 1967, the first year for which the Labor Department has these numbers available, according to The New York Times.
Meanwhile, the establishment tells us the worst is over. “The mainstream economics profession is guilty of dereliction of duty. They should be telling people that this ‘recovery’ is a scam. They should be warning investors that the markets could fall apart any day,” writes Bill Bonner for The Christian Science Monitor.
“I see growing signs of desperation and anger as the wealth of this nation continues to get transferred to the elite of this nation,” notes Seeking Alpha. “People are starting to ‘lose’ it as a result. This past week’s airplane event in Austin was a disturbing development. I must admit that I really am not surprised. The government shouldn’t be either.”
The government is directly responsible for the unfolding economic catastrophe. Instead of throwing out the banksters and providing sound money, they are preparing for food riots and martial law.
The “debt based monetary system, controlled and operated by the global central banking system, of which the apex is the Bank for International Settlements, is unsustainable,” writes Andrew Gavin Marshall. “This is the real bubble, the debt bubble. When it bursts, and it will burst, the world will enter into the Greatest Depression in world history.”
Even Goldman Sachs, responsible for ransacking the economy, predicts doom. “I see nothing but large increases in the deficit,” Goldman Sachs chairman John Whitehead told Reuters way back in 2008. “I just want to get people thinking about this, and to realize this is a road to disaster. I’ve always been a positive person and optimistic, but I don’t see a solution here.”
Short of dismantling the Federal Reserve and arresting and prosecuting the bankers, there is no solution short of training police to shoot starving food rioters and declaring martial law.